Dt·et.·tuher 2, 1927 WILMETTE LIFJ! A frlt pdlou.'. ) ) .1 0. rnat ch es a left UH'er('d tL'a . , ll' J>a,hl'l ) ) . t) 1. e rn h e I !i.'l hed u. ' 1 'h fd I rn\t..'l 1 ,, pa,td.,. I ht' frt ·n~ l> {) rJ/l f> a (> e r ..:., ~ () l T h e exquisite 9if t: a DeVilbiss perf u mi z e r $ 15. and a bottle of .. Le Golliwogg" perfume. Boys' sheep-lined black horsehide COGt $7.10. 'J.Jith 4 pockets. Sl9. 50: .. Collegiate" broadcloth shirt. $1.50: striped tie. 65: Hickok monogram buckle ·and belt, Sl. 00: novelty pajamas, $1.85: fancy "':1ool: golf ho.se. $1.95. The new boys' sectton rs laden wrth gifu that will bring Christmas joy to every North Shore youth. All the Store A Gift Store ?? · ··Dance of the Sec.Jen Veils" as caught in a pair of bronze book ends nt $1=).95. For Baby's Christmas: A downy robe, $ 4.95 : Buddy-doll, $1.95: a rattle at .65c and one at 1 9c: a rooster at 6 5c and a patr of felt .41 /ippers at $1.00. ROSENBERG'S Davis Street-- Downtou'n Evanston