~ _ llf~:~~.'?JP. ._____.__..~---~----.. 1bl! "'Chrlatlanlty'e Competlton." Su~ At I o'oloak Oil Wedlliliidu . . . . _ · ; c lifiiittii- · tt d. Jaaua..,. z· hi· 111bjeCt . .u be Willett wsn delttw_-. fburti · The Jargest crowd ever a en IDg a Holy Rltee." a theme appropriate to .Ia tile ...._ ea ·-nae ..._..... o1 ~rw:~~M~~~~== party ti·ea I.J ·the Wilmette · unit Communion Sunday. ~ ........_.. 'l'be ......,_ WID tJ frolicked and danced to exceDent muThe 8\an4ay school meeta at 9 :4&. · . aatama. the Ba411bi:" Ala: are d84. sic at · 4'Ye Olcle Haylofte" last Tues- There are cl&saee for all, and all .are Tbe You!.llf People'· elab meet. - day eveniftl. The merry-makers en- welcome. . day evenlni' at '1 :ti. IAclat refreeh._te joyed to ·the fuftest the novelty of the The Ladlee' Guild meets evel')' Monday are aerved. after whleb then Ia a brief setting and amusements offered. And at 10 o'clock for work 1n connection with PI'OCI'&Dl of devotloue. aDd au Next Sunday morntaa· at · 11 o'clock. Dr. Wlllett will preach. Ria eubJect will Mfte ft :,11~10:1 ~~,~~~~ · · . · . 11 ·Ltlltllletlc· so another Auxiliary aftair has passed the benevolence Procra.m of the orpul: o~ti=~Rh·Ue 8~~ into history as an unqualified success. atlon. Much credit is due Mrs. George Basou Wednesday evenlug at 'I :16 the School of Rellaioue Bdueatlou. Dr. Wtfsler and her ·high-power" committee for the entirely happy termination of their plans for the evening. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiijjiii ...fijijiiljiijijjijijijili~~~jiiij,ilji"~~~~r In looking over the history of this unit, we find that its destinies have been guided by five past-presidents : Mr~·. Henry Gates, now of Evanston, Mrs. Iva Jones of Glencoe, Mrs. Joseph Shantz, Mrs. L. M. Mor·e of Evanston and Mrs. Hatry Hopp. Three of these are still active members o{ the unit~ We find in the January 'B ulletin an appeal to the womanhood of the state, made by the Department presidenJ, that should strike a responsive chord in every patriotic woman in our village: ·WJa,. ue ,.. aot a _..._. of tlae Am-icaa IAPo· Atailiuy?" "If you are elig~"ble, why do you not exercise your honorable privilege? Did your husband, brother or son serve his country during the World War? Are ·you not proud -that you gave so much of yourself to the ideal of patriotism? Of course you are. You were . vitally interested when be was in the great conflict. . No one needed to urge you to do anything you could to help all the boys "Over there." And did he come back to you, safe and sound? Maybe. Do you realize that 50,000 American boys lost their lives in ·the World War? That 150,000 more are casualties? That there are 32,000 War orphans in the United States? That 2.700 men are in Illinois hospitals? That 1,500 of these disabled men are insane? That there are manv men in Illinois outside the hospitals. ·trying to fight the ravaves of their service in the World War? Yoar bov might have been amon'! these. You would not want him forgotten. "You should thank God that there is an American Le~ion fi f!'hting for the rights of th-ese disabled men and an Auxiliarv to aid them in every way. These two orv.anizations. workin~ hand in hand for the princioles of Americani~m to keep our gloriou~ Un;ted States a n:ttion of free peonle. inrfivisible, insoluble anti indestructible. "lust as a woman is needed in a home. so is there a place for her wor1c in «':lr;n~ fnr Pv-~ervice men and their orohlem~ . YOU -c-an h.-lp in this great wor1c. You are needed now as much as during the War." Whenever you leave your house dark at night you invite intrusion. How much better it is to leave a few lights burning! It costs but a few centsand thieves hate light ·- ·" , Oarldeaol New·paper WeekWe uae tbia newspaper becauae we believe frequent newspaper aclvertiaiDI aida the proper mercbandiainl l MJ?S. E. D. ENNIS. Department Prrsident. Mrs. G. A. Stone head'i the memcolllmittPP for the local organi7.;.tion: Mrs. Victor Klebber is the re~ording secretary. her~hin Lighting Information SerJJice Our lighting specialists will be glad to . assist you in getting all the protection, beauty and comfort that modem light can bring to your home. No obligation. Write or phone us todav. . TO SING AT ORIENTAL Richard J. Harnev of Chicap-o. weil know., on the north shore, will sin~ at. all four of thf' performances at the Oriental theater Sunday. vi~itinv "of our produc:taelectricity and gas. l Mrs. S. S. Farlev. who has been h.-r son-in-law and dau~hter, Mr. and M r4;. Llovd Kellev, 829 Linden avPOUP. h~ s returned to her home in Cando, N. D. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS JNO. nr. M autfp "R. Sa.,ds. 1024 Central aw..,11P. left Wednesday for a ten dav per;od of r.-~t ~t the Rattle Creek sanitarium. Battle Creek, Mich. -o- 1141 Central Ave. Wit. Wil. 2899 S. REESMAN, Diatrict M tUHifet