. June 15, 1928' W IL M ETTE LIFE ' Drugs .Only W -H-E-w ·!·! The other night I had a nightmare! \\'oke up in a cold S\\'eat just as I was entering the poor house! (~osh. \Yhat a dream! REXALL SHAVING CREAM Cara.Nome 1t seemed that a set of these reformers (this is the dream) had had a law passed that PROIIIBITl·,D a druggist from selling anything hut drugs in his store! ! ! :\nd all night long in my dreams I was trying to make a living in this store of n1ine SELLI~C Dl~L·cs O~LY. Do you wonder ,,·hy it \\·as a nightmare? I \ ·e he en whistling ever since 1 \\'OKE l'P- l'm so glad it isn't so! Just run your 111incl over the scores of things you get here 'in this store that aren't Jahellect' "drugs!" \\'hy. f'd only han~ a coi1ple dozen people a day trickle · in here if drugs \\·ere all they could get- :\ tn 1 right? :\s it is XO\\', every member ()f a familY is :\IY cus- · tonwr. clay and night ( _ \nd wouldn't I h~ in tuff lnck during X mas. X e\\· Ye~n's. :\f other's Day. Easter and E'.tra hig tuht·. Uuirk lathn ing; rvall~ :i niteJh tilL· lll:ard . Latltn rL·Jnain" 111\li :i t. ::\<J \\< IIHkr it i:; :><l pupular ,,·ith the particular man. TALCUM POWDER Delight iully perfumed. pleasant, soft. Fnr usc after the hath to prevent chafing. off-set perspiration. and to soothe and d r y the skin. Has the real odor of fragrant Ao\\'ers. ~'(\TIO\'ERY, ELEC'I'RIC CL·I~LEl~~. ST.\:\IPS and 'I'I·:LEI)IIO"\E SLL'CS! \\'otta ·Life! \\'otta Life! F()urth of July! Think of this st()rc \rithout TO I LETI\IE~! C . \~DY. Cl\.:\1\:-; and RL~BHER <~OOD~! \\'ithout \Yithont 30c Renneckar's Ah!! Father's Day, June 17th, send him one of our nifty Happiness Cards. ~ Phones 28 -29 $1.00 Renneckar's Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Avea. Wilmette, Illinoia for a Want Ad just call WILMETTE 4300