WILMETTE LIFE December 7. 1928 Fonl'a Canadian Plant to Build 580 Cara a Day The stepping up · of production by Ford to 6,000 cars a day at the big Detroit plant is not the only forward movement by the organization, according to D. W. . Leonard, of Skokie Motors, · Main street, Wilmette, north shore Ford dealers. "I have just learned that production of 500 cars a day will be in effecl Janu-· Condition of roads in Illinois as reported by the Chicago Motor club follow: Illinois-6-Detour at Westchester; follow marked detour over Pusheck road south to 22nd street, follow this west to Mannheim road or Illinois-46, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------follow this north to Illinois-6. Q'"""_M,.IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!: Illinois-18--Detour in Naperville; i ~ I § follow marked detour over city streets. lllinois-42-Detour in Lake Forest; follow marked detour over city streets. Canton to Farmington-Via Illinois78. All pavement and gravel except for a 200-foot detour at Norris which . is slippery after rains. Bloomington to :Minier-Via Illinois122-This route is now paved except for the first 5 miles west of Bloomington. Subject: GOD, THE ONLY CAUSE AND Pekin to Danvers-Via Illinois-164Concrete is laid except over fills and CREATOR at bridge ends between Mackinaw and RttUling Room-1 1 6 J VI ilmfltt Autnut Danvers. These are .being graveled and will be open ·by December 15. HOURS: Traffic can then travel on pavement or gravel all the· way from Pekin to DanDaily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. vers. Wrdaaday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.: Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. ary 1 at the plant of the Ford Motor company of Canada, Ltd." Re-tooling and additions to the plan at Ford, Ont., he states, have been completed, and with these changes the production at the plant will exceed by 100 cars, approximately, the record output of the company. He says it is probable that the Canadian plant will reach even a higher ·production than 500 cars a day before the close of the year 1929. Road Tips '----___.;,-------1 I Buses Run Jitneys Off n ·etroit Str.eets . by Order of Court The doom of the jitneys in big city streets has arrived, if action taken at Detroit can be taken as the indication, according to C. M. McDonald, Evanston and Wilmette Dodge dealer. Detroit now has operating in its streets a fleet of buses instead of the jitneys, this being made possible by a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Michigan which ruled the jitneys from certain streets of the motor metropolis after a legal battle which lasted seven years. First deliveries have been made of the fleet of 120 Graham Brothers parlor coaches, purchased from Dodge Brothers and added to the equipment of the street railways, supplementing bus and street car lines already in· operation. . Inauguration of the service met with an immediate response from the busriding public. Added refinements in comfortable transportation combined with speedy operation, have had a wide and popular appeal. A six-minute schedule is maintained and the coaches are liberally patronized, meeting all demands of heavy rush-hour traffic, according to officials of the railway department. . The Graham coach carries 15 passengers, exclusive of the driver, in deep, leatlier, air cushion, individual, wicker chairs, standard equipment in this model. It is unusually roomy, ample space being provided between the seats and in the aisles. Speed and ease of operation equal to the passenger car is given by the powerful six-cylinder motor. Safety is assured by Lockheed hydraulic, four-wheel, internal expanding brakes with hand brake operating on the propeller shaft, an emergency door at the rear and non-skid entrance step. ~ First Church of Christ,· Scientist ~ Tht Biblt and Worb of Mt1111 &It,. Eddy and all othlf' -.uthonztd Chri·titm &cimet Littraturt miiJI bt r~t~d, borrowtd or purchtiiH. rHB PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTBND THB CHU.OI SDVICBI AND Vlltt THE RBADING ROOII Motor Industry Helps Toledo to Prosperity Fifty-one major plants, mainly automotive, report 35,853 workers employed during the week ended November 30, an increase of 719 over the preceding week and comparing with 21,158 a year ago. Willys-Overland has been adding many workers, due to its resumption of a SYz-day week, and is still adver,tising for more. Libby-Owens Sheet Glass company has taken on more workers in its new plate glass unit. ~ F.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt. Liberal Allowance lor roar Old SROCK ABSORBERS IF you have been "holding off" from having a aet of Houdaillea on your car- here ia your opportunity. We will give you a h1>eral trade-in allowance on your old instruments, regardless of make. You will not be forced to throw away }'Our old devices, thanks to tliis offer! Boadallle Trade·la Moatb World-wide attention . ia focuaed on Houdaille RIDING COMFORTI Double-acting standard equipment on Lincoln, Ford, Pierce-Arrow, Cunning· ham, Stearns-Knight, Jordan, Nash Advanced Six, Chrysler 80 and 33 fo~ can. · Don't wait and wish for Houd.. ailles. Come and take advant"ge of our Trade-in oft"er anclftde in REAL comfort. Are You Read7' tO .Junk Your Car! If not, let us supply you with winter driving insurance in the form of Weed Tire Chains, alcohol for your radiator and a new battery to assure you of starting power, lights and horn. Give Your Car a Chance ! ! .. wen .. hydraulic, Houdaillea are contributing more to the comfort, speed and SUCCESS of America'· finest can. The moetcritical enlm~n Ia America and Eu- rope have made them THE MADISON GARAGE 620 Madiaon St., Evanston Ph. Greenleaf 1110 MILLER & MILLER George Miller 732 Twelfth St. Leo Miller ·Phone Wil. .50