January 11, 1929 \VI L M E T T E L I FE 7 OPEN KENILWORTH'S NEW WATER PUMPING STATION Plant Entailing Coat of $90,000 Haa Daily Capacity of One Million Gallona Kenilworth's new p~mping station on the lake shore at the foot of Kenilworth ·avenue was expected to be in operation by the end of this week. The new plant, which has a pumping capacity of one million gallons per day, was erected at a cost of $90,000, and has been under construction since April 1, 1928. It is equipped in the most modern fashion, with a number of unique features including a bath house and a promenade over the entire main building and sub-station. The building is of faced brick and O l cupies the same site as the old frame water plant. It is connected with the electric sub-station, which has been remodeled to conform to the architecture of the main plant. Pearse, Greeley, and Hansen were the engineers. insures Adequate Supply ································ Where does it come from -THIS MORE DIRT PER MINUTE? R CENT tests show that The Hoover removes more din per minute than anv other· cle~ner. Where does this dirt that other cleaners tatl to remove come trom? It is largely the deeply-embedded. clinging. grit, wed~ed in the pockets at the base ot the rug Ordtnary suctton won't remove it. It must be beaten loose. This The Hoover does. by "Positive Agitation," a cleaning principle which vibrates the rug on a cushion of air, shaking loose the dirt and bringing it to the surface to be suctioned a wa v You will find this exclus!ve cleaning method amazing in its performance. We will gladlv ·give you a demonstration any time you say. in your own home You can now secure "Positive Agitation," not only in the famousdeluxeHoover, but in a popular-priced style selling for no more than an ordinary vacuum cleaner. \Vith the large pumping capacity of the new plant and the large reserve capacity in the village water tower, an adequate supply of pure water is assured for Kenilworth for many )rears to come. Laboratory facilities haye been provided for daily water analyses. The greatest single day's pumpage of the Kenilworth water plant in the past was about 525,000 gallons, while the capacity of the new plant is almost twice that amount. The cost of the improvement is being financed over a period of thirty vears out of waterworks revenues only without any increase in taxation. T!Ae work has also been done without an increase in water rates. Dual Pump Apparatus Only S 3.2 5 down for a limited time only. Liberal allowance for your old cleaner. c;)he HOOVER It BBA TS · · · as it St11ee~1 as it Cleans For Hoover Service Call DANNEMARK ELECTRIC CO. 11'51 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 214 -PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS- A un'ique feature of the new plant is the dual-drive pumping apparatus. The pumps can be driven either by electricity or by gas engines in case the electric current is cut off. Another unusual feature is the fact that the building is heated by gas boilers . \ \.hile the installation is made so that the present heating unit could be replaced by one of a different type, several advantages of the gas heating system have been pointed out: 1. Economy of operation, since the plant need not be kept up to the average' house temperature. 2. Saving in labor cost, due to the automatic feature of the heating unit. 3. No smoke nuisance, which is objectional in a residential area such as Kenilworth. Modern gravity filters in the new plant have replaced the old style pressure filter tanks. The bath house housed in the building has been leased by the Kenilworth club and is being equipped with · showe rs, lockers, lavatories, and other furnishings. There will .also be a check room and shelves for persons not having lockers. The club will pay a large portion of the , cost of equipping the bath house. While the new building was under construction a temporary plant was used to pump water for the village. June Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hayes, 1345 Ashland avenue, has return . . . J to Northwestern university where she is a freshman. She is pledged to the Delta Gamma sorority. -oThe guild of the Church of the Holy Comforter opened last Monday after being closed three weeks during the holidays. There is a great deal of charitable sewing to be accomplished and every one is urged to come. FLOOR-O-LEUM STORES FLOOR COVERINGS! in a great January Clearance Wide selections of Armstrong's Linoleutn have been marked down for January stock reducing. There is CARPETING for the bedroom, dining room and living room. The reductions extend to the finest bedroom and bath rugs, offering most impor· tarit economies in every direction. s~ 1009 DAVIS ST. GREEl~LEAF .....o. . . -....-.~. . .,., 1941 EVANSTON ······················