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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1928, p. 36

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Oiirth .Annuaz IL ETTE' L-1~·~·====~==================~~~==~ Arl'-r:eag~ Exhil:Jii opens at .OrritJgimi - - - - ---~- I , . I WinnetluJ Bride WHta Jridaon-Rice Wedding Sorority Girla Modell emb«a, /JtmquBt for Benefit Stvle Show Veil of Heirloom lAce Occaiona Numeroua &gina lntereating The L. Harry Waidner home at 206 ··N · ! _, 11 s · A fashion show will be one of the Pre.. upt"" n i l tu.tl Art League Diaplay attractive features of the bridge party Scott avenue, Winnetka, was decorated' the alumnae chapter of Alpha Phi BY ELIZABETH NEIDLINGEil sorority is giving Saturday afternoon, Perhaps it's because the North Shore . April 21, at 2 o'clock, at the Evanston Art league was forced, by limited Country club for the purpose of in. space, to have a committee of selection creasing its house fund. The very for this year's exhibit, that the fourth latest in sprin&. and summer apparel annual exhibit is of an unusu·Dy high from N. A. Hanna ~d company will order. At aoy rate, each pictute in the be displayed by a group of girls in the group now hung in the ballroom of active · chapter at Northwe~tern unithe Orrington hotel is of interest. The versity. Those who will act as models exhibit has its formal opening this for the afternoon will be the Misses evening, when the members of the Virginia Berggren, Ruth Walgreen, league have a banquet at the hotel. Ruth Arnold, Lucille Copeland.. ..-ranThe portraits in an exhibit usuaUy ces Wright, ] essie Matte.son, Betty receive the first attention. One of the Clark and Gertrude Blackmeyer. Mrs. Louis E. Tilden of Evanston most attractive in this group is Frances Buell Mullen's large painting of "Miss and Miss Elizabeth Cutler of Wilmette Merrywctather." Mrs. Mullen has are co-chairman of the committee in another por!rait, one of Mrs. E. W. J. charge of the affair whose members Hold~n. Elizabeth B~ldenweck has an inclqde Mrs. John S. King, Mrs. Clifamusmg study of twms, "~ancy and ford Burnham Mrs Harold Ander~lizabeth." Another am~sin.~ pain.tin~ son. Mrs. Roya'l J. Whitlock, and Mrs. IS E~na May, Johansen.s Pr~ct1ce, Thomas Wolfe, Jr., of Evanston, Miss showmg a boy at the ptano, has dog Frances Cutler of Wilmette Mrs asleep at his feet. The composition Welton Stallsmith of Kenilworth Mis~ and technigue of this J?icture make ~t Lida Raymond of Winnetka, and Mrs. .one of the most dei1Jhlfu!. Lesbe William W. White of Ravinia. Raymond Nash has a mce oil that he calls "Girl in Jiprs." Cora G o u I d Patronesses for the affair include Davies exhibits two interesting por- Mrs. Walter Dill Scott, Mrs. Robert L. traits that show fine· technique. A Scott, Mrs. Winifred Richardson, Mrs. solashy, effective canvas is "Spanish Lillia!l E. Raymond, Mrs. W. Rufus ~irl," by Harold Clark. James Cady Abbott, Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, Ewell also has a striking portrait. Mrs. Edward Tilden, Mrs. James A. Others are exhibited by Elizabeth Patten, Mrs. Heber M. Goodsmith, Millard, Maria K. Gallagher, Irma A. Mrs. William P. Good.smith, Mrs. Keehn, and Pauline Graf Davis. Carol Royal J. Whitlock, Mrs. B. C. Corbus, Lou Burnham has one called "Slum- and Mrs. Martin Kent Northam. ber," done in her own striking manner. Several attractive landscapes are A·k ~or Soap W·_,.p,._., 11 0 offered in the exhibit. One of the · · ,.,.,1 finest is a large canvas done by Allen for Arden &bore Siluer Philbrick using, lar~ely, gorgeous blues One of the things the Wihnette and lavenders. · Marguerite Calkins Arden Shore board does throughout Taylor and W. T. Jones show two landscapes each. Edna R. Cook has a the year, is collect soap wrappers and charminJ{, quaint, "Lincoln Street." panels fro~ soap chip boxes with Helen J. Taylor's "Road at Rockv- which to purchase table silver for .the n~ck" has l«?':ely, quiet coloring and encampment. From April ·u to April n1ce compos1t1on. ..A Corner of the Zl, however, double premium is Courtyard." shown bv Grace P. Brion allowed for wrappers ·sent in during has fiq_e line.;. A brilliant, solashy oic~ this p~riod. Mrs. Willis Hutson, who has this ture 1s Mrs. Bertha Glass' "The Harbor, Gloucester." Eleanor Hatch's partic~lar activity in charge, is "Yellow House" has a lovelv effect of ~nxious to make this ten day drive sunli.:rht. Wilford Barton shows two doubly productive and urges house"Spring Awakenine!'" and "Septembe; holders interested in the work of on the Skokie." The Skokie theme is Arden Shore to collect soap wrappers . also used in. .a nice sketch by Irma and SQap chip panels and to send them Keehn, showmg our Skokie vallev to her at her home, 1112 Elmwood aveHelen. ]. Taylor ha$ a restful nictur~ nue, or, if a donor is unable to bring nf the dock at Gloucester, and Uintah them to her, she wilt make arrangeShippen's "Sunshine in the Woods" ments for their collection if notifi~d has the same restful ouality. Edna by phone. Soap wrappers and panels from Cook . has a colorful "At the Ford" and Anita Willetts Burnham has a'n soapflake boxes are in vogue all the a t t r a c t i v e "Decoration." · F. M. year round, but especially now, and Wheeler's "A Break in the Clouds" is until April 21. a lovely 5ea-scape. with beautiful col~rin~. R. "Faverweather Babcock's Troth Announced Canoe Land also has gorgeous colors. Th · · A most unusual paintin~. with a strik- . e engagement of M1ss Nelbe ina- use of colors, is Alice Mae Jack- Gtbb~. d~ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wa!son's "Departure of the Fleet." Hugo ter C. G1bbs of Elmwood, Ill., to Eilts von Holsten shows "Winter Evening R. Jo~es., son o! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweden," a lovely thing, with a rosy R. ]one~ of Wdmetle, was ann~unced glow from the setting. sun. at a luncheon at the Gamma P~1 B~ta Pauline Graf hu an amusing large house at Nor~hwester.n ~mver:s1ty canvas, with much color and action, Wednesday, April ~- Miss Gibbs IS a member of the semor cl~ss at Northwhich she calls "The Circus." Kate Bacon Bond shows a case of western and l!r. Jone.; IS a member the exquisite miniatures, Without which· of the graduatmg class at Dartmouth. no North Shore · league exhibit would be complete. lovely coloring in the parrot and the · Grace ll. Haskins has a strikingly flowers. beautiful flower study. Rene Lavenant "Romance," a delicate, delightful still has one in brilliant colors called "Aca- life, is painted by Mrs. Helena Chase cia and Other Things." Anita Willett$ Johnson. Burnham and Uintah Shippen have Elizabe\h Engelhard has two charmattractiye flower oaintings. Harold ing studies of babies. Julia Ricketts Clark'· "Freesias" is done with more has <tone a fine bit of work in illumifreedom than is usual with flower nating a poem of Emily Dickinson. ttadiet, and is quite striking. Mrs. C. Robert Elltott has a nice sketch, "The H. ~ ............. parrot, with Lilht~te.· with spring flowers, candles, and formal boxwood trees for the wedding last Saturday evening of Miss Eli~beth Waidner to Henry Horn Adams, the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'John W. Adams of Englewood, N.J. The Rev. James Austin Richards read the marriage service before a few relatives and friends, at 8 o'clock. · The bride wore a period gown of heavy ivory satin and a lace veil that is an heirloom in her mother's family. · She carried a bouquet of gardemas and Iiles of the valley. Her only attendant was her sister, . d Peggy Waidner, who wore a perlo dress of yellow taffeta faced with cloth of gold. Her bouquet was of yellow daisies, daffodils and roses. John Adams, Jr., was best man for his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Adams went directly to Washington after the service, and sailed this week on the De Grasse, for a honeymoon in Europe. Upon their return June 1, they will go to Lake Minnetonka for the summer, and later will make their home iri Minneapolis. Many are the affairs friends of Miss Mary· Jane Judson and Kingsley Loring Rice are planning to antedate their marriage on Tuesday, April 24. So~e already have been marked off on the1r engagement calendars, but a series of parties still is to come. Mrs. Gordon McKeldin of Evanston · entertained for Miss Judson at a bridge Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Charles French entertained at her home in Evanston Thursday afternoon. Today Mrs. WiUiam S. Morris will be hos' h dS tess in Miss Judson s onor an aturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Jones will entert~in the members of the bridal party at a reception at their home in Evanst_()n. Miss Lydia Atwater wiU give a luncheon at her home on April 17. The following day Miss Dorothy Pickard entertains the brideelect and her attendants at a luncheon at the College club, followed by bridge. Thursday, April 19, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edward Ingram, uncle and aunt of Mis.; Judson, will give a dinner for the bridal party at the Union League club and Friday Mrs. Thomas Chace will entertain at bridge at her home · North Shore ellnley in Evanston. The Evanston Country , club iJ to be the scene of a dinner trcle to Gioe Bridge dance Saturday, April 21, given by Tht North Shore Wellesley circle is Miss Margaret Scott for members of to make a departure from its usual the bridal paty and Monday evening, form of meeting and make the occa- · April 23, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Judsion of Tuesday, April 17, a bridge son of Evanston, father and mother party to be giveQ at 2 o'clock, at the of the bride-elect, will give the bridal home of Mrs. Hubert E Howard, 643 dinner at their home following the reWalden road, Wiimetka. Miss Helen hearsal at the First Baptist church of Bruch, 1815 Chicago avenue, Evanston, Evanston. The day of the wedding Mrs. Henry K. Urion and Mrs. Eugene Mrs. William S. Bennet will flive a Howard of Winnetka and Mrs. Howell luncheon for Miss Judson and her Murray of Highland Park will be co- bridesmaids. hostesses with Mrs. Howard. Miss Elinor Woodward of WinThe purpose of the affair is to raise netka, · Miss Elisabeth Rice of Witmoney with · which to· add to the mette, sister of the prospective bridedecoration of the Green room in groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight InAlumnae hall at Wellesley. Members gram of Winnetka already have given ff · f M" T d d M R. may invite guests. The hostesses will serve tea in the a airs or tss . u son an r. Ice delightful way they do at the regular during the past few weeks. meetings. c· w . ,. Alpha Xi Mother&, Club Plans Ita Annual Benefit The Mothers' club of Alpha Xi Delta of Northwestern university is giving its spring bridge as a benefit for the House fund. The date of the affair is Monday, April 16, at 2 o'clock, at the sorority house on the campus. In addition to other prizes, one will be given for each table, and refreshments will be served. Mrs. Norman Hall is chairman for the event. Mrs. B. T. Gibbs is president of the club and Mrs. Elliott V. Youngberg, social chairman. Welfare Auxiliary Gioes Bridge Luncheon Monday One of the delightful early spring affairs of the season takes place at the Orrington hotel Monday, April 16, when the Junior auxiliary of the Infant W e 1fa r e society entertains as its guests at 1 o'clock luncheon and bri.dge, the members of the Wilmette Senior board. Mrs. ]. J. Johnson, social chairman of the auxiliary, has the arrangements in charge and is assisted by Mrs. Lester- Mee, Mrs. H. A. Craig, Mrs. George Iliff, Mrs. R. W. Armstrong, Mrs. ). C. Elder, now of Winnetka, and Mrs. E. M. Antrim. Dance Tomorrow Eoening Tomorrow evening the Junior membership of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette is giving an attractive dance for the younger set at the St. Francis Xavier auditorium at 8 :30 o'clock. A fine orchestra is to play at this affair, one of the large after-Lent ·social events. Miss Marjorie Koenig, chairman, Miss Estelle Engelhart, and Miss Estelle Pahlmann are the members of the committee in charge of the affair. Skokie in Reat Period , Georgian Muaictdt SuntltltJ With the winter ·season gone and the spring activities not yet begun, Skokie Country club is a quiet place these days. The greatest activity is to be found on the golf course, where the men are working hard to put it in the best condition, and a few early players are h~ving games between showers. · Plans for the c~rcl parties which are given at the club every other Tuesday during the summer were made at a luncheon given Wednesday by Mrs. H. C. Arms of Evanston, for her committee. The Georgian hotel is giving the next of its Sunday evening musicales Announcn M uritlge April 15, at 8 o'clock. The artists fo; Mrs. F. G. Soule, 1045 Michigan the program of an ·hour's duration will avenue, Wilmette, announces the marbe Mn. M~colm MacHarJ, violinist, riage of her daughter, Helen, to Norand Mrs. ~old E. Knapp, harpist. man f. Hans of Chicago, on April 2.

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