December 14, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE ., the candy which fills the Christmas stockings made by the university girls Northwe.tena Coed. Make Ready for · u~der direction of the settlement comPartiea for Settlement ~hildren mattee of the campus Y. W. C. A. The 300 dolls that the girls of Northwestern university have dressed for the children of Northwestern University settlement in Chicago, and the 3 000 stockings that they have made ~nd filled with candy for the same Santa Claus project, will be on~ of the important parts of the Christmas cele1·rations there. There will be one of these Christmas parties every evening of the holidays proper, to include all the groups who irequent the settlement and participate in its colorful and interesting program. .\s preliminary to the parties, Miss Harriet E. Vittum, head resident there, ior many years outstanding in civic and social fields of Chicago and the country in general, '"ill come to Evanston to speak to members of the UniYersity circle. She will speak tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at Harris hall. The members of the circle meet tc :- ew one day each month for the settlement, and there are 40 girls from the university regularly conducting classes there each week. The circle donates WILL GIVE 300 DOLLS Honor New Trier Grad as Bradley Grid Star A former New Trier High school athlete Lester Galitz, is now starring at Bradley Tech, Peoria. He was awarded the Bradley "B" for his services on the eleven. In the first and final games of the season, "Les" starred for the Tech, but the rest of the season he \\'a3 on the bench with a twisted ankle. Critics gave him honorable mention on the "Little 19" all-star team, and next season he should gain a place on the first all-conference eleven. At present he has his thoughts on the hardwood and hopes to win his second letter as a member of the quintet. the next hike is taken the club which ranks first will be given a place. near~ est the hike leader, Robert W. Town- . ley, athletic director at the ·Joseph Sears school. On the last hike Freddie \Vorkman's · Sea Gulls, with nine out of ten members present, ranked first, while Tom Cruttendon's Quails were second with seven members present. Carleton Ross' Cardinals and Charles Bemis' ·Mallards tied for third place, each dub having six members present. Auto Engine Explodes; Garage Is Set Aflame While Basset Ruf was cranking a car in the A. W. Ruf private garage at 236 Cumnor road last Sunday morning, the engine of the car exploded, setting fire to the floor of the garage. The Wili11ette fire department was called, and the blaze extinguished before serious damage resulted. Ouilmette Court 848. Catholic Daughters of America, held election of officers at Odd Fellow's hall, December 2. Mrs. Mary Spertoli, district deputy, assisted by Mrs. Mary Kummer, grand regent, performed the initi~tion ceremony. Dinner for forty-etght members and guests was served at the Maeburne hotel afterwards. Hikers Vie for Choice Position on Their Trips The variou s Junior Hikers clubs in Kenilworth, with ten members each, will hereafter be rated according to the percentage of club members present at the most recent hike, and when Thia i1 not the ordiauy cheap gumwoocl cabinet, but a cabiaet of eztraordiDUT worlua~p and made of all mahotanJ' or ab walnut at a anecial tift price of - -- ----=----===== $6.50 · A tift never to be. foraottea la thi· beautiful Hepplewhite aecntary that i· made of malaoaaay and coaatruction that will lut a lifetime. The apecial tift price ia - Qlhristmn.a ~rruirr ) $57.50 Why brave the packed cars, the crowded boulevards, the mad crowds surging through the stores, when in your own community you have a shop that cannot only supply you with many appropriate Christmas gifts amid pleasant congenial surroundings, but also at extremely · . reasonable prices? Among these many useful Christmas remembrances we have many attractive pieces of glassware, pewter, furnishings, pottery, as well as antiques and lamps. There are many Martlaa Waalaiagton aewiaa cabiaeta otfered at all pricea, · but thia one com· maada attention aD oth··· It i1 made of either all malaotADJ' or all walaut at a apecial tift price of $14.50 AUSTIN;TECHAU & 930 Spanish Court Opposite T eatro del Lago co., Inc. BROWN FURMITURB CO. 1517 Slaei'IIIAII An. Phone Uai·. . . . Wilmette, Ill. EVANSTON