The Courtesy of · the Highway We take this opportunity of expressing our appreciation for the co-operation lent us by our city's motorists in the conducting of funeral corteges through the streets of our city. · . .cf~ q{)rflOi~ERTAKER _ 1109 CENTRAL AVE. SS4 CENTER ST. In almost every case we have met with deference .from both traffic officers and citizen . m9torists. It makes us feel grateful and also proud to know that we are a part of a community made up of such courteous, considerate citizens. Superior Ambulance Setoict The Oldeat Eatabliahed U ndettttketa in Wilmette ,.'The Jtouse of 'Personal Setllice" WILMETTE 654 WINNETKA FRESH FROM THE SPOTLE·SS DAIRY! products that you get from our spotless dairy-milk, cream, }lutterJ cream cheese, buttermilkkeep you and your family happy and healthy. They are all perfectly T HE fresh and pure and the best food for young and old. Keep your refrigerator well supplied with these best indispensable items of daily diet. WINNETKA SANITARY DAIRY Co., Phone Winnetka .137 Would 7'0U like to. have 7'our weekl7' wasbinR over · w. i thin sixteen minutes! This is· tile wa7' 7'0U ean do it: take tea minutes to ··the· Up 7'011l' laundr7' and make a list ol it; three minutes to stop oil at ~ur olliee and leave 7'0ur bundle; a lew da7's later, another three minutes ·to piek it up lruh, spotless and elean. Simple, isn't ·i t. MELSON 1210 Central Avenue LAUNDRY Wilmette