WILMETTE LIFE ~ 'r; ,., , ' i!:1··.,~·. . ~· ,, I . I ~~ A Friendly Personnel Makes a Competent Bank 1 :\i TllL ABSTRAC r. ,lll banks on11c and l,_,gJl L1\\' S tl1'2 SJI11C. for ('(0!1 govern their n1cthods and prc1c~ :c.__, ,11\' bank is returns for service given, and the srr\·ice oi J bank depends upon the capJciries of the individ uals con1posing irs personnel. J ·1 he presllgr of You \vill find this Bank a plcasJnt place to do business b~· cause the individuals of its personnel constantly cndL\!\"-'H to n1akc. tor you. one big friendly scr,Ticc. Open your account here today .. THE WILMETTE STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Street "Your Ho1ne Bank"