THIS .ISSUE-Briargate, a "Paradise" for Drivers-Page 13 WILMETTE \'OJ.. XVI. NO. 44 Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1!2! Central Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered a8 second class matte1· March H, 1914, at the post o!Jice at Wilmette, Illinois, under tire Act of March 8, 1879. 81tbscription price U.OO a Jlear. LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS 'I WILMETTE. ILLil\ OIS, JULY 29, 1927 ,. I I .... VISTA DEL LAGO IN PRE-OPENING EVENTS Shore Club Formally Invites Members and Guests to Inaugural of Beach Unit CAMP FINE SUCCESS Girls Return From Camp Wilmette at Watervliet After Thrilling Two Quarter Century . Paul Davey, Jeweler, Is ·Donor of Beau~ Trophy for Wilmette Day W eeka of Frolicking ,. ' j ENTERTAIN TEMPLE CLUB The members of the vVilmctt<' Temple club were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charle:o; F. Kunzelman of 1417 !\'[aple avenue last Saturday and Sunday at their cottage at Lily Lake, DR. STOLP RETURNS Wis. The Temple club quartet enterDr. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 \Varwick tained by singing old sqngs, and other road, Kenihvorth, has returned to his diversions were playing cards and office at 1159 Wilmette avenue. after bathing. Mr. Kunzelman's family is spendin~ the summer at Lily lake. an absence because of illness.