W I L M E T1 E LIFE January· 25, 1929 ~~~!1 News of the North Shore Qubs [In] Mrs. John 'F. Weedon, the new president, will entertain the Wilmette Garden club Friday, February 1, at 11 Wilmette Resident to Lecture in Newspaper Is Best 3 Cent Show 2 :30 o'clock in the afternoon, at ·the Morning; Claudia Upton on on Market," Dean of N. U. home of Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut, 715 Afternoon Program Greenleaf avenue. A meeting of the Journalism Remarks new board will be held at 2:15. · The next ail-day 'program given by Mrs. Percy N. Armstrong of Glen"The newspaper is a full length the Woman's club of Wilmette is to coe will give an illustrated lecture on novel for three cents," summarized "Rock Gardens" and Mrs. C. R. Bix- Professor H. F. Harrington, dean of be on vVednesday. January 30, with a lecture in the morning arranged unby will give a talk on "House Plants." the Medill school of journalism, NorthThe . Garden and Flower show will western university, at a meeting of der . the auspices of the philanthropy he held at the Hotel Sherman from the Schools of Foreign Affairs in department, a talk at 12 o'clock, February 25 until ~larch 3. vVedncs- Evanston Thursday afternoon of last luncheon served at 1, and an art prodav. February 27, is \Vilmette day at week. "The newspaper sees and lives gram in the afternoon at 2. the show and the Garden club lunch- life through the eyes of other people," Dr. Martin Hayes Bickham, welt eon is at 1 o'clock. Members may continued Mr. Harrington, "and is the known lecturer on social and religious bring guests. Those attending are best three cent show on the market." topics and himself a resident of Wilasked to send their re se rvations to mette, will speak at 10:30 o'clock. on Mrs John Clark Baker. 347 Maple Mr. Harrington c~ntinu.ed. to stat.e "Charitv and Character." Dr. Bick~"e·n-ue. \Vilmette 4262. not tater than that the new~paper IS swmgmg . a~'·.ay ham ha-s chosen the above subject be'- ar y 23 . from s S F e1Jru I . . a t urcaY, f ]'f the ·ordmarv d d; humdrum1 actn·ttte d ·s cause of its basic human values and 1f eml)ers are urg ed to hny ticket s . o 1 .e an or m~ry peop e an l its appropriateness to the present wide for the shO\\" through their club as this choo~mg a.~d playmg up h~roes an_d interest in character. Since charity \\·ill finance the club' project at the heromes. Th_e ne\vsp~per, 1~ fact .. 1s is much in the modern mind, and the vouth and danng-, Fl h O\Yer s ow . . and 1t carncs. thnlls , customs that we designate as charity · and suspense m 1ts sport stones. are eyer present in human society, it In contrasting American and EuroState B. P. W. C. Head is highly impottant to understand their pean journalism, Mr. Harrington said relations to the formation of characWill Speak in Wilmette that the English newspaper caters to ter. The pre . ident of the Illinpis Feder · a definite group of people \Vhile the Photo by K e llogg In order to interpret these complex ation of Bmine ~s and Profe s. iona! American paper has adopted a numrelation ships, .Dr. Bickham will show ~[r s . Joseph Johnson, 478 Drexel \Vomen· ~ clubs. ~f rs. Erma Temple- ber of groups. The policy of the first how eyer present in human develop- ayenue, Glencoe, state treasurer of man. '"ill giYe the program at th e din- ther efor e i. Yerv defined, and makes ment ha s been the charitable impulse. the National society, United States ner meetincr of the Businc .;,s and Pro- possible discussion and controversy Even Homer . sings of it among the Daughters of 1812, i the special chair- fe ~.s ional \\"omen's club of · \Vilm ettr b etween the newspaper and its public; ancient Greeks. ~Iarco Polo found it man appointed to raise funds for ~fonda,· evening, January 28. at the while the policy of th e second is inoperatiYe in the Cathay of the thir- marking Cahokia, or "~fonks'" \\'ilmette Congregational church. d efinite, and the newspaper is forced teenth century. Burns found it a liv- mound, which the state society intends Thr meetincr will be open to ;.dl to take various views in order to sa ti sing factor in the Scotland of his ever- to mark this spring. husine:;;s and ~1rofessional women in- fy its various types of readers. living poems. But it is still present tereste d and members of the EYanstnn "The American ne\Yspaper gives you in the cities of our own time, and Dr. Business and Profes. ional \\Tomen's a broader outlook on life and a Bickham. who has made first hand Mrs. F. E. Parry Heads club will be guests of the \Vilmett e· g-reater variety of activities than any studies for the United Charities of Infant Welfare Auxiliary club that evening. Dinner \\·ill be other new. paper in the world." rethe existing conditions in Chicago, will ~Irs. F. E. Parn· was elected to h ,' served at 6:30 o'cbck. and Mrs. Temp- marked Mr. Harrington, "and the describe how charity is related to leman will speak at 8. change that is taking place is not jn character formation among Chicago's the chairman for ·the ] unior auxiliary Mrs. Templeman herself is a law,·r r the policy of our papers nor in the o' the Infant \\· elf are society at a present residents. and the mother of a son and daughter public, but in the new type of reporDr. Bickham will draw upon his own meeting held :Monday afternoon at tl1e who both are members of the same tet: that hac; sprung up." home of Mr.;. Harry Barnhill, 132i first hand stndies of the "beggars," Allen L. Dalrymple. staff writer Others elected to profes.5ion. "hoboes" and "charity families," of Ashland a,·enue. Reservations for the dinner may hP on the Associated Press, spoke in Chicago's "other half," and will read serve with her for the new year ar~ some original, unpublished poems that Mrs. E. ~L Antrim. first vice-chait"- made with Miss J ennic Shantz at the place of Mr. Honce. who had been picture these little known characters man; ~Irs. A. J. Ruby, second vice· Wilmette Post Office, or with any called out of tm\m. He explained the intricacies of the Associated Press, of city life. The basic insights of the chairman, with ~frs . H. J. Smith, ce> - member of the club. and stated that there are 160,000 miles Cl b rapidly developing science of charac- chairman, in charge of sewing; Miss of wire connecting the Associated u ter will be drawn upon to show the ef- Ella Butz, third vice-chairman. with Evening Garden Press offices with Yarious points all · fects of charity upon both the re- Mrs. George H. Redding, co-chairmar>, to Enter Flower Show over the world, and that 1.200 Amerceiver and the giver. Thus the re- in charge of ,;c hedules; Mrs. L. C. PcA committee 0 ( sixteen members of ican newsp:lpers are members of the lations of charity to character are set lott, fourth vice-chairman: Mrs. Em- the Evening Garden Club of \Vilmettr, Associated Press. forth. · mett Powers. secretary; Mrs. L. \V. headed by Mrs. Gordon Wilson. met These meetings of the Schools of Dr. Bickham graduateq . from Pen- Benson. corresponding ~ecretary; Miss· at · the home of Mrs. Charles D .. Ewer, nington Seminary Preparatory school Alice \\'heelock. treasurer; Mrs. R. 1111 Ashland avenue, Monday even- Foreign affairs are held every Thursday afternoon and evening at Plyin 1903, and iri 1908 obtained his B. A. Arm strong, chairman. · t o f ormu 1 . .mg, a t e p la ns f o r the con11'ncr .... mouth hall, 1417 Hinman avenue. degree at the ~ University of PennsylThe Infant \Velfare Society of Chi- · Flower and Garden show to be held vania. He is a member of Phi Beta cago i~ holding an ail-day meeting at the Hotel Sherman from February Evanston. under joint auspices of Kappa, obtained his M. A. degree at \Vedne .5 da~·. January 30, at the Steven~ 25 to March 3, inclusive. Much en- the Evanston Business and Profesthe Universi~y of Chicago and has a hotel. A business session will occupy thusiasm for the part thi3 club will sional Women's clubs. the internaPh. D. degre,. For three years he the morning hours and lunchecm '"ill play was manifested at the meeting,' tional relations department of the was pastor of a Methodist Episcopal be served at 12 :30 o'clock. Reserva- the men especially showing grea~ zeal. Evanston League of Women Voters, the Evanstoq Woman's Christian church, two years secretary of the tions for the luncheon may be mad~ John Servis. director of the Flow- Temperance union, the Evanston WoY. M. C. A. at Ames, held the same through · Mrs. Parry. er show, is working hard to make this man'~ club, and the Evanston League position for s{x years with the Y. , M. season's exhibition a succe.5s both from of Women Voters. C. A. in Chicago, also serving in this the standpoint of the exhibition as well country and in France during the Party to Benefit Boys_ as the public. World war ur(der the Y. M. C. A. Prominent Speakers to Mrs. Emma F. Stross, organize): Tickets for the show may be obtaineu Dr. Bickha~ for one year was direc- of the North End branch . of tlie from a.ny member of the garden cluh. Address Women Voters tor of education with the Wilmette Chicago Junior school, and general The w=!mette League of Women Parish Methodist church and at pres- committee chairman for this organiVoters will have a program and afterent is dean of Wilmette School of Re~ zation. will give a card party for the To Sew for Orphanage February will bring two all dav noon tea on the occasion of its next ligious Education. He is a special benefit of the school on Fridav everepresentative of the United Chari- ningL January 25, at 8 o'clock ·at the sewing sessions at the Woman'.; club meeting on February 11. of Wilmette which are to be open to Sovereign hotel. ties of Chicago. Speakers for the afternoon will be all women of the village. The first of Mrs. W. Norman Graham, who will This is a school for underprivileged Claudia Upton, one of the extension these occurs Friday, February 1, com- discuss "The Relation of .. Government lecturers at the Art institute, with her boys and is located near Elgin. mencing at 10 o'clock in the morning, to Living Costs," and Miss Bertha assistants, a ~oloist, a dancer, and a with luncheon served at noon. The Bidwell, president of the Illinois pianist, wilJ present ·the afternoon proCLUB JUNIORS TO M&ET work during next month will be for league. gram. Junior members of the Woman's the Lake Bluff orphan<}.ge. The meeting, which is in charge of Catholic club will hold a meeting Mrs. C. W. Smith is chairman for Mrs. Raymond Kimbell, 422 Forest Monday evening, January 28, at 8 the work in February assisted by Mr~. Mrs. Ira Reynolds, is arranged to conavenue, entertained sixteen members o'clock, at the St. Francis school hall. J. W. Burpee, Mrs. H. 0. Kruse, Mrs. cern itself with information regarding of her bridge club and their husbands Mr.~. John D. Pohlsen is chairman of Claude Fit~h. Mrs. Lewis Springer, and the control of public utilities and will be of interest to those especially in. at dinner Wednesday evening. the meeting. Mrs. Samuel Darst . terested m public utilities. Dr. Martin Bickham Will Address Club Special Chairman Mrs. John F. Weedon to Entertain Garden Club Schools of Affairs T~ld of Newspaper ·