November 23, 1928 WILMETTE LIFB It · Announces the Opening THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 of her new French Provincial Tea Room in the EVANSHIRE HOTEL MAIN STREET, 1 Jetween HINMAN and CHICAGO AVENUES A Superior FOUNTAIN SERVICE The fountain service of the French Provincial Tea Room will parallel the excellence for which The Vera Megowen has always been recognized. The French Provincial Tea Room will serve break· fast, luncheon, dinner and supper- all in the inimitable style of THE VERA MEGOWEN table d'hote and a Ia carte. After several years of study including a trip to France, this last Summer, to make her knowledl!e of the French Provincial life complete, Miss Megowen opens her new Tea Room, which is indeed an artistic achievement-a tribute to the city of Evanston and the North Shore. This Room is opened so she can more comfortably take care of the daily increasing guests. The fact that the French Provincial Tea Room will be under the personal direction of Miss Vera Megowen, assures its success and popularity. Miss Megowen will offer to her guests the same delightful food and home atmosphere as in the Early American Room. Do try one of our de· Iicious Sundaes or Sodas. Why Not Dine Tonight at The Vera Megowen EARLY AMERICAN ROOM Davis at Hinman. FRENCH PROVINCIAL TEA ROOM Evanshire Hotel Main Street, near Chicago Avenue ..... - ~ --- · ·-