November 16, 1928 WILMETTE dea~er, and is thoroughly versed in the vartous phases of correct driving and has been instructed to demon~trate the thoroughness of his knowledge. "Due to the color of the "White Streak," it ca!l be readily seen, and Chandler offic1als feel that with this car constantly running on the streets of the various cities, it will have a tend~ncy to emphasize to many automobile owners, not only the motive behind the car, but actually demonstrate the various facts which National Safety Councils throughout the country are stressi~g con~tantly." ~IF_J~ "White Streak" to Show Correct Way of Driving a Car Cooperating with the National Safety movement throughout the United States, the Chandler-Cleveland Motors Corporation are introducing a new idea which will, no doubt, tend to em-· phasize in a forcible manner safe, sane and courteous driving practices on the highways of many of the cities of the United St~tes and Canada, according to Tom Hay of Tom Hay and Son, Evanston Chandler dealer. MINNESOTA IS PROGRESSIVE "Most everyone will agree that the Minnesota has 100,000 miles of pubmajority of motorists have good intentions when it comes to their driv- lic roads of which 7,000 are trunk highing habits on the road, but due to haste ways treated by special patrol main- · and unexpected circumstances, they tenance, on which there has been ·exmany times, forget to practice what pended during the past tive years their better judgment has always ad- $33,000,000 annually. This state is a large user of calcium chloride for dust vocated," . says Mr. Hay. laying and highway maintenance. "Due to this laxness on the part of many drivers, Chandler officials hit upon the idea of sponsoring the "White Streak," ~ Chandler Royal "75" Eight Sedan, finished entirely in a snow THE white, to remind the motoring public, through the cooperation of distribut0rs and dealers, of what constitutes correct driving practices. This car wilt be run constantlv on the streets 0f hundreds of- the · most important cities throughout thf' country. stressing the numerous points of careful · dri,·ing and courtesy on the road. "Everyone who owns a car wilt admit there is a right way and a wrong way to drivr in traffic. to stop and park. to pass street cars. etc. There <tre also hundreds of little court.t>sies of the road. which if practiced, would make driving a car afford even a g-reater degree of pleasure than it docs right now. The driver of the "\Vhit<' Streak" is. in each case. under the jurisdiction of the local Chandler J. Muon Contractor General Repair Cement, Stone Walks and Porches 421 Richmond Pboae Keailworth 2735 · ------ MOTOR. CA& ·· and in O~TOBER n~ore rttrs than last October A landslide ./ortbe NASH ~OO"! sales figures tell Nash Cars than last October I N ASH how emphatically and over- The circle of Nash owners-the "400" whelmingly America has endorsed this new and finer motor car. In Ju1y, 2916 more cars than any July in Nash history-in August, 4498 more than any previous August-in September,6176more than the best previous September circle of "400" satisfaction and enthusiasm -is growing every month, every day, every hour-be· . cause the money never bought so fine a motor car before! Before you buy your new car, drive the "400." Let performance show you why America has gone Nash! -and in October, 10,166 more 9 Sedana from S8 5o to S2 r6 5, delivered. 8 Coupe~, C11briolet1, V ictori111 from $8 55 to $ 1 7 7 5, delivered. Fcom Here to There we'll move fJOU lind We'll move vou o'er the aea or land. Distance doesn't scare us. We attend to the packing and shipping and routing and charge moderately. · IMPORTANT FEA.'.r1JRE8-NO OTHBB Cd.B HdN THBJrl. dLL Twin-Ignition motor 12 Aircraft-type apark pluga Hlah compression Houdaille and LoYejoy ahock absorben Aluminum alloy pistons Bijur centralized chassis lubrination U···r Slrllls) New double drop frame lleGtric clocks Torsional Yibration luerior metalware damper chrome plated oYer World'seasiesuteerina Dickel 7-bearinl crankshaft u.u.. ,.,..-,., Short turaioa radiua Lonaer ~heelbases One-piece Saloa fender· Clear Yisioa &oat pillar posts Nash Spedal Desiao front aad rear bumper· . PHONfS·WILHETTE 31 UNIVfRSITY 1317 OtAIRS & TA&LES- FOR.. R.ENT R.~-W.~f.J! STORAGE MOVING ~ 521 MAIN PAC.K.ING STR.EET SHIPPIHG WILMETT!,IU.. (uellllmN·sll··--., Saloa Bodie· SUBURBAN NASH SALES Phone Winnetka 2707 . I fHERf .... · 547 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA · ·