llareh30,1928 ·. l WJJ;JIE.TTE LIPE . ' Finely- Pleated ·Runs? Have them Rew~ven! It's 10 simple-by tbe Stelos method! The ··aactder"' is caught back into the fabric of the atock· in1 10 it looks like new bot for tbe · tiny mend whae tbe run is SKIRTS on Bodices Crepe de chine ones. in duster-pleated models, at $3.95. . These may be bad in rose, beige, navy blue, yellow, black, salmon, and green. Non-crushable w o o 1 crepe in fine pleats all around, Sro.gs. In green, queen' s blue, and navy. In striped flannel at the same price. finished of. Stockinp mast be laundeftd be· fore being brought in for mending. Lord"s-Firlt Floor fUVNfAIN SQVARt LVANSTON Kitchen Utilities Slender Straps Beautify New Easter Footwear Slender straps that join and are held fast by tiny center o~ side buckles ···· slen~er straps stitched Ingenuously to form diStinctive side designs . .·.. they are so very smart this spring on ·new "Cushman Models" as seen at Lord's! Imported Angora Sweaters In corn, ensign blue, flame, pastel lavender, and beige, with round, square and V -necks, $20.00. Lord'a--Second Floor $2.60 Washboiler $2.19 With a copper bottom which will not rut. this No. 9 wash boiler retains the beat. A special YIIMI Two sturdy wooden bancDa make it mOlt convenient. Exquisite Models Have Anived! Boot Shop--Main Floor Let the Conover keep your hands out of hot dishwater I $1.40 Wearever Saucepan $1 This two-quart W earever aluminum sauce pan is a coavenient size !or family use. Excellent for cookan1 vegetabla or uuca oa the back of the stove. It bas a tight fitting cover, too. Shop in the THRIFT BASEMENT Many Evanston and North Shore women do not yet know of the exceptional every-day values offered in the Basement. Dresses, underwear, hosiery, sheets, pillow cases, towels and towelings, drapery fabrics and children's wear, oilcloth, shoes, and paints and wallpapers-all at low prices. Watch for advertised items-make it a regular practice to look for what you want in the Thrift Base- $1.30 Garbage Pails 98c ' Lord'a-HoUIIUNJt,._pint FlO« Heavy corra1atcd plYanizcd paill with tight, da.·itting COftll. .and bail bandla. That paila bold sbt 1aUODL A 1oocl Yalael ment.