May 18, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE :59 ~------~---------~-----1~ Shore Theaters to N orshore Sunday Norshore th eater patrons will be delightfully entertained when they make their weekly visit to their favorite mo\'ie-house next \vcck, beginning Sunday, :May 20, for Al Kvale, the Jazz Clown, is preparing \\·hat he believes ' fo be one of the mo st harmonious and colorful of any pre:-.entation he has heretofore offered to his fans. The stage show will be entitled .~'Mission BelL," and it will be a combination of soothing m eloclv and dancing feet. AI and hi·:; clown-s arc a11 set to blast forth with their <>ntranccd int srumcnts, in a toe - tickling array of torrid syncopation and rhythm. It \viii he a color£ ul produ ction, including a ~good hit of the good old fashioned harmon~·. and spiced with the modern jazz. The combination of the two classes of music wi11 be a delightful alternati\'e, and Al wi11 clown as he never clowned h ,~ fore. His · magnetic per sonality. which drew whole-hearted admiration from his fans even while he ,,·as with Paul A·sh's ~ferry Mad gang, still continues to draw enthusiasm. and At has hecome the idol of the l':orthwestern campus. His Merry Collegians are a group of iazzical madcaps and he leads them with a reckle ss mi . demeanor which always draws forth ice-hot harmony. Ram0n Novarr0. co-starring with Joan Cra\dord, in an a11-star cast. come·3 to the screen in his latest vehicle since the "Student Prince." entitled "Across to Singapore." It :s an odd storv of sailors ond tl1e sea. with heauti{nt Miss Crawford as an innocently alluring maiden. the daughter of a wealthy ship-owner. Novarro is the young brother of a family of sea-going men. _ whose rough brutalitY is . the talk of the marine hiP"hwaYs. EnH·: ;;t Torrence and Frank Currier are included in the cast of this unusual story. Joseph.ine L.. Hegley GARDEN DESIGNER AND CONSUL,TANT Training at Lowthorpe School Speclallst In Planting Design and Special Color Gardens ·.... ~~----------~----~--~~._~----~~·] Novarro's "Across "Under the Black Eagle" At Teatro This Saturday to Singapore" Comes Service by the H out if Desired 150-1 Oak AHnne Phone Unlv. ':898 "Under the Black Eagle," which come s to Teatro del Lago this Saturday. l1a s been a puzzler. Now the secret's out. The film was first released with the tjtle "lJnder the Black Flag" and all advance info has been gi\'en under that name. It's a M -G - ~.1 film, featuring Flash, "the \\"Ond er dog," who "gets the \Vorld told" that the "nuts" · dicl their share . during the fracas in F,rance. Ralph Forbes and Marceline Day render excellent ~up port. "The Showdown" is a paramount production. It's an excellent picture of life in the depressing oil fields. George Bancroft and Evelyn Brent do splendid work. "The Patent Leather Kid" has been se lected for ~fonday, Tuesdav and \Vedne sday. May I repeat n;nelf? "Plea eel to recommend that you see it." "The Patsy," film adapation of the stage play, is a delightful farce-comedY with Marian Davies in the lead role. Absurd but good. Teatro billing for Thursday and Friday. Adolphe Menjou and Katherine Carver hesitated in Chicago this week long enough to visit the city hall. No, they didn't call on "Big Bill." They merely acquired the formula for life happiness (or perpetual scrap) and departed for London. MARKS BROS. GRAMADA SHERIDAN AT DEVON Starting Saturday May 19th CHARLES KALBY HRARE PERFUME" s A Stage Production of Exotic Beauty with the original (.JOB) FRISCO HIMSELF IN PERSON He of the Derby, the long cigar, and twinkling feet. On the Screen -aBetty Bronson will take the leading role in ~[-G-M's film version of the mystery story, "The Bellamy Trial." GEORGE O'BRIEN ~ "ESTELLE TAYLOR IN ~~BOKOR BOUND" A Tense Gripping Story Another Fascinating MOVIETONE PROGRAM Fri., May 18 GEORGE BANCROFT "High School Hero" ·at Community House May 25 The two "leading light s" on the Community House prov,ram for the coming \veek are "Wife Savers" for Tuesd<J)' and "The High School Hero" for Friday. "Wife Savers' 'is another of the Wallace Beery-Raymond Hatton films with Zazu Pitts and Ford Sterling in the supporting cast. Much like their previous efforts. , "The High School Hero" is a youthful, refreshing story of "prep" school life with a nice cast of youngsters. Charlie Paddock plays the role of coach and . Sally Phipps and Nick Stuart are stari:ed. VITAPBOME FLORETENE CHOIR ~~The Showdown" Musicale at 3:45 p. m. Saturday, May 19 MAY McAVOY ·~The Litde Snob" Matinee: BOB WEST'S Organ Club of Songs and Fun for Kiddies Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., May 21, 22, 23, 24, CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMMUNITY HOUSE Tues., May 22 Wallace B.-ery Raymond Hatton with Zazu Pitts Ford Sterling In Fri., :nay 2iJ in Fri., Sat., May 25-26 "The High . School Hero" " ·Jth Sally Phipps Charles Paddock Nlck Stuart John narrow arso "Koko' ·~ Chop Suey" . MILTON SILLS in "BURNING DAYUGHT" VARSITY SALON ORCHES'IPA "Wife Savers" Animal · Comic "Kang&roo Kl· mono"