W I L M E T T £, L I F E December 2. 1927 North Shore Line Adds $900,0()0 in New Rolling Stock 1\:{·W t·quipnu:nt and rolling --t<-ck ro:-tiug on·r ~(J()(),OOO han· ht't.'n ordt:r, ·d b\' tht· Chicago, :\orth Shon.· an<l ~1il \\:aukt·t· railroad in an ext<·n~in· }Jt· · ' g-ran1 of t'lllargiug iarilitic·~ in ; t 1 ] hranrhe s oi ib :-en·icc, ac~ordin g t., annonnCt'lllt'llt lll<t<k tllda~· h~· t!, STATE an,J }ACKSON-CI·ic··~:o ORRINGTON urul CHUI\CH-EI'IIn.ston 2 Great Boys' Shoe Values 1n Our EJ~anston Shop GIFTS frorrt "GJoster's" Buckles, Omament!l and)eweled Heels for Evening Slirpcrs arc out of the commonplac-e and :11ake delightful gifts. Heavy Elk Storm Shoes 12 in. high Sizes 1 to 6 'Jaster 'Jeo5icry Costun1c, Shorring and Evcnin~.Z Hags. Quite unusual t\'rcs in the hettcr graJcs from $750 Boxes cont::lining three paJrs of Foster Chiffon Stockings arc priced at $1125 Smale Pam ! 195 t!95 $)95 $7 . . T WO BUCKLES. moccasin vamp. srorm welted extra heavy 'The CJoster 1927 Gift GBo.X A pair of foster Boudoir Slippers of any desired color, Ostrich feather trim.11ed, with a pair of Chiffon Hose to match- ribbon 10les. 10 inches high, sizes 10 to 13·;. $5.50: 14 inches. 2·; to 6. $7 SO. 6}~ to 8. SS.SO. tied into the "open .envelope" lid. Complete $945 Norwegian "CU.oster Gifts" are attractit·cly boxed and Ribbon Tied for Christmas Calf Shoes SHOES H ARD·IO·SCUFIr.oles. $4.2S with thack, &Olid oak tanned leather Sizes 11 to 13~ ;, -Sues 1 to 6, $5. ·']8. 7oster &J Company 115 North Wabash Avenue The Drake Hotel Shop 7050 South. Shore Dtiw 519 Diversev Parkway and Evans::on