19 WILMETTE LIFE January 25. 1929 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Davies, 2755 Mexico, and Southern California and Eastwood avenue, left last week for a will come back by way of Biloxi, motor trip through Arizona, New Miss. · · ·~ Studies Latest Methods in Manufacture of Ice C~eam H. W . Hammond of the Hammond lee Cream Kitchen, Wilmette has returned from Champaign, where be spent a week at the University of Illinois engaged · in special advanced . tudy in latest scientific methods of ice cream manufacturing. Mr. Hammond will soon · be located in his modern ice cream plant on M,a in street, WilmetteJ adjoining the Wilmette Ice company_plant. Mi ss Elizabeth Sargent and ).{i ss Cynthia Clark of Ean ston were t\\·o out of the six stud ent s at XortlnYC3tern university who were recently elec ted members of Phi Beta Kappa , honorary scholastic frat ernity. · Legion Auxiliary Attic trunks are being rummaged and pattern counters fre.quented this month by hundreds ?f. ~tlmette wo~ en and others in adJotmng suburbs m an endeavor to camouflage themselves and their friends at the costut?e ~all the auxiliary of Post No. 46 wtll gtye Friday evening February 8 at the Wtlmette Masonic temple. l\f rs. J. L. Hall, cha_irman of the \Ya \ 'S and means comn11ttee, announ~e .~ that the three judge·s for the_ evenm~ will he Earl Orner, Prestdent or the Village Council, Mr. Cazel, and ~~ r. Coxon , whose task it wi.lt be to ch oose among the dancers the two who wear the best looking and the most amusing costumes. Th use who are assisting ·urs. Hall on the ways and means committee are the mesdames George Bassler, John Boddie, C. W. Edmondson, Ernest Gould, Russell Johnson, D. C. Leach, and George Stone. There is an increasing interest in the annual membership drive held by \\'ilmett e Post 46. The drive · for new .members this year is fixed between the two patriotic days of February-12.22 inclusive. A lamp will be given to the unit that turns in the most membership blanks between these dates. Inducement is offered to districts to reach their 100 percent membership goal by the promise that districts will be seated at the next State convention at Rock hland, according to the way in which their 100 percent membership reports come in to department headquarters. Illinois hopes to have 30,000 members enrolled in the Legion Auxil - . iary this year. Last Friday afternoon a district school for presidents, secretaries, and· treasurers, and the five newly appointed district chairman was held at Mr.~. Garwood's home in Evanston. For two hours the officers present received valuable instruction, and discussed problems dealing with district activi· ties. The meeting was indicative oi the way the Auxiliary is perfecting ih organization everywhere. Mrs. Garwood, committee woman for the seventh district, proved herself to be not only a well informer! hostess. but also a most hospitable one. Wilmette's delegates to tht! meeting were the president, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, and district rehabilitatio~1 chairman, Mrs. C. B. Cochran. The next district meeting will be held at the "Hut," the meeting place of the Evanston post and its auxiliary, Monday, February 11. Wilmette unit v;ill contribute five voting delegates at this meeting. Members are urged to come, for this is a way of increasing interest and efficiency in unit work. The meeting will convene at the luncheon hour. Delegates will provide their own lunch, but coffee will be served at the "Hut." Legion Auxiliary of Post No. 46 will give a masquerade ball at the Wilmette Masonic Temple on Friday evening, February 8. This is one of the two big parties the unit is planning for the year. The grand promenade at 9 :30 will offer a chance for the three judges, President Earl Orner of the village council, Mr. Cazel, and Mr. Coxon, to select the prettiest and the funniest costumes, and prizes will be given for these. The social committee, headed by· Mrs .. Von der Leppen, wilt cooperate in offering refreshments. General arrangements are being made by the ways and means committee, of which Mrs. Thomas Halt i5 chairman. Ticket§ may be procured at Adams Pharmacy or at the' door on the evening of the frolic. BRIAR BALL TEA Mrs. Gertrude Findlay BooM S Telephone Greenleaf 49:17 904 OMETIME. when the question of ' ' where to eat" is under discussion. seule ir by coming hereyou'll not regret it. w.- s.-rn· n ~p.-rlnl Clllrktn Pit' dinner on Satur· dnys, and unr J·ctrft·rhouse Stf'uks are unequalled. Luncheons Dinner 5:30-8 :oo Sunday Dinner S 1.00 - $1.2 5 12:30 to 7:oo P.M. SHERMAN AVE . ( ar It Melts in Your MouthBilly Boy Nut I~itchen is a nut specialty shopbut. Billy Boy n1akes positively the MOST DELICIOUS PEANUT CRISP ··.., { Boy Nuts are tile choicest to be ob· talned, and they a r e fresh enry hour. For partiesB Ill and} luncheons y :ct·· you have ever tasted. During the past week a man who has traveled all over the country specializing in peanut brittle said he has never tasted such peanut brittle in all his life. He said, "\Vhy you could create a nationwide dC'mand j£ you tried." Hr was told that the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen makes it for the demand of it s retail customers only-Fresh every day. }·rmr BILLY BOY NUT ·KITCHEN NoRTH SHORE HoTEL BLDG. EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF Gmrrr Sells 519 3006 DAVIS ST. Billy BO_\'S Ope,. ErJe11i11gs Till 10-Su,Jays 1 to 9 FLOOR-O-LEUM STORES Carpet Purehase Sample Rolls$6 and $7 values .95 YD. Fcom One of America's Most Prominent Makers of Fine Carpeting. 2 to 4 Rolls of a Kind 27-inch- Extra heavy quality, Worsted Wilton, High Pile, closely woven for any room in the home or office. Figured and Plain. The Colors Are-. } Jade Green, Rose Taupe . Raisin, Cedar China Blue, Red, etc. · Room Size Rugs or Carpeted Complete. Eatimates Given Wit bout Obligation . FLOOR-O-LEUM STORES 1009 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON GREENLEAF 1941