WILMETTE.· LIFE November 9, 1928 Junior. L. eague Plays Appeal to Entire North Shore Juniot Leaguers to Open Season on November BY JEAN TEN BROECK 17 I Bride-Elect and Bride I Sale in Winnetka Next Week .Will Be Settlement Benefit Junior League players, a group of society girls and young matrons, are becoming more popular each season. Their clever productions on Saturday mornings never fail to include in their :~udiences groups of eager little north shore children as well as the entranced · grown-ups who accompany them. The cast this year has among its members several north shore residents. The Chicago Junior League is presenting "Racketty Packetty House," from the well known story of Frances l:.lodgson Burnett, in a performance Saturday morning, November 10, as a benefit for the Illinois Society ·.of Prevention for Blindness, which is selling :;eats to help raise its $50,0017J fund. The Junior League gives the first performance of its own season, Saturday morning, November . 17. The productions are given at the Harris theatre at 10 :30 _p'clock. Tickets are on sale at the Harris Box office. Members of the cast of "Racketty Packetty House" have been chosen as follows: M.iss Margot Atkin .of W.innetka is to play the part of the Duchess; Mrs. Ansel Kinney of Evanston (Elinor Woodward of Hubbard Woods) is to be the New Nurse in the Nursery, and Mrs. J. Waller Marshall of Winnetka, the Old Nurse of the Nursery; Dorothy Schmidt will take the part of Peter Piper. and Mrs. Boy~ Hill. the part of Gustibus, the boy~ of Racketty Packetty House; Ethel Harmon of Highland Park, one of the Three Green Workers, Nip, Flip and Trip; Barbara Neff, will play The Princess; Mrs Arthur Reynolds, Cynthia; Mrs. Robert Gardner, of Winnetka, Queen Cross Patch: Mrs. Charles Adams, Meg and Mrs Lyell Rit:chie, Peg, the girls of Rackener, Kilmanske~g; Mrs. John Winterbotham, Jr,. Ridiktis. Mrs Robert Morrison, Lady Patsy; Mrs. John Farwell, Lady Doris ; Mrs. Russell Staffor~, Lady Muriel: Mrs. Robert Adams, James, and Miss Florence Sargent, John, the footmen. Photo by Gibson Casebeer MISS DOROTHY · FULLER MRS. PAUL DELARGY Last week brought the announcement of the engagement of Miss Dorothy Lee Fuller daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee Fuller of 915 Tenth street, to Harold H. Wegner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Wegner qf 421 Elmwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Wegner entertained at dinner Wednesday night for the younger people in the .f~ily, her nieces and nephews, and Mis·.s Fuller. Mrs. Paul DeLargy is the former Marian Spach of Kenilworth, daul hter · d H dd' . of Dr. and Mrs. Amuel B. Spach of 228 Letcester roa . er we mg was an event of early fall. At Vista del Lago Commencing tomorrow evening with the formal dinner for members and their guests, with dancing fo11owing, the Club Vista del L(!go schedules another week replete with activity. Monday again will occasion a bridge luncheon for women members and their guests. Luncheon will be served ¥_ 12:30 o'clock with the game, whicli will be progressive, commencing at 2. Wednesday, witl bring a dinner bridge at 7 o'clock. The remainder of the week will be given over to a Family Night dinner at 6:30 o'clock Thursday and a formal dinner and dance Saturday, November 17. In Charity Bazaar Plan& The Edgewater branch of the Infant Welfare society has arranged a bazaar and food sale for November 13, in the north room of the Edgewater Beach hotel. This charity event will be open from 10 o'clock in the mornjng until 10 o'clock that night. Mrs. A. S. Benson of 201 Frank.Jin road, Glencoe, is among the north shore persons interested in this event. The next in the series of subscription dances at the Woman's club of Wilmette occurs Saturday evening, November 17, at 8 :30 o'clock. The affair is in charge of Mrs. Earl D. Lyon and given under the auspices of the ways and means committee of the club. Miss Beatrice Isabel Pence became the bride of James Packard Reinhold at 8 :30 o'clock last Saturday night ip the Winnetka Congregational church. Mrs. Reinhold is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison Pence of 826 Forest avenue, Wilmette, ·a nd Mr. Reinhold is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Reinhold of 1005 Ashland avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. Reinhold was gowned in ivory satin, a sleeveless dress, and an ivory veil held with a lace cap and orange blossoms. Her J>ouquet was of yello~ roses and valley lilies. The attendants' dresses fo11owed the chrysanthemum color scheme. The maid of honor, Miss Marjorie Pence. wore a dress of shades of brown and the bridesmaids, Miss Betty Jane Pence, Miss Lydia Sp renger of Kenilworth, and Mrs. Edwin S. Robinson, formerly Miss Leah Kinne of Wilmette, wore yellow gowns. Mrs. Pence was dressed in green and the flower girl, Betty Murray, was attired in lavender. The · ring-bearer, Ross Murray, wore black velvet an~ white satin. The two children are cousins of the bride and the son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Murray of Glencoe. The best man was Ralph En~lish of Wilmette and the ushers were Robert F. Pence, Lindley Servis, Frank Miflington, and Edwj.n A. Robson. The church was decorated with chrys~nthemums in yellows, browns. and lavenders. The altar was graced with palms and smilax flanked by baskets of chrysanthemums and lighte~ tapers. After a wedding trip through the east, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold will be at home at 7409 Hoyne avenue, Chicago, after December 1! Mrs. John F. Weedon Beatrice Pence Bride Is Garden Club Head Sets Wedding Day of James P. Reinbold Miss Eugenia Jones, Mrs. John F. Weedon of 204 Fifth street, was elected president of the Wilmette Garden club at a meeting last Friday afternoon - at the home of Mrs. Royal ·c. Dickson in Evanston. The other new officers for 1929 were: Mrs. J. Benton Schaub of Wilmette, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Van Deursen of Deerfield, recording secretary; Mrs. 0. A. Sontag of Evanston, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. James S. Moore of Evanston, treasurer. Friday afternoon, November 16, the club will · go to the chrysanthemum show at the Hotel Stevens. This trip will be preceded by a luncheon at the Orrington hotel. Mrs. Hope Thompson will be hostess at the next meeting of the club on December 7, at her home, 1119 Ashland avenue. The meeting will be held in the evening and will be guest night. Mrs. J. Lawrence Houghteling, 731 Prospect avenue, Winnetka, is openihg her home Tuesday, November 13, for a sale and exhibition of the lovely things made by the women at the Eli Bates Settlement house. These articles are also shown at the Eli Bates shop at 124 East Delaware place, Chicago, but this sale will afford residents of the north shore an opportunity to procure the fine hand made linens, blanket covers, comforters, maid's aprons and other novelties without visiting the shop. The hours are from 10 in the morning until 5 :30 in the afternoon and tea will be served after 4. Everything sold directly benefits the work done by the Eli Bates association of which Mrs. Arthur Lincoln Farwell is the chairman of the board of directors. The women assisting next Tuesday at Mrs. Houghteling's home with the exhibition and . tea will be Mesdames Howard C. Alley, Ernest S. Ballard, Edmund B. Bartlett, Emmons Blaine, Jr., William McCormick Blair, Francis P. Butler, Rush C. Butler, Arthur G. Cable, Dudley Cates, Edwin H. Clark, C. Donald Dallas, Harry J. Dunbaugh, Victor Elting, Charles Forman, Stephen S. Gregory, Jr., William B. Hale, William Gold Hibbard, Harry C. Holloway, James Lawrence Houghteling, Donald F. McPherson, John S. Miller, John T. Hazen Perry, Laurence B. Robbins, Frederick W. Scott, John Stuart, Pettit Watson, Morris K. Wilson, Walter 0. Wilson. daughter of Professor and Mrs. Hilton Ira Jones of Wilmette, has selected Saturday eveniDg, November 24, for her marriage to Clyde E. Peaster, son of Mrs. Henry J. Peaster of Glencoe. The ceremony will be read by Dr. Horace G. Smith at 8 o'clock, in .the Wilmette Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Harold C. Case of the North Shore Methodist church in Glencoe will assist Dr. ·s mith. Followipg the wedding, tbere will be a reception at the bride's home for the wedding party and intimate friends. Club Benefit November 20 Arrangements for one of the large social affairs of the season in Wilmette nears completion. The event wilt be the evening card party given under the auspices of the ways and means committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette, Tuesday eveningl. November 20, at the club house. Prizes unusual, attractive, are being donated by the merchants of the village. A group of young girls, members of the Junior auxiliary of the club, tvill serve the refreshments. ·Mrs. Carl Van Sinder is general chairman. · 3 To Address Garden Club The Garden Club of Illinois is holdi_ng an all-day meeting Wednesday, November 14, in the Bat Tabarin room of the Hotel Sherman. At 11 :15 in 2 :30 in the morning and at the afternoon Dudley Crafts Watson Gif.Je Benefit for Vets will lecture. His first topic will be A card party for ex-service men will "The Loveliest Gardens I Have Seen," which he will illustrate with stereopti- be given by the Woman's Catholic con views. His second lecture will be club of Wilmette at 2 o'clock on the a chalk talk on "Color in the Garden." afternoon of Wednesday, November 14. The party will be given at the home of Mrs. John Boylston, 1302 Circle Hostesses Chestnut- avenue. Thi~ is the orily The Crescent circle was entertained card party given during the year to Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. Nor- finance this cause. man Hall, 705 Gregory avenue. The hostesses were Mrs. E. C. Willison, Hoates& at Tea Mrs. H. Marcus, Mrs. F. A. Parry, and Miss Georgiena Lagen of 1511 Forest Mrs. B. A. Langdon. avenue entertained at tea last Sunday afternoon at the Blackstone hotel in Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher, 826 The Royal Neighbors are gavtng a honor of Miss Loraine Driscoll of ChiGreenwood avenue. entertained last card and bunco par_!y this evening at cago, whose marriage to Si Moody of week at two dinner parties, one on Odd Fellows hall. The affair is open Park Ridge will take place Novemto the public. . .Friday ~nd one on Saturday night. ber 17.