22 WILMETTE LIFE ~ovcmher 11. 192i lllini Takea on Maroons in Dad's Day November lZ Another ~reat foothall hattie will ht.· in the lJtinois st:Hli.ll~11 thi~ Sat' urda ,. when Chicago, t radmonat roc of I the ·mini, comes ior the last home I g·amc. Saturday is Dad's Day and e]ahoratc arrang~mcnts ha,·c hec~1 made for the I 1 entertammcnt of the lathers of students who will visit the campus and watch the game. A crowd oi 60,000 is expected. Howe,·cr. tht· ltlini announce I that tickets will surely he availahlc at I t.hc gates Saturday. Illinois sttHlcnts antl alumni love to I meet Chicag-o. Since 1R92 the ~(aroons I ha,·e been almost annual anjl alwa,·s intense rh·als of Illinois on the gridiron and the game will ht· th(' thirty-second meeting in a series in which Chicag-o has triun1phed 16 t imcs. Illinois winning 12, white three were tics. Tht·rt: has heen some dispute concerning the first three games playerl. due to the clig-ihility rules or lack of ruks at that <'arh· date, but accordin~ to the rerords, Stagg has a 16 to 12 margin over the Itlini. Howe\'Cr, since Boh Zuppke has hl'cn in charge at Illinois, he has \\'Ott ci~ht and lost four with the ).laroons. two I fought 1 Award Trophies at Annual Dinner for Northwestern Golf ~I cmht·r~ t)i the ~orthwt· ~ tt:rn Coli · duh hei,J their annual hanquct at t ht.: Xorth Shore hotd. E\·;m-.ton. Thnr:"-1da\', i\'onmht·r 3. O:'_ car Schmi·lt. co~mt ,: t·onnllis:-iom:r, Chir Fxa n :-;, count~· goli architect. and John l~t·Htt·r. Jr.. :\:o~th,,·estern pro, wt:rc tht.: gut·~h of the cn:ning. After the dinner tht: championship cups for the 1927 S\.':t:-on were awanll'<l hy Pre:-.idt·nt \'oorlll·i-. to the ft·1lowin~ .. eUa.,le No Gas Pilot No Electric Ignition 1 Bllleleat Continuous Flame. Mechanical Draft Perfect Control of Oil and Air Mixture Qalet Noiseless Motor-Driven Unit winnt·rs: Tlw Cluh Championship cup, donate(l In· Triallf.dt· Sporting Goods compauy. t(; \\'a!tt·r \\'oo(h,·ard, Chicago. . Tht· Pn·sidrnt's rup. donated hy Th~_· Huh (Ct·orgc Lytt"n company 1. The prcsiflt·rH gin·:-; till' winna of this t·n·nt a :-.tH:cial cup which was wnn h~· Halph Hanlen of E\· an~ton. · Thi~ rnp n:malns the propt·rty r.i the clnh. The Speed trophy. donatt·d hy Charles F. Spet·(l. huilda (If :\:<·rth westcrn Puhlic Links, to R;,tlph Haydt·n of E\·anston. The Ladies' Championship cup, don.at('d by Th~ F'a ir . Dc:partnwnt ~t ort·. to ~Irs. }. }. ~fillig-an. · ~lany prizes were di-.trilnltt·d t' ill'1l month during the season. a:- tlu:re j, ;\ tournament ('\'en· Sa turda \' and ~tlll · da~·. These priz(·s arc aw:lnlt·<l at th·· IEeoiiOIIdcal A Saving in Fuel as High as 30% C:O.e Ia aad laapeet dab Rae Oil Banaer ~ .......... -.,u............J MciLVAINE BURNER CORPORATION 747 CUSTER AVE., EVANSTON, ILL. I . hein~ tie g-ames. The Washington Laundry is particular about our washing I was always skeptical about having our washing done in a laundrymost likely, because my Mother was-until one day a represtntative of the W 3shingtQn Laundry called. He explained the manner in which clothes were laundered in his plant. He asked that I give his work a trial~ and advised me to use the P'rim Prest service. time won. After the di-stribution nf priu" in t(·resting talks were ~in·n h~· Commi, sioncr Schmidt. Golf Architect Chic E,·ans and John Reuter. )of r. E\'ans spoke rc~ardin~ t h<' marl\; improvements that \\'ill ht.· madt· ,,jl the course during 192R to put it i1 : shape for the 1929 !\ationat Championship for Puhlic Links whidt, no doul,t. would he J>layed in Chica~o. Commissioner Schmidt a.;surc1l the · members of the Xorthwc:.tern c,.t'i rluh that they woulcl t:njo~· the priYi kg-c..· during- 1928 that tht·~· had t.·njc)n·,J in the past. He also as:-ttrt·d tht· nrt·m hcrs that many impron:ment~ would ht· made to ~he cluhhousc.: to make it u p to date itt every way. H. ~f. Bachman, chairman <·i thf' mc:mhership committn·. ~ay .. it look-. likt· a hi~ season for 192K :\ppliratinn .. are to he made U· )of r. Bachman. 12-l'l ~I aplc avenue, \\"lrnettt·. Parents Get Glimpse of New Trier Class Sessions The parents of the fn·shnwn and sophomon·s of !\ew Trit·r lligh sell·>· .1 The tr·ial convinced me. Everything was returned promptly. sweet and clean. finished as though I had personally supervised the work. Now week in and week out I receive the same satisfactory work ALSO Send us Curtains, Pillows, Quilts, Blankets, Rugs, and anything else that is washable. and service, and I couldn't begin to have the washing done at home for what it costs me. A telephone call - - Wilmette 145 - is the solution to your wa$hday problem. attt·ncled rlasst·~ with tht·ir :;on:; and daughters at the annual hig P. T .. \ t11 t· c tin g \Yeclm·sday, ~on·mht:r 2. while th<· upper cla . . smt·n ctdt)yt·d a holiday. The meeting ht·gan at 1 :-t~ o'dock and contilllll'd Ulltil 9 o\:·t~~rk . During this time rt·gular classcs Wt'fl' hdd so that .the pareut=- could set' 1!11 · inner workings of tlw sdwnl and c··ulrl han· a '-!limt>~t.· firsthand of the '\'ork tlwir childreir were doing-. After the classes tht:re was a gt.'Jlt'ral meeting in the 3uditorium. Thur:-:1la~·. !\twt·mher 17. the juniors ami seniors will escort their parents to school. ~(r. and ~frs. Mark \V. Cresap, " ·ho recenth· sold their home at 3~ F.:'st'X road. K.enitworth. l1ave hought the Drake home Otl \\" arwick road in Kenilworth, witere they expect to reside white their new home is ht·ing huilt ncar the Indian Hi11 e~tatt·!". ~~ Washington Laundty ,.,..._. tsas Awl .fiVMEJ7lW. ILL. J. C. ~( urra\', -o·U-1 Cum nor road. Kenilworth. has· ju:Ot returned irom a Phone Wilmette 145 1887. Forty. Years. of. Quality. Wotk l 92 7 ~---------------------------------------------"I Sheridan busines., trip to Huff.alo, Kcw y,)rk. and \\1 ashington. F.n route he stopped at Toronto. to visit his nwther, ~f:-:James Murray. -oMr. and Mrs. Harle\· C. Clarkt". tC\"', merlv of 118 Broadwa,· a\·c·:.ae ~la\··: !110\'ed into their new· home at 2603 road. Evanston.