December 21, A Beautiful Rite FUNERAL is not just a practical, matterof-fact affair. Human nature refuses to consider it in any such light. The last farewell to a loved one should be made an impressive rite which will hold sacred associations in the memory. This aspect of our work is given full consideration . While we strive for the utmost efficiency, we do not let it obscure the deep significance of the occasion. Every detail, from the planning of the service to the selection of the smallest accessory, is ·m ade to contribute to the general effect . The result is a well -rounded service in which efficiency, good taste and consideration for the living are carefutJy blended. We accept this responsibility as a sacred trust. A g{d~ CU)J11. uNm:RTAKEI~ 1109 CENTRAL AVE. 554 CENTER ST. WILMETTE WINNETKA . "lfh.e Xouse of CJle'Ysonal Set\Jice" 654 404 Deluxe Funeral Service The Oldest Established Undertakers on the Immediate North Shore. "A Correct Grade for Each BurneT"· F Telephones: Winnetka JO.lO - l i - :2 2 EL OIL Two Bulk Plants - .·Eight Trucks operated ON the north shore to assure PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE ; Highland Park 3 290 - 91 Wholesale Distributor& of SUPERIOR NAVY STATE 8 HI-TEST GASOLINES - QUAKER 8 MOBILOIL MOTOR OILS ALCOHOL GREASES KEROSENE BRAUN BROS. OIL CO. "For Fuel-Use Oil" ·······~··········a· ·~ ·············································~······································· EVER YTliiNG you'd ask of a Radio Set Here it -is! The greatest popular-priced set ever made to operate from a light circuit. RCA Radio Ia I 8- just plug in . turn the switch- and the world of radio entertainment opens t~ you.r touch. One knob to tune in. Price~ $9 5· One knob to regulate volume. No .batteries necessary. Drop in and hear RCA Radiola I 8. Our budget plan spreads the payments over months. WM. 1131 Central Avenue Electr~c BEYRER and Radio Shop Phone Wilmette 81 ----------------------------------·-------------------------------------------------------~----------------