36 WILMETTE ~IFE January 25, 1929 ' Here's How .the Flying Clottd Got Its Start SERVICE The last word in our name is the first word in our business BATTERI'ES BATTERY SERVICE GREASING ·' , ' WASHING. TIRE SERVIC· E TIRES \. GENERATORS SIMONIZING These two pictures show what's happened to the motor car in less thari' a quarter of a century. Back in 1905 when Reo· brought out its Model B, priced at $650, everybody thought the utmost had been achieved in · motor car building. Efficiency, luxury-it had a horn and headlights-speed and economy, it had them all. But now, along side of it, look at the Reo Flying Cloud- Matr, sport sedan, which is on display in Evanston. Today's autoists can't imagin e how any more can be done toward motor car perfection. Lorraine Garage, Newest on : · N. S. Has 150 Car Storage REO INTRODUCES MATE Two New Models of Flying Cloud Are Brought Out for 1929 Season IGNITION Speedometer Service ACCI ESSORIES GAS OIL PHILCO RADIO WILMETTE 6 9 6 WILMETTE BATTERY·& ELECTRIC SERVICE 7 4 0 Twelfth Street Two models of the new Reo Flyine· Cloud-th e Mate, have just been intr0duced to the motoring public ami are to be exhibited at the automobile show. The Reo display will also include three models of the larger Rc::> Flying Cloud-the Master, which was introduced two years ago. The Reo-Evanston company, 1101 Chicago avenue, handles the Reo. The models of Reo Flying Cloudthe Mate, to be exhibited are a stand· The wholesale value of cars manu- ard sedan painted in chico, a . light factured in the United States and brown, and a sport coupe painted in Canada during 1928 was $2.630,500,000. maroon and robin red. The three models of Reo Flyinq Cloud-the Master, to be shown include: A sport sedan, painted in bayberry green and mermaid gray, and triP1med in figured green broadcloth. The wheels are llama cream and the fenders black. WE.IaaiiLe A two-passenger sport coupe, the plea·ed to Lave body painted in maroon and black. · you examtae with a wicker belt. There are six wire and te.ttLe aew wheels, the spares being carried in fender wells. The wheeb are llama Clary·ler· oa cream and the fenders black. . di·play at the A semi-sport brougham, painted in SLow. We . are two tones of blue, radio blue below ttrivile,ed to the belt and delta blue above. The uofertomaarowa· holstery is of rich blue mohair. The er· wLo kaow five wire wheels are llama cream and the fenders black. CLry·ler' per for~aaaee at · Both the Master and the Mate are six-cylinder cars, and both are fitted lir.tLaad. with internal .expanding hydraulic North Suburban Salei brakes,- coupled with the scientifically 18f0 Ridge ATenue worked out distribution of the weight Evanston of the chassis, which has made Reo Flying Clouds so well known for their balance and road holding, allow even the full power and speed of these lively cars to be used safely and with com- The Lorraine, 664-66-68 Center street, \Vinnetka, one of the newest of our north shore garages is .only a little more than a week old, but C. Blomgren says that the need for service and ability to give it, forced the employment of twelve mechanics during the recent frigid spell. The Lorraine stresses as a strong point it~ storage space. It accommodates 150 cars. The garage is well lighted and heated. The Lorraine is the distributor for the Auburn. r· fu~ .