J.anuarv 18. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 23 Reproducing Grand Has Place in Glore Home Pied Piper Shoes IOVNWN lQVARt · LVAMmlf Decided Savings in the Semi-Annual Sale Are the Best · CHILDREN'S AND CROWING GIRLS' SHOES ·For Little Tots . $2.45 The famous Pied Piper shoes, made to avoid all irritations for tin·y feet. Sizes 2 to 5 at a mJrked rt>duction! In the Lake Forest home of Charles F. Glore a beautiful Steinway occapics a corner of the living room as one of thr distinctive features. It is a Steinway Audio Graphic Duo-Art reproducing grand pi ano, an instritment sponsored by Lyon and Healy's whose Evanston store draws patrons from the entire north shore. Children's JJPied Pipers" Junior Hikers to Take Trip to Forest Preserve The ] unior Hikers of Kenilworth are planning a big hik e to the Forest Preserve near Glencoe Saturday, January 26. accoruing to I<obert W. Tmn1lcy, athletic dir ecto r at the Josep h Sears sc hool. The Junior Hikers h<wc become an acti\'e organizati o n in Kenilworth and are meeting regularly eac h we ek in the home s of the members. There are ten ] unior Hike~ clubs, each with its own leader. Two of the clubs, the Cardinals and Sea Gu ll s, \Yill go on a hike this S;:~.t urday night \\·ith Robert \\'. Fyic, iather of one of the hays, as leader . The Hikers arc also looki ng forward to a hobby show which they will stage in th e new Jo seph Scars gymna si um th e latter part of next month . $3.15 and $3.75 The best made shoe that can be bought, with the footshape last that conforms to the growing foot. Sizes 5 0 to 8, $J.I5, and 8 0 to I I, $3.75· ,. High or Low Shoes For Little Girls £l: T1111E lF111Rflr ' rO WE:AJ~ $4.35 Sturdy little shoes of Elk and simple strap slippers of patent leather. Sizes I 1 ~ to 2. NEW ~EPLICAf Or "PARIJ JUCCLJILf Crowing Girls' Styles $4.45 For the young girl who wants a bit of style. the growing foot. Sizes 2 ~ to 6. With a special last for Lord' s- First Floor rolkdicmrlJ ou wilL fnd The printed Jilk frock . The tucked .til k fi·ock c/Trno ~ llJllJMla!, The chiffon donee -frock- gn fad liffwt lJarisJ'(UkS eva,~S~ .. And man~ore~,..., - r~·· IVA KARON SCHUR gow!IM am/ Sporls'ti!Mr Open Saturday Evenings until 9. NORTH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 CH ICAOO EVANSTON AVE~