28 WILMETTE LIFE January 18, 1929 Play and Fashion Revue to Benefit Club Building Fund Artists in Charge of Settings Used in ~~Lombardi, Ltd., BY JEAN TEN BROECK Gamma Phi Betas Give On Play Commiitee _ I All it not quiet for those persons at work for the success of the 'play and fashion revue planned for Wilmette. Many lines of activity, apparently wide3pread at the beginning, gradually will converge into a focal center, a · finished production ready for presentation on the evenings of February 12 and 13, for the benefit of the building fund ·of the Woman's club of Wilmett<·. The wheels of preparation now are m motion developing two of these lines, one of which concerns itself with rehearsals, the other, of which we hear this week, with the scenery and ·settings, the particular work of the art department of the club. The nature of the play, "Lomardi, Ltd." lends itself readily into the hancH of this group of women, among whmn are three talented artists, the chairman, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, the cochaiman, Mrs. Marguerite Calkins Taylor, and Mr3. Alonzo Coburn. Working with them are Mesdames E. G. Bentley, Dwight Chapman, Harrv Clark, David Davis, Harry Hooker, Sumner Mason, Lester Mee, William Schmedtgen, Charles D. Ewer, and Ralph Jennings. The opportuniti,~s afforded by the nature of the play, the private studio of Tito Lombardi, dresc;maker and collector of antiques, will give ample chance for charming an(l artistic e~pre.;sion to a group such as this in the use of old Italian furniture, rich brocades, statues, and one or two fine pict"res. Touches of beautiful color willu~ supplied by the sumptuous silks and ·3 atins so much a necessary part of a modiste's shop, and by the actual modeling of a gown on a mannequin, part of the action of the plot. In order that this may be correctly carried out in every detail, the committee has been conferring with Mrs. Nellie Hanna, who is in charge of the costuming of the play and the entr'acte · fashion revue. . Photo by Florence Hendershot Mrs. Gordon Wilson of 415 Ninth street, chairman of the art departmtnt of the Woman's club of Wilmette, heads the committee in charge of the settings for "Lombardi, Ltd.," the clever and attractive play to be given February 12 and 13, for the benefit of the club building fund. Arden Shore Needs Clothing for Boys, Soap Wrappers The need for clothing for the boys now at Arden Shore increases as the rigor of winter sets in. To meet this need the Wilmette Arden Shore committee again sends out its plea for donations of garments for these boys. Mrs. Lester E. Mee, 1227 Chestnut avenue, industrial chairman, or any member of the committee will arrange for the collection of contributions. Ever present at the camp is the need Guiding th.e many activities attend- for silverware, purchased by the Witant upon a stage production, e-.;pecially mette committee with the soap wrapupon one that promises to be one of . pers and panels from socip flake boxes Mrs. N. P. Colwell Made the most pretentious ever given in Wit- rontributed by its friends. Mrs. \Villis I n f ant W elf are Prest"den t mette, is Mrs. John Boddie, general 11. Hutson of 1112 Elmwood avenue is chairman, throug,h whom, 'Lombardi, in charge of these donations and will Mrs. Nathan P. Colwell, 520 Gre~Ltd.," attractive, as well as clever, has gladly receive any such gifts. ory avenue, was elected president of been secured. Wilmette board of Infant Welfare societv at a meeting held last Monday Sponsoring Bridge Benefits at the home of Mrs. T. B. Potter, 607 Welfare Meets Monday The Women's Associated guilds of Forest avenue. Next Monday afternoon occasions St. Augustine's Episcopal church are Other officers elected were: Mr.;. the meeting of the Wilmette Junior sponsoring a series of card parties, the John Welton Fisher, Jr., vi~e-presi auxiliary of the Infant Welfare socie· proceeds from which will go to various dent; Mrs. Percy Cutler, recording sec:ty at the home of Mrs. Harry Barn- charities in which the women are inretary; Mrs. I. K. Stover, correspondhill, 1323 Ashland avenue, when an terested. ing secretary; Mrs. Charles McCoy, election of officers will be held. The first of these affairs witt be held treasurer; Mrs. ]. F. Stone, chairman Mrs. Rush Smith, the chairman, will in the home of Mrs. A. H. Ullrich, 925 be assisted by Mrs. \Villiam T. Lane Lake avenue, Wilmette, Monday, Jan- of the work committee, and Mrs. Ralph Give Benefit Tonight Moody, chairman of publicity. and Mrs. E. M. Antrim. uary 28, at 2 o'clock. A large event on society's calendar Newlv elected officers of the AssoT d in Wilmette this week is the benefit · f or Ch a~tty 0 .ay Club Dance Tomorrow ciated guilds are Mrs. A. H. Ullrich, S . card party the philanthropy departpresident: Mrs. William Edmonds, first A day of sewmg for phtlanthropy ment of the Woman's Catholic club The fifth in the ·.;eries of eight subscription dance s given by the ways vice-president: Mrs. Hubert Carleton. has been planned by the philanthropy of Wilmette gives this evening- at the and means committee of the Woman's second vice-president: Mrs. A. E. department of the Woman's club of Wilmette Woman's club building at ' club of Wilmette as a benefit for th~ Logie. treasurer; Mrs. Richard Wilson, Wilmette for Friday, January 18, in 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. P. Budinger who is chairwhich all women of Wilmette are inclub building fund takes place in th~ secretary. vited to participate. Work will com- man of arrangements 'for the affair clubhouse tomorrow evening. Mrs. mence at 10:30 o'clock and luncheon is assisted hv Mesdames H. Barrv' Earle D. Lyon of 1504 Elmwood avenu·~ Engaged will be served at noon. The sewing .Tohn Budinger, Fred Farmer is chairman of the affair. Dr. and Mrs. Edson B. Fowler of in Febru_ a ry is for the Chicago Wo- Koza, H. E. Lersch, G. C. Ludwiv, 1823 Hinman avenue, Evanston, an- man's Shelter. Mrs. Robert McClure W. Miller, G. H. Schilbach. H. nounce the engagement of their daugh- is chairman for the month with a Schroeder, ]. H. Walker and W. H. To Give Tea for Travelers Mrs. Frederick Bowes, 714 Ashland ter, Elizabeth, to Dr. Robert Moore commi.ttee consisting of Mrs. W. H. Wol'ff. This will be th~ first large avenue, will entertain members of her Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Scott, Mrs. R. C. Boozer, Mrs. J. H. card party given by this department. Drama Study club ·and their husbands, .Tones, 929 Michigan avenue, Wilmette. Brumbaugh, Mrs. G. L. Camp, and Link F of the Wilmette Baptic;t Sunday at tea, in honor of Dr. and Miss Fowler is a graduate of Smith Mrs. Samuel Vowell. college. Dr. Jones is a graduate of the church, Mrs. A. E. Gebert, 1002 Lin<J~n Mrs. Donald Gallie, Mr. and Mr3. John University of Illinois and Rush Medical Link H. Wilmette Baptist church, of avenue, leadPr, will meet next ThursIliff, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rob- school of the University of Chicago. which Mrs. R. A. Bremmer is leader, day at the home of Mrs. Harvey A. erts. all of whom are going away with~ He is at present an interne at Coo 1c will meet at Mrs. Bremmer's home Bush, 721 Greenwood avenue for one in the next few weeks. county hospital Tuesday for one o'clock lum:heon. o' dock luncheon. ' active and alumnae chapters at Northwestern university, will give a "Vodvil Show" Saturday evening, January 19, at 8:15 o'clock, at the Evanston~ Woman's club. A co-ed chorus will be featured in dancing and ska.t ing numbers. Song and dance acts, a one-act play, a batlet number and a fashion revue are also to be provided for the entertainment of the spectators. · · · d Th e dassBtstbmgJ artls~s wtbl tkc 1 fu e Na t an d ? . anOl~SK mf a dacJ.- a~c stu.nt a~ 1tmmte ee e an tnlmte acts. Gnffin 111 song and dance " . , . T he. o~e-act plav.. Moonnse, '~t 11 have m. tts cast. ~1ss Dor?thy Wtlls and M.tss Geraldme McKmley, students 111 the Sc~ool. of Speech at Northwestern u~tverstty, and memhers of the soronty. . The .gowns f_or the fashton revue are bemg furmshed by the Martha Weathered shop and ·the footwear by F. E. Foster and company. Those who will act as mannequins will be the Misses Vesper Getman, Dorothv Enquist, Dorothy Somers, Janet Byrnes of Wilmette, Hegner Jamison, Greta Astrum, Evelyn Johnston, Frances Poe, Elizabeth Wrig-ht, and Gertrude MacRae. Miss Dorothv Steiner is coaching t'he dancing choruses and will also give a ballet number. Miss Hone Summers is production manag-er of the show. Miss Litlian Woodworth is business manager. Miss Helen Northrop is in charge of the ticket "ale with the followinP" assistants: The' Misses Vesper Get~ man. Gwen Heilman, Wilma Rusbolctv Katherine Heberling Marguerite ~t~kes. and Mesde~mes 'S. K. Fox. Hubert Hardy and C. Peterson of Winnetka ' Mrs. Ernest Barhour, national prand president of the sorority, will attend the performance, the proceeds of which will go to the sorority's ram!) for underprivileged children at Denver, Colo. A dance wilt follow the vaudeville. uTreasure Island, "Vodvil Show" Saturday Brings Its Thrills The Gamma Phi Beta sorority to Eager Children From the moment the curtain asce~ded upon the Junior League's premtere of "Treasure Island" last Satu~day, a thrill of expectancy and excttement caught the. audience t? hold th~ child spectators mtense unt1l completton. of the play: The actors, themselves, tmpersonatmg as they w~re, h~rdened, ferocious, treasure-s.eekmg P ~rates, could receive. no h.tgher pratse than that coming tmpulstvely, breathlessly, and excitedly from four boys in the audience between the ages of 10 or 12 when they exclaimed, "Gee, ·those girls · th e fi rs t ac t , f o1are goo d actors, , m lowed by "Gee, this is getting hot," in the second. That, with other remark.;, of "Oh, Mother, I'm scared"; . and "They certaintly can act!" were further evidence of the convincingness of the acting of the Junior League troupers in their second production, and one well done. Few persons can be more critical, or more frank in expression of that criticism, than a boy of ab9ut 10 or 12, or more sincere in their praise, so in the parlance of children for whom the play is given, we submit our opinion. Mrs. Norman MacLeish of Winnetka, a newcmi1er here, gave a touch truly professional to her interpretation of Bill Bones, erstwhile captain of a pirate crew. She was splendid and en~irely convincing. Mr~. John . P... Wmte~botha~l,, Jr., as J·m Hawkms, th~ shm, sptrtted, and fearless b5>y, Mtss Jean Adams as the. furttve, trea~herous Black D?g· Mtss Kathanne Adams of Wmnetka as th~ somewhat pompous, a little se~f satisfied and somewhat plump, Sqmre Trelawney, and Mrs. George Haskell as Long John Silver, a pirate with a realistic peg-leg, treach~rous, but with a touch of kindness in his heart, were we.n. cast ~nd played their roles with abtltty. ~tss Jane Condon was go?d as Captam Smollett. As f~r the ptrat~s they were a swaggermg, bloodthtrsty, motley crew. The success o.f "Tre.asure Island" does not .rest enhr~ly wtt.h the actors. To the dtrector, Mtss Edtth Nancrede, to Mrs. Charles R. Lindsay who designed the scenery which was most effective whether representing the Inn, the Quay, the I fispaniola, the Stockade, the Pirates' Camp, Spyglass Mountain, or Ben Gunn's Cave, to Miss ·Helen Rend the rhythm of whose music was taken up and hummed in the audience, to Mrs. Lindsay and Miss Anne Croftan who designed the colorful and typical costumes, and to Miss Helen Tieken, director of make-up, goes much of the praise. "Treasure Island" will thrill the heart of a boy and delight a girl with a love of adventure. ·n · ew F: