WILMETTE LIFE . 2 December 14. 1928 D = Very Special: County Cavan Sheer Irish Linen Handkerchiefs~ SOc each. · Pure white; three kinds of self· cording. Hand-rolled hem. . Men#· Section-Fitat Floor Lather Gifts for Men include Military Brushes in leather cases; cigaret.te packets; collar bags; bill folds; fitted and unfitted toilet cases. IDVNTAIN SQVAR[, tvANSTON Wilmette 3700 Firat Floor Greenleaf 7000 Winnetka 520 ' ·· A ·List of Good Gifts for Men From the men,s department- where there are many hundreds of gifts that men would like! Handkerchiefs at50c All-white initialed. linen, hemstitched hem, White, corded and bordered in color, with colored initial. White Irish linen with band-drawn threads in color and narrow colored edge. Porto Rican hand-drawn linen-white with color. Plain white Irish linen, with %, % and ~ inch hem. Tinker Tie Tree $1.00 An ingenious contraption with a number of fiat metal 44 branches" on which to bang ties. In red-andblack, tan-and-green and gray-andblue. Belts ·and Buckles $Ito $2 Pioneer and Hickok belts and buckles; novelty -grained calfskin in tan, gray or black. Barathea Ties New Suspenders $1.50 Plain colors-green, maroon, navy and black. $1.50 - $2 Lined Gloves The new kind of heavy belting in colors to harmonize with a man's suits and shirts. Blue, red, green, tan, brown-conventional patterns. Elastic back takes care of the stretch. Square Mufflers $3.50 Persian patterns in tan~ brown, blue; black-and-white, navy-and-red. Dots. Checks. Conventional patterns. Heavy crepes and twilled silks. $4 Hansen gloves of heavy, pliant capeskin-outseam sewn, so they can be worn for dress or driving. Tan, gray. Worsted lined. Other lined gloves, Sl. 75 to $7.50 palC. full-Dress Sets $5 Links and studs to match, in onyx and mother-of-pearl. Handsomely set in velvet-lined cases. Sh·irts at $1.95 to $J.50 Plain colors with stiff collars attached. Plain-colored and patterned shirts with soft collars attached. Neckband patterned shirts with stiff and soft collars to match. White broadcloth shirts in collar-attached and neckband models. All sleeve lengths. New Pajamas $2.50 The smart new button-front pajamas with pointed collars-with duster stripes, broad stripes, and checkered stripes. There art f~og-trimmed ones, too, without . collars. Cuff Links, $2 Engraved white-gold-plate cuff links in most attractive designs. Lord,s-Men,· Section First Floor--Orrington