WILMETTE LIFE Karch 30, 1928 lOB CLUBS BACI . STATE SAFETY DRIVE w.....·· Club o1 Wilmette Joiaa ia Federation'· Caataaa to PaWic at 11aia Sella- Exec·tjve Cornrnjttee of N. S. Relatjons Group H oltls M eetjng A meeting of the ' executh·e committee of the North Shore Relations committee, composed of representatives of the Chambers of Commerce of the five north shore communities from Evanston to Highland Park inclusive, was held at the offices of the \Vilmette Chamber of Commerce on 'l'hnrsday of this week. The meeting, called by C. D. Hardy, chairman, was held for the purpose of discussing matters concerning the entire north shore and for the purpose of considering the advisability of. calling a general meeting of the Relations committee. The North Shore Relations committee was formed last October for the purpose of disct.ssing and co-operating in the solving of problems of mutual interest to the five communities, which include Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland Park. Each Chamber of Commerce is represented on the committee by five members, chosen from its own members and including its president. The members of the executive committee are C. D. Hardy, Evanston, general chairman; Irene I. Strickler, Wilmette, general secretary; Paul Udell of Highland Park, general vice-chairman ; and members, William Edwards of Glencoe, H. B. Gates of Wilmette, and R. H. Schell of Winnetka. "'fou are sure to find what you may nud in Easter candies ·~! our wonderful assortment. There is a host of gaily tmted candy. Easter eggs in a variety of sizes, glistening sugar cbicb, fat little chocolate bunnies-truly a most complete assortment. Also a variety of delicious chocolate and bon bon assortments, in decorative boxes all priced very reasonably. .& Sure To S. Our Eat« CtJndg Window. L B. Confectionery 637 Main St. Phone Wil. 487 Calling attention to the numerous automobile accidents which have occurred in Wilmette in the last year, the eral Federation of the Women's Clubs is sponsoring a spring "Safety Season," for Wilmette as well as in other communities. "The pleasant weather brings out the automobiles and highway safety demands that something be done to prevent accidents," the Federation reports. Wilmette has suffered several accidents in the ·past year and, no doubt, some of these were preventable. Drivers should familiarize themselves with the traffic laws and obey them to the letter. It is the person who didn't stop, or was driving too fast, or parked where he shouldn't have parked that is aften to blame. Do not try to beat the traffic light ! Caution and consideration for other drivers will accomplish much good. W ara Property Owaen "Property owners, too, can help to prevent accidents. High shrubs at street intersections are dangerous. The comer of Fifth and Greenleaf at the interSection where runs the North Shore railroad has been the scene of several accidents because the vision of the drivers was obscured by shrubs. Other property owners, perhaps, do not reali~e that their. "Mot~rs are part,icular\y responsible attractive shrubbery is so placed that it is a menace to life." . for the safety of little children and to . The Federation also is taking an im- ·their watchfulness and instruction we portant interest in home safety and must look to overcome this loss," conastonishment is expressed that more tinues the report. "Bums, fa]ls, poison, deaths are not the result of preventable asphyxiation and suffocation are comaccident in the home than in American mon causes of accidents in the home. Caution and carefulness will do much industry, as shown by statistics. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.to minimize these accidents." Gen- LATEST FIXTURES FOR WOIIF-GRIFIS 1101. Clau Display Coaaten to Be Usecl in New Store 7 The new Wolfi-Griffis Hardware store which .will be located at 1119·· 1121 Central Ave., will have the most up-to-date fixtures that it was possible to obtain. The greatest thought was given to this feature so as to insure practicability. The most practical, as well as ornamental counters that it was possible to buy will be installed in the new store. A good many of the display type of counters will be used. In this way a person will be able to see most of the articles offered for sale, as well as inspect them before . making a purchase. Most authorities agree that thi'.s type of display is the best the average merchant can obtain, as it not only helps the merchant to increase his sales, but also helps to suggest necessarv · items to the buyer. Everything will have the price mark plainly displayed so that the buyer may know just what he may pay for the article he desires to purchase. This will also do a way with any chance for a mistake in the cost of an item. The layout of the new store has received strict attention. Each article bas its own separate department that contains all the items related to the other. Your Easter Flowers Are Here Fragrant, blooming plants in daintily decorated pots - gorgeous springtime 8owers to lend beauty to Easter. These art from· our own greenhouses. Because of our large wholesale business it will be necessary to place your retail Easter orders by Wednesday, April 4th. This will also allow you to take advantage of our large assonment of Easter ftowers. EASTER! '///////////////////////////////////////////////////. Rabbits Chiclu Eggs Egg Dyes '////////////////////////////////////////////////////. All manner of novelties - large a880rtment different sizes and prices. ' Jos. lbooE RoAD Turski · Phone WILMETTE 1236 Wilmette Variety Store Phone Wil. 3 691 1193 WILMETTE AVE. Attoa from Jl~., Cemtl«ff