January 18, 1929 WILMET1ti LIF~ 15 BEST NOW Your ChOice of North Shore Homes for Spring Spring will see thousands of new home owners swarming north to enjoy the rare privileges of a house on the North Shore. The far-sighted ones think ahead, and pick the house they want .now, when the broadest possible choice ·is offered. lit this way they can combine all· advantages-ideal neighborhood, convenient transportation, attractive architecture, pleasant setting, nearness to sport and amusement facilities-in short, all those things that have. brought the North Shore of Chicago a nation-wide reputation. This organization will be most helpful to you in covering the North Shore, as our representatives are in every district and have behind them the 4 5 years experience of North Shore real estate specialists. ·· Outstanding Small Home Seven room white New England co lonial on wooded lot enclosed by picturesque white picket fence. 4 large corner bedrooms. electric refrigerator, oil heat. 2-car garage. Owner must sell at once and is willing to tak~ a thousand dollar loss for quick sale. Price $I 8, 5 oo with very easy terms. If you plan to have a North Shore home this spring, see us now and look o()et some of our exclusive offerings. For 44 years specialists in North , S hore residential and business sales and rentals. First mortgage loans and investments. Insurance of all types Chicago. 40 N. Dearborn St·· Central 0227 Evanston, Fountain Sq., University 2600 Winnetka. 714 Elm Street, Winnetka 2199 Wilmette, 424 Linden Ave., Wilmette 460