NOYember 23. ·1928 WILMETTE LIFE MUSIC CLUB MEETS Louis Borre Summoned by Death Laat Thunday Lquis Borre died last Thursday after'!oon .at ~t. Francis hospital after a bn&ermg 1llness. Funeral services were held at St. John's church Wilmette, Tuesday morning, and 'burial was at Memorial Park cemetery. Mr. Borre was 33 years old. Surviving him ar~ his widow. Mrs. Emma Borre; two children, Bobby and Ruth; his par- · ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borre 1616 Washington avenue; two sisters,' Mts. Edward Snyder, of Wilmette, and Vir~ ginia, at home ; and five brothers Anthony, Arthur, Raymond Carl and WiUiam; all of Wilmette. ' Tr. easurer The Senior Music club of New Trier High school met at the home of Willa Snyder in Glencoe last Friday night. .·-------·-············-------····················---. I Mrs. E. Russell Thompson enter-tained at bridge last Friday at her father's home at 1119 Elmwood avenue. I ·B B D· .& L· fer .u.LIII. T A1f LD·B LeaaDIIIa... ·n·n lJIII'nnH,. . . STOB&G · : : VITAPBOMB AIID IIOVIBTOR : : 1 ALCYOM TBBA'IRB COMING SOON wiD 'be at tile I I : : I .BtrllJaad Park WATCH FOB DATES ~-------------------------------------·-·············· TELEPHONE UNIVERSITY 3055 Mn. Hope Mulford Dies; Services Here Thursday Mrs. Hope Mulford, sister-in-law of Herbert B. Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue, and a former resident of Wilmette, died suddenly of pneumonia last week-end at Susanville, Cal. Mrs. Mulford was the widow of Dr. E. R. Mulf<?rd who died about five years ago. Smce then Mrs. Mulford had lived in Wilmette for a time before going to California. Services were held Thursday in the chapel and burial took place at Memorial Park. PETERSEN FLOOR SURFACING COMPANY NEW I'LOORS MADE Photo by Bernie PERFECT OLD FLOORS LIKE NEW Sanding and Scraping by Machine or Hand Kenilworth Schoolboy Dies While Riding His Bicycle Petersen, 12 year A. Petersen, 222 Kenilworth, were his sudden death \Yednes~ay, ~?vember. 14. The boy d1ed whtle rtdtng a btcycle and his death is thought to have be~n caused by heart trouble. He was in the seventh grade at Joseph Sears school. Funeral services were held Friday, November 16. Burial was at Rosehill cemetery. Friends of Jules old son of Julius Cumberland road, grieved to learn of Mrs. Charles Gates Dawes, wife of the Vice President, is again treasurer of the annual ball to be given at the Evanston Country club December 18 for benefit of the Evanston receiving home of the Illinois Childrens Home and Aid society. It is being sponsored ;Jy the North Shore Advisory Board. THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY The ] oseph Sears school in Kenilworth will close for the Thanksgiving vacation Wednesday afternoon, November 28. Classes will be resumed the following ~onday. No Dust Estimates Fum· isbed Free S19 Asbury Ave. Evanston, Ill. Preferred cAs uThe Place,, For Important Social Functions- desired entertainment facilities are y o u r s to command when you choose The Georgian as 'The Place' for your party. . Accommodations arranged to suit your requirements perfectly, special rooms for special affairs, a famed catering , service, and experienced services to assist you in the planning and execution of all details. To live bert ia to enjov 1uch facitirita for all your enrertainmentl. borh infor· mal and formal. ALL ,(The luxurious lobby is the first great downstairs room to greet your guests"-... 'impressively, with the inviting charm of a great and comfortable home. ,)I IDht G{eor.gian cAn Jd4ress of 'Disttnctton DAVIS at HINMAN-EVANSTON T e 1 e p h o n e .G r e e n I e a f 4 1 0 0 You are cordially invited to attend the series of Sunday Euening Musicales now being held at The Georgian under the direction of Ernau Akely, President of the North Shore Musicale Society.