tte · TICE OF·· LECTI Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION . will be held in the VILLAGE OF WILMETTE on Tuesday, April Seven~nth 1928, for the purpose of voting for the following officen; ' ONE VILLAGE CLERK · ONE VILLAGE TREASURER THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES TWO DIRECTORS FREE PUBUC UBRARY That for the purpose of holding said election the V'dlage of Wdmette shall be divided into twelve preeinets as foll~ws: Precinct No. · 1-Polling Place: Precinct No. 2~Pollin.g Place: Precinct No. 3-Polling Place: Precinct No. 4-Polling Place: Precinct No. S-Poiling Place: Precinct . No. 6-Polling Place: PreciJ;tct N~. 7-Polling Place: Precinct No. 8-Polling Place: Precinct No. 9-Polling Place: · ··- .....,Precinct No. tO-Polling Place: Precinct No. 11-Polling Place: Precinct No. 12-Polling Place: Village Hall Village Hall Byron Stolp School Byron Stolp School 419 Fourth Street Laurel Avenue School Store 1145 Greenleaf Avenue Store 1217 Wilmette Avenue Logan School Fire Station 829 Main Street · Former Village Hall, 609 Ridge Rd. . Store-S.W. Cor. Lake Ave· ..tllhois Rd. . Which .EJection will be opened at 7:00 o'clock in the mo....U.., and wiD continue open uatil 5:00 o'clock ·i n the aftemoon of the 18.11le clay. Given under my hand at Wilmette, IDinois, this 20th clay of March A. D., 1928 NICHOLAS J. MILLER, V.U.,. Clerk