WILMETTE LIFE J~ly 6, 1928 Fint Church of Christ, Scientist Tnatb Street· and Cnattal AYmae SEitVICES SUNDAY SBit.VICES - . 11 Tennis Activities Indian Hill club held its Independence day tennis tournament, June 30 to July 4. Entries wer~ made for boys and girls, women and junior girls, men and ·junior boys and doubles, including mixed doubles. The Final matches were played off the afternoon of ] uly Wilmette, Ill. I=== A. M. Wtdaaday Tatiaaoaial Mettiaa-8 P. M. Saaclay School Exema 9 :4 5 A. M. a ~-= =- = ; i The Triangle tennis league between Indian Hill club, Skokie Country club and Winnetka Tennis club held its first matches Sunday. Indian Hill played R_,ing Room--116 J W ilmdtt Aumut Skokie. Barbara Holden, Helen Fulton, and Adalaide Ball; Francis StanHOURS: ton and Hughes Dallas composed InDaily (except Wtdiaatfay and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.: dian Hill's· team. Lucy Jane Hedberg, \1:ary Louise Morris, Bobby McWedaaday 9 A.M. to 7=·U P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ~ Mahon, Fowler Weede, and Conrad TIH Biblt tmd Worka of Marv Baktt Eddy and all oth« authorizftl Daniels were on Skokie's team. Indian Chriatian Scimct Littraturt mq bt rtad, borror.wd or · purchGIMl. Hill defeated Skokie 3-2. · The singles matches were, Lucy ] ane Hedberg d. THE PUBLIC · CORDIALLY INVl11ID TO ATTIIND 11111 Barbara Holden, 6-1, 6-1. Helen FulCHuaat SDVICEI AND VIIIT THE IUIADING ROOII i ton d. Mary Louise Morris 6-4, 6-0. e Francis Stanton d. Bob McMahon 3-6, ~., ···"·-·"·'"·"mmn··m111Mmtt1mllllltlllllllntnllllllllllllllllmnmn~rNIIIImmuuumuuur,un"'nu:i 1 6-0, 6-2. Fowler Weede d. Hughes . Dallas, 8-6, 3-6, 6-1. In mixed doubles A. Ball and F. Stanton d. L. }. Hedberg and C. Daniels, 6-2, 6-2. On Sunday, Skokie will meet Win- E July 8, 1928 Subject: "Sacrament" 4. I PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS netka. They will play at Skokie~ ] une 16 the ChicacQ Sectional T~n nis tournament for JUniors, boys and girls, opened. The north shore tennis center, part of the Chicago district net play for the young stars, spon90red by the Chicago Evening Post, was held at Skokie Country club. Phil Brain, tennis professional at Skokie, ran off his tournament in fine shape. The other divisions of the city were. held at the Chicago Town and Tennis club, Hamilton club, Oak Park club and Gary. The winners of all the divisions will meet at the Hamilton club Saturday and Sunday, July 7 and 8, for the Chicago city championships. Prizes will be awarded the winners by the Chicago Evening Post and medals are to be awarded by the United Lawn Tennis association. Semi-finalists and finalists in all the sectional meets automatically qualify for the nationals ~o be played at Culver in August. The North Shore sectional had far more girls turn out than di ny of the other sections. The fiel was good and although Barbara olden and Lucy } ane Hedberg stood out as the probable finalists the field was good for upsets. In the final match Lucy Jane Hedberg def~ated Barbara H~lden in a hard fought match, 6-2, 6-4. In the junior boys, Johnny Sheldon and Richard Hammond were the favo!";tes. The final match was to be played off on Tuesday. In the boys' section Billy Clover won the tournament. Following are the results of the matches: Girls' semi-finals-Barbara Holden d. Eugenie Sampson, 6-4, 8-10, 9-7; Lucy Jane Hedberg d. Helen Fulton. 6-2, 6-1; Finals-Lucy Jane Hedberg d. Barbara Holden, 6-2, 6-4; Junior boys' semi-finals-Johnny Sheldon defeated Bobby McMahon, 6-2, 6-3; Richard Hammond defeated Lindsey Beaton; Finals-Johnny Sheldon vs. Richard Hammond. A ' I., .., .. -.,, ... The radiant beauty of the rainbow is in these colorful awnings The· windows which link your home with the world outside deserve better treatment than to be blotted out by awnings that are dull, sombre, and uninteresting. Time wu when your choice of awning materials was limited to a few drab patterns, which faded and grew even more lifeless after a single season's exposure to the elements. Those were the days before the advent of Otis Woven Stripes bad transformed awnings from mere fixtures to kttp out the sun and rain into brilliant additions to the beauty of a home. Bzpert Tire Repairs "A atitch in time 141VII nine" Canopies Rented /or All Social Occasions A tire properly repaired in time will give you many months of service that you would not ordinarily rec:eive. Bring your old tires in and see if we can't repair them for you. K,1 HAROLD N. BLASIUS Co. Establiahed 19 13 ~ BBB Repaira for one ,..... on all SEmBRLIMG ALL THREAD TIRES parchued at MANUFACTURERS OF AWNINGS AND CANOPIES 26 Prouty Annex 1578 MAPLE AVE. GREENLEAF 2822 Winnetka I I 25 302 S. GENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN IZI Maia St. MARGERUM'S TIRE SHOP Plao.. 3243