Jun~ 29, 1928 WILMETTE ·LlFE The Voterts . Column By Hoyt Kin1 ' Motorists Should Help Prevent :Auto Thievery "Extraordinary precaution should be exercised in safeguarding the theft of your automobile," especially at this season of the year, accordi.ng. to a special bulletin issued by Si. Mayer, president of the Automobile club of Illinois. Investigation in a number of automobile theft cases during the past few weeks disclosed the fact that negligence on the part of the owner in locking his car encouraged the thief to make a quick get away without fear of immediate detection. "Precaution in protection should be the mortorist's first consideration" in safeguarding the interests of his machine and too few realize the importance of this in helping to discourage the automobile theft ring that prey upon the motorists. Not only should the owner of a car properly ·protect hi.s property by the use of suitable lock and key, but keep his c~r parked iFl a lighted territory instead of trying to find the most secluded spot. Spare tires should be securely locked and attached to frame of car. Never use a new tire as a spare, but on the cot}trary, select one that has about filled its mileage quota. Motorists can do much _to help fight against this existing menace to society. Assurance ~ .- .- .It comes from knowing where to look for and obtain what is desired. To desire fur garments diatinctively remod!l!d with care un_ der the personal superv1s1on of the designer . . . embodies our 28 years of experience in the fur trade. We Clean, Remodel and Repair The citizens' private prosecutors before the special grand jury need not hire and pay for their own police. That saves some money. . "Plans to retain John Stege, former deputy chief of detectives, were temporarily abandoned by Mr. Loesch last night upon the promise of Commissioner Hughes to give the police department's full cooperation to the inquiry." Mr. Hughes had decided to · withdraw the support of the police department, but changed his mind. He was cited to appear before the special grand jury, did appear, and when they got through with him he promised 100% co-operation. Like State's Attorney Crowe, who thought Senator Deneen · and Judge Swanson bombed themselves, Mr. Hughes makes mistakes. Perhaps he believes that Samuel Epstein hit himself to provoke sympathy. A Chicago editorial, however, says: "The slugging of Mr. Epstein, an attorney assisting Mr. Loesch in the election fraud cases, the attempts to intimidate or to murder James Huff, one of the witnesses of the murder of Octavius Granady, shows the underworld in opera- C. M. KROGER Furrler Est. 1900 710 1Ialn St. Tf'l. Unh:. t900 ·:--------·----------------.-a--· ~pttiul <ttltuuiug ~trnitt Hats cleaned, reblocked, sized and remodeled in felt, silk, visca crochet, etc. Work done in our own workroom. Highly skilled workmanship. tion." It is understood that James Walker, Mr. Hughes comes back with this mayor of New York, has contributed theory: " 'Chic.a go's police force will measure a song to a new song-and-dance piece Mayor up to the best in the world.' He stated to be call~d "Say When!" he did not believe that Samuel Epstein, Walker's first grip on true celebrity, messenger for the special grand jury, says one theater cri_tic, was obbined had been slugged at all, as wa& reported, and he branded as propaganda with a song named "Will You Love also the reports that five armed gangsters Me in Dec~mber as You Do in May?" sought to kidnap James Huff." U)r~r Hats made to order in large and small head sizes, molded to fit the head, or your choice from our display. iiats Slaht tn ·J ~' ; ·" While Mr. Hughes is back of ··the . best in th'e world" this is what is happening: The following Eller henchmen, indicted by the special grand jury for perjury, kidnapping or assault to murder political workers, retain their freedom: Patrolman Hartigan, , charged with perjury, walks beat; Morris Bromstein, kidnapping and assault to murder, is in Assessor's office; Harry Hochstein, kidnapping, around town but not arrested yet ; Sammy Kaplan, assault to murder, is believed to have skipped; Sam Bardin, slipped through police; Eddy Bromstein, kidnapping poll worker, once with Sanitary District; Joe Breclav, violence at the polls, is school janitor. So Commissioner Hughes will have opportunity to demonstrate what his "100% co-operation" means by sending !! _ policeman out to bring in these men at once. Millinery and Wearing Apparel 2004 Central ~--~~ III IIIIIIIITI -~ Univ. 2058 St. "'f;; 1 ;1 11 1111111111 Open Saturday Evminga ID4t iuub Jinx ----- · _j PROFESSIONAL LAWN CUTTING At Reasonable Rates A LOVELY GIFT FOR THE BRIDE The loveliest gift of all is a beautiful Oriental Rug. One that the Bride will cherish for many years. We are featuring a large selection in small sizes. Each one a perfect beauty with it's soft colorings of rose, blue, mulberry and deep silky nap. Rugs that add so much col~r and life to any home. Prices range from You'll be surprised bow oar professional lawn cutters can improve the appearance of your lawn. We maintain a staf of trained workmen with the .,est equipment ready to takt care of your lawn for the entire · season or during your vacation ptriod. L. J. 'IBALMAIIR ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPING Lawn Rejuoenating-TtH Sutgtty-Mainttnanc.......Gudtning 2 3 1 1 LAKE AVE. WILMETTE PHONE WILMETIB 5 61 "Oneness of Mankind" Next Baha'i Lecture Sunday afternoon, · July 1, at 4 o'clock. in foundation hall at Linden avenue near Sheridan road, Wilmette, Dr. Albert R. Vail will speak on the subject, "New Proofs of the Oneness of Mankind." . This suqiect, it is pointed out, is so strikingly related to the root causes of war, racial and other prejudices, that Abdu'l Baha has said : "God has not created men that they should destroy one another. All races, tribes. sects and classes share equally in the bountv of their Heavenlv Father." - w. ~t4uli! <ttn. £rust iG <6tntral JJutllltrs 1314 :ISABELLA ST. WILMETTE -Phone 71 0-J $9.75 to $75.00 Mestjian Bros. Inc. Floor Covering Contractors and Jobbetl Oriental Rugs-Carpets-Linoleum Expert Cleaning-RepairingLaying 5 1 I MAIN ST., WILMETTE Wit. 1949 Univ. 5050 Our Many Years of Experience in Every Branch of the building business enable us to be of valuable service. Invite us to your family conference when considering a New Building~ or a Remodeling Job. JANET GAYNOR HERE Janet Gaynor, former Chicago girl, who is now drawing her p::ty checks in Hollywood, stopped in the city over the week end. She was on her way west from New York with her mother. Janet denies rumors that she i3 to be married soon.