"~ ahore," he -It II t1ae ·.,.t IOiicl buildialr that caa be Wt. llr. Barton has had a wide ape11 .._.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.1rience in his capacity. In, 1919 afte~ R. BURTON, ·superintendent .of he returned to this country after a . construction for the James Wig- wartime session in Prance he was sent ginton company, was present during to Buenos Aires, Argentine, by the · the months when John S. Metcalf International Con· the 1,~ lloiRs- struction company to superintend the ter Inc., building reinforced concrete work on a number of huge grain elevators. This was being con- work kept hina in South America for structed. That he five years. When he returned to this ·COMPANY was "on the job· country in 19Z4 he located in Evansis evidenced by the ton, where he sbll resides. tesults, for t h e construction work JltmuftiCtUtltl of turned out letter Charles E. Hotze Manager perfect. Mr. BurH....t Foldin1 Machiaea of Busy Buaineu Of&ce ton paid particular Charles E. Hotze is the man behind ...tBaacliaaPreues attention to t h e concrete, brick and the gun in the business office. In his P. R. B111toa sash work a n d capacity as manager he finds much to says that in that capa~ity he found it do in auditing, collecting and as pay216 N. CLINTON STREET necessary to watch the other work in master. It is a busy office at all times and in addition to Mr. Hotze there order to make the Hollister Building are three girls, a man and an office CHICAGO a ..real job.· boy. One girl handles the switchboard, "The HoUister building is as fine which carries six trunk lines for in·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,,as any I have had supervision over on coming calls. ·1·· \Ve · , . , ol tbia . oppodunitf to extmd our Bat Wiabe· that beia~r due to the stroaa foaada- I BUIDJNG JJG Je-es ·Wagiatoa Gina Surpria· Statiatica · Mat.w. -.f---:..e.~ ia C..tnactiaa ~· tlon." . - - P. HIS is a story of figures, but unlike most "figure stories" which T make dry reading this one is mighty interesting, because it shows ho'! a surprisingly large amount. of bnck, cement and other materaal was reqtaired to build the new Lloyd Hollister Inc., plant. James Wigginton .of Evanston, who had the brick, rean~ forced concrete and cut stone contract, gives the figures. To build a pla!!t of the type of the Hollister building it was necessary to place thirty-six thousand face brick; eightv thousand common brick and twenty thousand hollow brick: ~he hollow brick was used on the mter1or walls to retard dampness coming through the walls. About one thousand feet · of cut stone was used in the ··trim." Fifteen .hundred barrels of Atlas cement were required, while· sixty tons of reinforced steel went into the concrete. Thirteen hundred yards of gravel and sand were used. In addition to this a large quantity of insulating material was used in the concrete roof. And of importance, too. are these figures : Three carloads of lumber were used for the forms for the concrete. There is another interesting item in connection with the Wiggintons. Three generations of Wiggintons were active in the mason work, and all arc named James. James, the elder, is in liis eightieth year, another James in his fifties and the third in the twenties. A. W. HALL Congratulations \ . to George Kramer In Charge of Bindery Department The man in charge of the bindery at Lloyd Hollister Inc., plant is George Kramer. It is up to Mr. Kramer to see that the cutters, folders and the stitcher operate efficiently and neatly. There is a point of interest in the fact that ten men work on the stations of the stitching machine at the same time. The cutters and folders are watched carefully by Mr. Kramer and that alertness results in the clean work turned out. LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. T Commerce HE Members of the Glencoe Chamber of are happy to congratulate Lloyd Hollister Inc., Publishers of the GLENCOE NEWS, upon the Formal Opening of their new Industrial Home. · unbounded May you continue to enJOY success. Lloyd Hollister Inc. Your new plant merit· our pru. Wt extend our complim~nta. Glencoe Chamber of Commerce Xaaafaetarera of Aatoaaue Paper· Foldla~r, Feedla~r, C·W·Ir· laseruaw, conauaw ... ···-·· Wln·SUteldal' ·aelllaeQ', Baad· Ua~r Presses, Feeden. Cro11 Coatlaaoae DEITER FoLDER - COMPANY 528 So. CLARIC SnEET C)"IICAGO