WILMETTE Mrs. Anna M. Schaedler, 301 SherWilmette ~d Park avenuea, Wilmette Herman W. Key~r. lrl. A., pastor idan road, Wilmette, is announced . as · f06 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 a director of the newly established. Church telephone 3111 Consolidated Bond and Mortgage com8emeea pany with offices at i2 W. WashingSecond Sunday In Lent ! :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible ton street, Chicago. Mrs. Schaedler classes. will have supervision of the Woman's 9 :30 A. M. Confest:~lonal . service for department. · communicants. 9 :45 A. M. First service and Holy Communion. 11 :00 A. M : Second service and sermon. Sermon subject: ..The Christian and His Creed." St. Joh·'s Lutheran JOI"S BOND FIRM W. C. =r. U. MEE.TING . The W. C. T. U. meet with Mrs. Charles Flemin, 505 Fifth street, Wilmette, at 2 o'clock next Monday. Mrs. Leatea Sen-leu Wednesday evening, March 7, at 7 :45 W. ]. Bone of Evanston will be the o'clock .: "The Perfect Savior~Tesus." speaker. will Frtncb Chocolate With R.aisiu aad Fmacb Vanilla 0ntm T.._ I· PMCJ~ Ice Caaa Moalcla SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO. WILMETTE · lleetlags . Friday at 7 :45: Junior Walther league. Monday and Friday at 4 : Classes for children. . Monday and Friday at 5 : Classes at Winnetka. Mmiday at 7 :45: Junior Girls' choir. Monday at 8 :45 : Senior Mixed choir. The pastor Is delivering a course of sermons on the six chief parts of the catechism on the six Sundays before Easter. The series Is designed to focus the attention upon the fundamentals of the Christian doctrine on which the whole structure of faith rests. The subjects of· the six sermons are: 1. The Christian and the Moral Law ; March 4, The Christian and His Creed ; March 11, The Christian and Prayer ; March 18, The Christian and His Baptism ; March 25, The Christian and His Church ; April 1, The Christian and the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated during the 9 :45 o'clock service next Sunday morning, the preparatory or confessional service beginning at 9:30 o'clock. All those who desire to receive the Sacrament are requested to announce this to the }lastor on Saturday next. The choir has taken up the study of a nu!)1ber of lenten chorales from Bach's ~t. Matthew Passion, of which it is singmg one at every one of the mid-week Lenten services. Announcement! GOULD C. DAVIS Announces the Opening . of a J .... A Bakery Sale Is to be given Saturday, l\Iarch 3, at Van Deusen's Store by the Ladies' Aid and Missionary society. Mrs. I. Gamron and Mrs. Harry Lynn will be in charge. Prepare to Ballot on "T. N. T." Pupils at New Trier Soon \Vith the approach of spring comes the time for the T. N. T. elections. T. N. T. is the highest honor any New Trier student can possibly obtain, because the club represents the very best aJt around rating in the school. Members of this club are chosen from those who have done the most for the school, in athletics, club work, the holding of dass offices, etc. The advisers, adviser-chairmen, and deans are beginning to go through the folders of the students, choosing those who have done the most for New Trier. This number is reviewed carefully until about twice the number of students to be elected to membership are chosen for the final elections. Out of this group the students are nominated, and they are voted upon by the members of T. N. T. (The New Trier). Until this year eight junior boys, eight junior girls, four senior boys. and four senior girls were elected to .membership each year, but this year there will be elected only six junior boys and six junior girls, while next year there will be six boys and girls each from both the junior and senior classes. This witl not alter the total number of members from each class, since still, as heretofore, twelve boys and twelve girls will be elected to T. N. T. from each class. but it was thought that by the division of the numbers evenly between the junior and senior years, there would be opportunity to determine the merits of the individual. AT EDUCATION MEETING Miss M. Frances McElroy, registrar, National Kindergarten and Elementary college, and Miss Frances Kern of the supervision department, are attending the meeting of the National Education association which is being held in Boston this week. North Shore Aaenq CeatuQ "6" Ceatu17 ··a·· ·Temporary Display Rooms located .~t ~ 736 Elm Street, Winnetka and Service Station with Factory Personnel at 8o6 Oak Street ~ GOULD C. DAVIS 6 CO. Bap1110blle Sale· ad &emoe SALES RooM SERVICE STATION Telephone Winnetka 3090 Telephone Winnetka 2048