] anuary 4, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 33 The Bi11est SALB ol Linens and Laees in our History . THE LINEN STORE Inc. I , . ' ... January is the time to re-adjust our stocks. Naturally, there are discontinued numbers that cannot be duplicated. Broken lots include sets of damask-complete and incornp lete-luncheon sets-decorative linens and many odd pieces. And this year we are having A VERITABLE "HOUSE CLEANING" to dispose of a lot of merchandise which, while highly desirable, we want to sell NOW to make room for extraordinarily large importations for the Spring. Every thing in this sale is Litwinsky merchandise-worth y of the name . . . . . . A great deal was purchased while the foreign exchange rate was considerably lower than at present. This fact coupled with our desire to make room for new things enables us to make the following RADICAL REDUCTIONS! REDUCTIONS: 10% 15% 25% I ) SO% ' } 50% 01'1'! 34 Odd Damask Table Cloths without Napkins, formerly priced from $I 8 to S75 each. Now $9 to $37.50 each A table consisting of finger bowl doilies, cocktail napkins, tea napkins, dinner napkins, fancy . table cloths, bed spreads, boudoir cases. scarfs, bridge sets, sheets and cases, bath towels, bath mats, and a host of othus-all reduced SO% 28 Breakfast Sets, regularly priced from $15 to $I 8 the set. Now $10 to $12 the set 15 Fancy· Tea and Luncheon Cloths, size 4 5X4 5 inches, formerly priced from $ 1 3. 5o to $ I 2 5 each. Now $9 to $83 each 14 Fancy Tea and Luncheon Cloths, size 54X54 inches, formerly priced from $20 to $32.;o each. Now $13.25 to $21.65 each 84 Sets of Damask Table Cloths with Napkins to match. Can be had in practically every size Formerly priced from $30 to $I 26 the set. Now $20 to $84 the set 1 I 33Ya% 01'1'! '1 All odd doilies. oval and oblong are reduced 33 113 % 25% . !I 01'1'! I I Sets of fancy Banquet Cloths with Napkins to match. All popular sizes. Formerly Now $150 to $675 the set priced from $200 to $900 the set. I 22 Colored Breakfast and Dinner Sets, in all popular sizes, formerly priced from $6 to $ 12 5 the set. Now $4.50 to $93.75 the set 24 Sets of Fancy Linen Sheets and Cases for twin beds, formerly priced from $2o to $250 the set. Now $15 to $187.50 the set 35 Dozen Fancy Dinner Napkins from 18 to 24 inches square, formerly priced from $27.50 to $100 the dozen. Now $20.60 to $75 the dozen 2 I Dozen Tea and Luncheon Napkins. I 4 inch, formerly priced from $24 to $135 the dozen. Now $1S to $101.25 the dozen 42 Dozen Cocktail N.1pkins, formerly priced from $13.50 to $5o the dozen. Now $10 to $37.50 the dozen I 9 Dozen Finger Bowl and Service Plate Doilies, formerly priced from $ 15 to $go . the dozen. . Now $11.25 to $67.50 the dozen 28 Bridge Sets, form'erly $15 to $I oo the set. Now $11.25 to $75 the set 55 L uncheo_!! Sets, formerly $ 3 o to $5o o the set. Now $22.50 to $375 the set All odd scarfs and boudoir cases reduced 25 % .~ 10% to IS% Reduedon on tbe Nmainde· ol OUI' stoek! THE LINEN STORE Inc. 36 South Michigan Boulevard ·1 CHICAGO University Club Building ·' I '~