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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1928, p. 88

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~Sc::,rn===::::J~ewsI J UN I 0 VOL I. NO.7 R LIFE Wilmette·Heavies Trounce Boltwood Huskies by 15 to 8 In the first QUarter of the basketball game between the Wilmette and Boltwood heavyweight teams, Wilmette didn't do very much in the way of making a score. Boltwood had given Wilmette a fivepoint handicap and they went in and, as far as actual playing, won the first quarter, which ended 1 to 5 in favor of Wilmette. In the second quarter each team sunk one basket and the half was r~ached ~t 9 to 7 in favor of Wilmette. Through the third quarter Wilmette held Boltwood team scoreless but made 6 points themselves. This left the record on the scoreboard reading 17 and 7, favor of Wilmette. In the last quarter Wilmette came out of the game victoriously, the J!.Core being 20 to 8 but Wilmette did not use the handtcap, which left the game won by 15 to 8· "Hap" Gathercoal is the heavyweight basketball coach. The team which started the game Is as follows: Robert Waters, forward ; Clyde Warble, forward ; Leonard Woltf, center; John Jordan, guard; and George Quinlan, guard. · - Donald Pavlicek, 8B Howard, and Dick Huck, 8B Howard. Told by the Pupils Published weekly bu the school ch1ldnn of Wilmette undtr aupervision of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, M·ARCH 2, 1928 Bli:z:zard Fails to Keep 'em Away From That Demonstration Friday night, February 17, was a cold bllasardy night and yet there was a big crowd at Stolp. · The children of the various grades at Stolp demonstrated their physical ability. The ftrst number on the program was given by the eighth grade girls. demonstrating a posture test. The next number on the program also was done by eighth grade girls In a companion drill. Then came the first grade boys and girls playing and sJnglng, ..Ten Little Indians," ..Shoemaker's Dance," and ··Punchinello." The boys and girls In the aecond grade then ·c ame out and played and sang "Lads and Lassies," "Tbe Mufftn Ma.n," and ..Looby Loo." The boys and girls of the third grade came out and perfonned. They danced and sang ..The Danish Dance of Greeting," .. Pop Goes the Weasel,'~ and "Roman SoldIers." Fifth grade, Miss McPartlin's room, gave a wand drill. Then followed the fourth grade In the "Norwegian Mountain March" and the "Ace of Diamonds." Then followed Miss Fox's room, fifth grade tn "Three Deep," .. Star Relay," and "Stride Relay... Then came the sixth grade girls in "The Sailor's Hornpipe" dance. Then came the 7A boys in .. Pole Jump," "Swat to the ·Right," and "Dodge Ball." And then came the seventh grade girls in "Jumping Jacks," all in clown costumes. There was one performance In the af· ternoon for the children .and then another one at night for the parents. -Chester Hanson, 7B Stolp Great Patriots Are Seen in Stolo School MOvies February 21. Stolp again had movies. They were entitled "The Declaration of Independence." The movies were to have been shown the last period In the mornIng but were being sent out so they could not get here in time. Instead of the last period In the morning they were shown In the last period In the afternoon. The movies were very Interesting, telling all about signing of the Declaration of Ind~pendence. They showed all the famous characters' doubles. The ·movies were very interesting and all the children enjoyed them very much. -Chester Hanson, 7B Stolp. Sunday, February 5, I went to the Field Museum. Upon entering you see two large elephants in the middle of the hall. The ftrst thing I saw after that were the animals and monkeys. The next thing I saw were the birds which were very Interesting. Then I went upstairs and saw the pagodas and the Chinese room. I went into another room where the ore and minerals are. I went and saw part of the Indian room, when I found out It was time to go home. Theron Smith, 5B Central Theron Smith Hu a Big Day at the Field Museum Choose Leonard Wolff u Captain of Heavyweights Before Wilmette school Heavyweights had ruined Boltwood's hopes of victory Friday night, an election was held for the Heavyweight captaincy. Leonard Wolff. Howard, and · George Quinlan, Stolp, were nominated, after which Leonard got the majority of votes. He is going to make a very good captain and our team Is sure going to be going good. -John Dernehl, 8B Howard Bert Tolen Likes Wand Drill by Sth Graders On Friday, February 17, a demonstration was given in the Stolp gymnasium. Miss McPartlin's room did the wand drill, and I think they looked nice. The girls wore white middies and black skirts, with green ties. and the boys wore white sailor pants with white shirts and green ties. After the drill we came back to our room and had a program while we waited for our parents. -Bert Tolen, Central 5B The pupils of both eighth grades of Howard selected the colors for their graduation pins at a meeting on Thursday, Febrnary 16, at 3 :15 o'clock. The colors selected were maroon and gold. They are the same colors that the graduating class had last year. It was a close vote between maroon and gold and black and gold, the maroon winning by only a. few ·otes. ~anet McConnaughey, SA Howard. Park on February 13, 1928. I went there because I thought that it would be Interesting and we studied about fish in the Fall. There were all the fish a person could name such as sunfish, trout, goldfish and many others. -Virginia Ann Snort, 5B Central. The Safety Patrol of Howard school has been enlarged. Walter Haas and Carl Anderson have recently become patrolmen. The patrol is doing a lot of good. There are two positions the patrol occupies: 17th street and Lake avenue, and 17th street and Spencer avenue. -John Dernehl, 8B Howard The Howard 8Chool Art Metal club, under the direction of Mr. Ball, Is doing very good work. There are about twelve members, just a small class working very rapidly. They are making pottery, a9h trays; desk sets, watch fobs and other useful things. · -Albert Zlbble, 8B Howard The way J spent Washington's birthday was by playing In the snow until 12 o'clock. Then I played inside with my ldster all afternoon until 5 o'clock. Then we went out to a show at the Norshore a.n4 saw ..The Shepherd of the Hills." -Judith Ross, 5B Central WIN FINAL CAGE GAVE SPENT FINE . HOLIDAY ART liETAL CLUB BUSY EYLARGE SAFETY PATROL I went to the Fish Aquarium at Lincoln MABOON AND GOLD VISITS AQU ABIUM The 7B girls played their last game of basketball on Monday, February 20 and they won. -Jean Munro, 7B Stolp. The seventh and eighth grades of Howard saw reels based on "The Declar-1 at ion of Independence," on February 20. The films were very interesting as they showed all the planning, writing. and reading of the Declaration of Independence. They were especially interesting to the eighth grade pupils as we have been studying about this in our Social Science work. Every man and woman should respect -Janet McConnaughey, SA Howard Maizie Mouat is misinformed when she the flag. It is said that Betsy Ross rriade states that the moving picture belongs the ftrst fla~. You should know what to the Stolp school. It was through the you are sayTng when you say the flag etrorts of the Logan-Howard P. T. A . salute. Lindbergh is one of the best that the need of a moving picture patriotR the world has known. Lincoln and Washington were patriots, all the I took my pony out and hitched her machine was brought before the Board presidents were patriots. And February up to my sled to have a little ride. I of Education. The board agreed to puris the month that the best presidents hadn't gone very far before some kids chase the moving picture machine for were born. started throwing snowballs at me. I all the schools and for the use of all . Ina Stevens, 5B Central gave my pony a swat and we went home the schools equally. -Harriet Redfern. pretty fast. I just got home in time for GOOD CITIZEN-TRUE PATRIOT a snow.:ball fight. We had lots of fun EVELYN EN.JOYS PLAT To be patriotiC' you must be a good I only go~ hit a few times. Had dinner Saturday, February 19, at the Skokie citizen. And to be a gopd citizen you and went to bed feeling fine. school in Winnetka, a play was given must respect the rights of your country. -David Miller, 5B Central called "Alice In Wonderland." The chilTake for instance, Lindbergh. he is the dren of the school gave it and made their ~r~~tesl living patriot in America or take DEFINES PATRIOTISM Lincoln or Washington or any of thOf~e Patriotism is not only to salute the own costumes. Allee had a long part great people, don't we want America's Flag but to be true, brave, loyal and but she knew it well. They showed sons to be just as great? Of course we respect other people. To salute the Flag "Alice" going to Looking Glass land do. So let's try to imitate them. m the morning and then in the evening The Walrus and the Carpenter, Tweedle: - Rosemary Day, 5B Central break somebody' ~ window Is not Pa· dee-dum and Tweedle-dee-dee, The Trial, Duchess, and the Chesire Cat. It trlotlsm. I am writing about Patriotism the because Washington and Lincoln were was very good. ATTEND CHILD STUDT PARLEY -Evelyn Youngquist, 5B Central Miss McPartllnJ Miss Smith, and Mrs. born. In February. One of our greatest Gilbert we11t to a Child Study and Parent Patrwtlc men of today is Col. Lindbergh VIEWS HAVEN DRAMA · ' Education convention at the Palmer the lone eagle. A play was given at the new Haven -Frank Hooper, 5B, Central. House. Thursday afternoon, February 16. school on February 12. The name of Miss McPartlin heard Dr. Morrison and the play was ..Dick Whittington" and the Dr. Jastrow give two verv interesting CHARLES TAKES A SPILL other play was the "Three Spinners." lectures. Mrs. Fiood took Miss McPartCharles Taylor, 8B Howard had an The ftrst play was one without words or lin's place. accident . Tuesday, February 2i. While a . pantomime, while the second one was -Carol Linn, 5B Central playing m the gymnasium he took an spoken. They are having plays every awful fall on his face. His eyebrow Saturday If anyone cares to go ~EF. PATRIOTIC MOVIES swelled considerably and he went to the -Virginia Ann Snort, 5B "central The Stolp assembly saw "The Declara- Nurse's office, where he was treated tion of Independence," Tuesday, Febru- with applications. BNlOT HOLIDAY ary 21. They invited the fifth and sixth -John Dernehl, 8B Howard The Wilmette schQols enjoyed a vacagrades and it was enjoyed by all. Thf> tion on W.ashington's Birthday, Wednesstory of the picture W!\s the si~ning of da _. , February 22. Tuesday night there SEE DECLARATION SIGNED the Declaration of Independence on the At the Stolp assembly Tuesday after- were many sleigh rides because there l<'ourth of July. . noc,n, February 21, the picture of .. The was no school Wednesday. - Lawrence Buckmaster, 7D Stolp Signing of the Declaration of Independ-Lawrence Buckmaster, B Stolp ence" was shown. It was a very great 1fAKF. PATRIOTIC BOOKLETS surprise for Stolp. The fifth and sixth RIGHT GIRL, WRONG CLASS 'l'hf> nupiiA in Miss McPartlin's room grades were Invited. In JuNIOR LIFE a few weeks ago it are making Patriotic booklets for Washwas published that Katherine Thompson -Arthur Jones, 7B Stolp ington's :md Lincoln's birthdays. They of 7C was recovering from serious illare to tell the life of Lincoln and Washness in Florida. Katherine Thompson Is TRYING TO BE GOOD fn ... ton :md v..ut in pictures about them. a pupil of 7B. 1\llss Fox's Ulness kept her out of I hone they will be a success. -Arthur Jones, 7B Stolp school. But we all try to be good. Our -Julia Carroll, 5B Central su~stitute is very nice. Her name Is PLAT EXCITING GAl'fES PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN M_ 1ss Johansen. We all hope 1\liss Fox . . At the exhibit on Friday, February 17, A gymnastic demonstration was held will be back soon. m the games, Miss Fox's room played a,t the Stolp gymnaAium at 7 :30 o'clock -Roselyn Broun, 5C Central Row 1 won in the Stride Ball relay and F rlday, February 17. Miss McPartlin's Row 4 won In Star relay. room gave a dress rehearsal In the af7B CAGERS WIN -Lois Wolfe, 5C Central ternoon for the children. 7B and 7C ~iris plaved a basketball -Betty Baldwin, 5B Central game Monday night. 7B won by a score ORDERED TO BEST of 6 to 4. It was a very close game. The d·o ctor has ordered Miss Fox to "THE DYSPEPTIC OGRE" -Jean Munro, 7B Stolp. rest this week. Miss Johanson Is our The 8B division of the Dramatic club substitute. has decided to present "The Dyspeptic WASHINGTON -Lois Wolfe, 5C Central Ogre" In the near future. We are workWashington was truthful ing Ul)der tbe direction of Mrs. Stalling. Wa!3hington was brave, ' TEACHER 18 ABSENT It will be given In the Howard audiWashington was useful, 5C's teacher is not at school and they torium. And his country helped to save. have a substitute, Miss Johanson. -John Dernehl, 8B Howard -Elizabeth Rose, 5B Central. --Georgette Becker, SC Central. The Wilmette Lightweights and Peewees played February 16, Thursday, against Boltwood. The Holtwood Peewees were much bigger than the Wilmette fellows and kept the ball a way from them most of th ~ gamP. The most aggressive player on the Wilmette team was Soule who was right in the mix-up all the time. Holtwood won by a very comfortable margin. The lightweights of Wilmette won their game easily enough. Frank Church and Cecil Williams were about even as to glory but every player was right there on the dot. There was a little commotion when Hess of Wilmette called time out and went Into the dressing room and for a little while It looked as It someone had been hurt but Hess came back safe and sound and the game was resumed. -Paul Potter, SB Howard Lights Win and Peewees Lose in Holtwood Games Signing Independence Declaration in Filma Februa..,. Great Patriotic Month, Says Shirley McGill This month we have two great men's birthdays. One Is Lincoln and the other is Washington. Washington fought the red QOats and became the first president. When Lincoln was a little boy he read man~ books about Washington and he ·h imself became a great president. Lindbergh is the greatest aviator in the world. Shirley McGill, 5B Central. Offers Gentle Reminder to Respect U. S. Flag Room for Argument About Source of Movie Machine David and His Pony Have Grand and Glorious Day ...

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