Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1928, p. 72

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n WILMET-TE LIFE May 11. 1928 LIBRARY SHOWS 13 PCT. GAIN IN CIRCULATION Loan Total of 83,026 Books, Gain of 10,036, Librarian's Report Shows The Winnetka Musk club is pre- doR"s running at large 111 the V1l~age senting the following artists for the of Kenilworth to be muzzled was g1ven 1928-9 season : new impetus this week . wh_en an Claudio Muzio, beloved soprano of animal, preliminary ex~m~nat~on of which revealed distinct md1cat10ns of An ·increase of thirteen per cent in three continents, and prima donna of rabies, was capture'd. The dog has the Chicago Civic Opera company. · circulation over the previously peak Vladimir Horowitz, the young Rus- been placed under th_e care ~f a record, e~tahlished in 1926, is shown sian pianist,· whom the dub is most vetenarian for observatton and chspoin the annual report made hy Miss fortunate to secure. One of the sition in case it is proven that it is Anne L. \\.hitmack. \\' ilmette librarian, critics says of his performance of the suffering from the disease to the Library board for the fiscal year Rachmaninoff piano concerto, number Since the inauguration of the orjust ended. . III . in D minor. "Thr audience was dinance in the Village conditions have A total of 83.026 volumes \\·ere circulated during 1927, a gain of 10,036 transformed into a milling, enthusias- shown a decided improvement, it is ovrr the total for the previous year tic mob after Horowitz had finished declared, dogs of all types having and an average per capita circula- his electric, vital performance and largely disappeared from the streets not less demonstrative ··w ere the mem- and those still remaining at large for tion of 5.7 volumes. bers of the orchestra in showing their the most part being equipped \\'ith Patronage on lncreaae appro,·a I." the proper type of muzzle. Those that The patronage oi the library is are still at largr in violation of the orAlbert Spaulding. famous violinist, . teadilY on the increase, the report · dinance are being picked up and the states.· and en·ry possible means of is being rep<:ated. He is so well known owners notified, and, in case tbey are on our north shore that nothing more extending- the . ervice to all parts of unclaimed, di posed of. the \'illagr is being utilized. The · es- need be said. Andres Sego,·ia. \dw ic; new to the tablishment of the Laurel branch and the loaning of boo'<s through the ~fiddle West. He is the great SpanDISABLED NEED CLOTHING parochial and public schools has ma- ish guitarist, the sensation of the past Used clothing can be put to tcrialh· increased the scopr oi the mu ical season, twf'nty -five engagelihran>s Sl'f\'1Ce, to the children es- ments in five weeks. and six sold-out .·valuable and desperately-needed use by disabled veterans in the peciafly. and it is hoped that in the :\ew York recitals. He stands in reGreat Lakes hospital. Donations not far distant future it \\'ill he po - lation to the instrument of his choice of suits and other men's clothing sihle to establish a branch library for as Casals does to the ,·iolin-cello, or may be sent to Mrs. Harry \V. adult patronage in the western ec- Kreisler to the violin. Hopp, 225 Linden avenue, \Viltion oi the \'illage. Almost the en- . John Charles 'Thomas . eminent barimctte, who, acting through the tin· thirteen per cent gain was in non- tone, who will complete the course. In \Vilmette American Legion Auxifi cti on. a record that ha s been achieved Europe ~fr. Thomas is the leading bari.iary, will see that the apparel largely through an cffl)rt to build the ton of the Royal Opera at Brusreaches the men at the hospital. . library's collectitm in this department. se ls. while in- the U. . . his recitals The i>Ook classifications in the order have gained him a wide vogue. He of their popularity is as follows: litera- has taken a leave of absence from ture, biography. travel, history and art. his engagement in Brussels, and will In the children's departm nt the popu- devote his entire se3 . o1,1, 1928-9, to the lari·,· of the books is listed as fol- concert stage. lows·: fain tales, tra,·el. history and literature. · Many New Scouts Take During the year I.R32 Yolumes were Oath in Recent Weeks added to the library rollection. bring ing the total number of books owned Bov Scouts recenth· init1atcl into J)~NNJ~ L.AJIIJ bv the . librarv to 13.~5(). In all de- the ,:arious troops of the Korth Shore s"~'" ""~'".,., p~rtments. m~)re than 1.450 new bor- Area council. Bov Scouts of America, rowers wer<· listed. hringing the total arc aunounced as follows: Herbert registration to 5,414 or about 37 per H. Stevens, ] r., Troop 32. Highland cent of the total population of the Park; Robert Cook. Troop 35. Raviuia: Village. This percentage of borrowers, Xonnan \Vipperfurth, Troop 35, RaI when compared with other cities oi vinia. \\'illiam Mange. Troop 55, Glen vie\\'; corresponding size, is very high. Use of the library for rcierence John \Vood s, Troop 55. Glenview; . work has greatly increased. particular- \Villiam Popp, Troop 55, Glenview. Dan Wachs, Troop 15, \.Vinnetka: ~ .1 ly among the High school students, the munber of university students re- Kenneth Seyfried, Troop 15, \Vin maining about the same because of netka; Norman Eilertsen. Troop 15. : : the · limited number of such students Winnetka,· Bennett Bakkemo, Troop 1 1 in this district and the other librarie s 15. Winnetka; Bill 'Morse, Troop 15, il Winnetka; Elmer Baker. Troop 15, especially equipped for the purpose. A number of new features have been Winnetka; Bill Paulsen, Troop IS. vVinnetka; Herbert Flack, Troop 15, \Vinintroduced, most outstanding being the netka. picture exhibit, which attracted a great Kenneth Johnson. Troop 47, Lake I number of visitor and much favorable Forest; Stephen L. Johnson, Troop 47. 1 comment, and the story · hour for chil- Lake Forest: Robert Harmon, Troop , , dren, which is conducted each Satur- 47. Lake Forest; Roy F. Logan, Troop day morning in the Children's depart- 47. Lake Forest; Roy F. Logan. Troop I ment. 47, Lake Forest: Karl F. Strenel. , The library has also been open a Troop 47 Lake Forest; Samuel Ta,·greater number of hours each week lor, Troo~ 47. Lake Forest, and \Vilthan at any time in 'its history. liam Cokins. Troop 47. Lake Forest. 1 1 :.;1 1, 'I Police Raid "Beer Flat/' Discover New Case of· Claudia 1~1uzio to · Fine 3, Confiscate "Brew". Rabies in Kenilworth Open Music Club A police squad, composed of Chief Enforcement of the new ordinance Charles W. Leggett, Lieut. Al?ert' Recital Program making it rigidly comp.ulsory f~r all Borre and ·sergt. H. G Vance, ra1ded the apartment of Christ Peterson . on the third floor of the Brown bUilding shor~ly after midnight las~ Su.nday arresting Peterson and hts wtfe on ~ charge of possessing and selling intoxicants. Peterson was :lrraigned .before Maaistrate Daniel ~I. Mid~ey and wa fined $100 and costs. A "customer," arrested at the same time, was assessed $10 and costs on a charge of being "an inmate of a disorderly house." A ten-gallon crock and nine bottles of "brew" were confiscated. The raid came) it is understood. as a re.sult of investigation by Sargeant Vance, who, noticing undue frequt:nt ing of the apartment b~, \'isitors. hecame suspicious and placed it under surveillance. His suspicions being con firmed . by subsequent developments, the raid ·was organized and Peter. on arrested. Supe ·i ntendcnt of Schoob J. 1\. Harper, Principal L. F; ~fo~ld of ~h e Howard school. and I nnCipal ~lar garet Hayes of the Stolp. s~hool are attending the Xorthern lllm01s Supn intendcnts' and Principals' c<;mference at DeKalb this week. Supcnntcn.clent Harper is a member of a comtmttce which is expected to report on a sur,·ry designed to rearrange the method s o( instruction in arithmetic 111 the grade schools. DENNIS LANE--GLENCOE i 1 · If you are contemplating a move northward you will find nothing to compete with this property tn PRICE, CONVENIENCE, and _ BEAUTY. Prices: $115-$13 5 per foot Lot sizes: 6 6-1 00 feet For further particulars stop at out Sheridan Road office. FROCKS Will Locate 6W DAVIS S~T, BVAIISTOM Wateb loaa Date McGUIRE & ORR 12 2 Sheddan Road Phone Kenilworth 227 Ope···· Office open Sunday 11 to 5 P. M.

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