WILMETT E L I F E April Zl, 1928 The Great Cross--Roads to the Great Cross-Roads of F1nanctal Progress and It 1<; hard to kno\v which way to turn. We hJvc the financial cquiptncnt to proceed but vve arc inexperienced travelers. Right then it is 1n1portant to .consult the most capable of guides, your ban her. The banditti of unsound invcsttnents and misleading pron1iscs arc \VJiting for you and unless you have rcputa blead,·ice and arc safel~, directed ~long the road you may come to grief. A 1""' SOME 'T'IME in our meand~ring~ through life \\'L'. ~1l.l con1c For t/t'IJ/ ,\ hat't' tt't' , \ tnt men unci tt'umn? happt!tt und tc.·lf IT){<Jlmnl uf, r' ,l ·l? e road tn Fuwm iul .~ucn·.\s-expcncnce . reputut11m Wit! pr(/( llCt·d ,iwh;m,·nz 1)d l'L ma<le tLS dl'pendahlc qt~ides-!t' l u .\ help you.' THE WILMETTE STATE ·BANK Central A venue at ·Twelfth ' Street "Your Home Bank"