November 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE -~ Enlist This Firm's Seasoned Judgment in Buying a Homesite . A plan which ma·ny North Shore home-builders have found profitable is this: To secure t\vice the L.tnd needed. To build on half of it. and hold the orhcr hatf for an increase of value. Prc'scnt North Shore v~1lucs offer you a chance to buy an attractive homesite at a price that makes it a desirable investment. But in buying. your assur ance. of sarisf action and profit is increased by con sulting a firm that has specialized in the study of real estate in this district. An experience of 4 3 years is Quinlan~ Tyson's bid fpr your confidence. During this titnc. a closrcouplcd organization has built up that covers tbr North Shore. Our headquarters receive reports on nc\v de,·rlopmenrs each districr. Our files con rain the cotnpletc real estate history of this entire region. These f acilitics arc gladly pl.:tccd at the dis posal of all our clients. t in I · ., Loch ol'a thr property nou.: liMed for sale here. and discu s.'i u.:ith us tl:-, L'alue and its prospectt. l~ead ·our neu: booklet. "In Greater Clncago \\'here to I .iL,e?" Your copy free at this office. Call. phone .or wrih). I soN CHICAGO OFFICE 4 0 N. Drarborn St. Central 0227 ESTABLISHED 1884 EVANSTON OFFICE Fount;ain Square University 2600 WINNETKA OFFICE 746 Elm St. Winnrtka 2199 for .,_. ,,,,. aptcilllilta in North Shot~ tuid~ntilll and buaintll ,.,, and r~ntlll1. Fint mortgagn. loans anti imlfltmtnr,__;nsut·nu of 1111 lfJpn.