May 18, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE Vacations! Keep Cool with Talcum Georgia Rose Talcum Powder I have that word on my mind so I might as well get a pencil and a piece . of wrapping paper and see what can be said on the subject. A druggist who spends all his vacations at a druggistconventiOn is on a par with the mail carrier who takes a hiking triP' on HIS vacation . Socrates ( mebbe it was Webster ) claims that a " vacation" is the process of "changing your entire daily physical and mental habits for a given period ... In other . words when you "vacate," you GET OUT! Everyone should take a vacation . even if they .d o nothing more than change one job for · another. V aca tions bring into play an entirely new set of view points. mental attitudes. sweat glands and muscles and for a time give the OLD SET a chance to rest. SoothingHealing and CoolingAfter the Bath After the Game. On Trains and During Vacations lett e r s mu st ofte n he writt en with o ut th e co nv e ni e nce o f a d c-;k- ir equ en t ly in a hurry. There was a chap whose regular job was bookkeeper. He REGULARLY took his vacation w·o rking as a street car conductor! Enjoyed it too ! Claimed he had so few human contacts in his regular work that the street car job acted as a strong stimulant and sent him back refreshed and peaceful. Railroads and summer resorts offer the stereotyped form of " vacationing" but who the thunder wants to be stereotyped ? Have y·ou planned yours ? Going to have th~ best time ever? Know what you want to take along ·to help smooth out the rough spo(s ! We can help you on this end of ir. LORD BALTIMORE Writing Portfolios a n .' m~ul<: f0r just such em er ge ncies. Th e writin g case CO\'Cr, p laced 011 lap. k nee or c hair a rm suppli e s th e 1lcs k. :Ulcl till' p a p er is fal> ri c-fi ni shed -; tnc\: ol hi g h qu a lit y. CPmple tt.· nut fi t wit h 50 shee t s a t.HI 2-l e nn· lop cs. 25c :\ 1\\a\" .t ka dn -- T ht· n ·al re a'( 111 lu r t il t· p hl' ll P il H' Il:tl -,alt o i tlti , alruii l j , t h l' rosy rose odor. (: t·" rl.!"ia ~~ ~" l' T a lrtt lll Jl1.,, dn i , !ll ack t· :- p l'c iall ~· io r t h n" v \\ h · 1k ' i r l' t IH · h t· , t t a 1r tt lll ,,-j h t h t· n ·; d attar 11t Til:o- t ' :1r; n.:T;t lll'l' 50c Renneckar's Phones 28-29 Rennecbr's Only One Store-<;:entral and Wilmette Aves. -__ ...;:.:_ n. Jnalt ,,. ' Wilmette, Illinois Wilmette, Illinois ---- - ___ ----- Today we travel for pleasure! L ESS than a century ago the pioneer traveled man y of the selfsame trails that we follow toda y- but how differently! Then rhe journey was fraught with hardships and dangers. Today we travel for pleasure- over ribbons of smooth concrete. The roads are there waiting for youwhether you use them or not. A good Used Car .. bought from a responsible dealer, will bring vacation pleasures each week-end. Turn now to the Classified Pages and Read the USED CAR ADS!