WILMETTE LIFE May 25, 1928 GIVES LECTURE ON · CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Editor's note: Following Is an extract from a lecture on Christian Science given by Charles E. Jarvis of Los Angeles, Cal., in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette, Monday evening, May 21. i ' j If a Christian Scientist could reply to J ercmiah's sorrowful question, "Is there no balm in Gilead ; is there no physican there?" it would be with the assurance that there is balm in Gilead; that there is a Physican at hand, and that the health of our sons and daugh ters is recovered. To a weary, di sappointed, suffering, sinning world, Christian Science says : Look up ! for "the night is far spent, the day is at hand." There is no condition of moral, · mental, or physical distress which can jnot be healed through the application of the teachings of Christian Science. The process is neither abstruse nor my terious. It is so simple that when we gain even a faint glimpse of the glori ous import of our real sonship with God, and of His tender, merciful, compassionate relationship to all His children, we rightfully wonder how we have shut ourselves out of the kingdom so long. We do not urge you to abandon your preconceived beliefs, or exhort you to accept the teachings of Christian Science, but it is safe to as sume that you are here to learn more about God, so we shall tell you something about the hope which Christian Science offers, and let you do with it what you will. Salvation The salvation of which mankind is today so sorely in need is to gain the right ldea of God and man. Salvation includes understanding, demonstration, and deliverance from sin, sickness and death and Is accomplished through spiritualization of thought. All that needs to be healt>d or reformed is erroneous, sinful thinking, so when the odiousness of sin becomes apparent,-in other words, when we see sin for what it actually is,-we turn from it with loathing. Thus as thought is purifi ed we stop sinning, and we find that discordant bodily condition~ are also heal ed. For centuries we have accepted as real and inescapable all · sonl-s of mischievous, sinful suggestions whicn , aft er once gaining e ntrance into our mental home, are ver)· apt to breE>d a lively swarm of attendant evils, until we have bf:'co me so filled with sin in such forms as em-y, jea lousy, hatred, malice, resentment, and the like, that it is small wonder we ha \·e suffered physically. It is your di\·ine right to assert your dominI ion O\'f·r these arguments which would j rob you of your peace and freedom. It matters not whe ther the argument takes the form of sin, sorrow, or disease, you can successfull:r resist every effort of evil to inYade the harmony of your being-. God's child is by nature honest, pure, and loving. Anything which apepars to the contrary is du e to false edu ca tion. The P~Jre in h~art do not willfull~· acquire ~ smful hab1t or a false appettte, but en! ls oft pr~sented in attractive forms and. unless we are alert, we may be tempt d for a moment to listen to th false :uguments of material sense. Temptation The temptations to sin meet us at every turn, but we do not have to yield to them . By spiritual living and the constant endeavor to keep close to God we are not only protected from the temptations of evil, but through increasing spiritual discernment we learn to penetrate morE> quickly the subtle disguises of error and thereby defend ourselves successfully from its attempts to enter our consciousness. Now when one is under the intoxicating delusion that there is pleasure in sin, he is not ready for deliverance therefrom. There comes a time, however, when false sense is satiated ; when one falls to experience any satisfaction whatever in the supposed joys of a material, sensuous world. It matters not how long the decision to take a. stand for righteousness has been postponed. When the cup of sinful living has been drained to its bitter dregs and the heart yearns for peace and the joy of right living, he who has sinned and who reaches out to God for deliverance, finds awaiting him a tender welcome from the God of love. who is "the same yesterday, and today, and forever." There never was a moment In our experience when salvation was not at hand : it only rested with us to make the effort to be'saved, for a tender, merciful, compassionate Father-Mother God is always waiting for the children of men to awaken from their delusion ·of life in matter to the consciousness of true beIng. I once heard a story of a man who dreamed that he was In prison. He did not know why he was confined ; yet there '. i A NEW, ATTRACTIVE, 7..STORY PROFESSIONAL HOME FOR I DOCTORS AND DENTISTS tn the magnificent q .... ( CARLSON BuiLDING ANNEX 618 to 626 Church Street Just East of Orrington Ave. A beautiful fireproof building designed particularly to meet the needs of medical and dental men. An unexcelled location-adjacent to The Orrington and Library Plaza Hotels, and the Carlson Building-offering you · the prest.ige of a recognized professional address. Early application insures first choice of space, and enables you to incorporate personal preferences tn the arrangement of office suites. i NOW LEASING FOR October 1st or May 1st Occupancy VICTOR C. CARLSON 0RG'N 636 Church Street Greenleaf 500