January 25, 1929 49 . · No.10 of a SeTies on "Metropolitan Chicag~ .- ·showinc .w., Metrotolita Chitca&o ha ewty jloasibilU, of ltuomi'RC the worid's foremost met~ ct!lUT --i't ~ticm GS welt GS ift bade imj)ortmau--..aftd that in 4 cia, relativd7 ...... Leadi111 authoritw Jmdict liftuft mUlfon ~ for MdTojlolita CJatcqo wWri· a "letitnL · · · , ; . ... ALMOST TWO BILLION DOLLARS Is· DUG FROM THE GROUND IN THIS REGION EVERY YEAR . . li N previous advertisements we have told you that ·Metropoli- tan Chi,c;ago is fortunately situated with reference to its supplies of iron ore and coal. the two most important resources of modern industry. . We have stated that 84 per cent of the iron ore of this country comes from the Lake Superior Region, whence it is brought to Metropolitan Chicago more economically than to any other point of advantageous distri· bution in the country. We have shown that the coal available to Metropolitan Chicago equals five times the coal reserves of all Europe. and other materials used in building COD· struction. Nearly o~half of aU the talt in the United States comes from within a radius of five hundred miles. Metropolitan Chicago, too, lads as·an oil center. By pipe line and tank car, crude oll from ~t distances is brought here to be Jdned. Metropolitan Chicago . today stands first in the value of its refined pet.r oleum products! The value of all these mineral stores is made still greater by Chicago's central location, and its unequalled transportation facili· ties. Industry finds itself ideally situated here. That is a prime reaMD for Metropolitan Chicago's unpreceOf tM $4,q84,000,000 '" tha jtrind~Nd mi'UTill fwoclucb of taCh aWe ,.,oduud in 1925. a total dented growth-from But iron and coal alone of $1,911,000,000, or nurly .of() fNT utat ccamt fr""' 4,470 people in 1840 to do no~ begin to tell the tM Tec\Oft within A ni&ht's train tide of Qkqo. (F'JCUJ" from the Unired Saau. Bmeau ol Mia.] more than four and complete story of our one-hall million in 89 rich nearby stores of years! Who can accu· mineral resources. · · rately forecast the population of MetroMore than one-fourth of the lead and a politan Chicago 25 years hence, qr even substantial portion of all the zinc proten, when the most optimistic forecast for duced in the United States come from 1928, made only two· years previous, was within a night's train ride of Chicago. substantially exceeded? Every indication Michigan is one of the. nation's leadpoints to the probability that Metro- .. ing states in th~ production of col?per. politan Chicago will become the greatest Readily accesstble to Metr~pohtan eco11omic center of the world, in wpulaChicago are found abundant stores of tion as well as industrial leadership! building stone, clay, gypsum, sand, gravel UNITED STATES TOTAL NEARLY FIVE BIWON DOLLARS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY O.F NORTHERN ILLINOIS Suppl.ying Elutritit7 ad Gas to 6,000 squn mila. iftdudiq tJ. Metropolitan Araa i.to ulic:h Oricaco is ITMftl. ·Mchof>oUtat\ Chfcaeo itldudu the Cit7 of Chiccaao atad tJae tenUOt'7 wUJai· SO to 75 ·'"' of tJac Cfalcaao cu, Hall.