W' I~METTE . LIFE June 1, 1928 ·fOR. THOSE !WHO AI\E GOING' TO TltADE THEIR ~ CAI\S~ Wilmette Garden Club Members Hold AnnualMa~ General Tin ·~~_.,...~ IPAYMENTPi.AN ·of you. No matter what your tire neetls may be, whether yoa want Generals or j4Q s t some pick-up tires to tide you over until you trade your car. we can take eare THE Oar famous G-T·A·C pay. ment plan makes it possible to get not only the best buys to be had in any line but also the most convenient weekly p&Jlllenta -and a special deal to trade the tires back to as when you are ready to tam ia your car for a new one. flowers that bloom iti ti1e spring (shall we call it spring?) were offered in abundance last Saturday at an event \vhich was held at the North Shore line station grounds on Wilmette avenue. In the picture may be seen (left to right)-Mrs. C. D. Ewer, David C. Cooke, Mrs. John \Vcedon, Mrs. \V. G. Mitchell, Mrs. 0. A. Sontag, all of whom are members of the Garden club and A. E. Miller, Mrs. A.- E. ~1i11er and Master How.arcl Miller. In the insert Mrs. A. E. Miller is shown making a selection. QUALITY TIRE · SHOP Leonard E. Starkel 1942 W. RAILROAD AVE. CHILDREN'S DAY JUNE 10 EVANSTON Phone Univenity 62 72 ';h6 . SILE\fj!12~~,~~ GENERAL TIJUC --toes tJiong woy to moke friends Children's Day and Graduation Day Greater Chicago Meeting in the \Vilmette Parish Methodist Members of the Wilmette and Winchurch will be observed Sunday, June netka Rotary club3 attended the Great10. er .Chicago Inter-club meeting of the Ch1cago Rotary club at the Hotel Sherman Tuesday noon of this week. Featuring the program was a debate in which a representative of the ChiBuy now, start payments Sept. 1, 1928, cago club assumed the affirmative on and enjoy A utomatlc heat cool eve· the question "Resolved: that the Subnlngs with no disadvantage to your urbs. be Annexed to Chicago." F. J. bank account. 18!0 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 700 Budmger took the negative side of the Local Rotarians Attend question for the Wilmette club, while Carleton W. Washburne espoused the negative for Winnetka. The Greater Chicago Inter-club program is an annual event. K C\\. Trier's Junior trackmen were beaten on their own field by La Grange May 23. The meet was more closely contested than the lopsided score, 52~ to 24~. would indicate. The visitors cop -eel all th~ firsts excet)t in the 100-vard dash which Macintosh won for N.ew Trier. J. SHORTRIDGE Mason Contractor Porches General Repair Cement and Stone Walks or Our Experts Are Prepared to._Cut YOUR LAWN REGULARLY Summer time is play time. Why not turn the job of cutting your lawn regularly over to our staff of trained experts? REASONABLE RATES L. ·421 Richmond Phone Kenilworth 2735 23I I J.- THALMANN WILMETTE PHONE WILMETIB .56 1 . . Architectural Landacaping Lawn ReJUVenatmg-T tee Surgery-M aintenane~-Gatdening LAKE AVE.