WILMETTE LIFE November 15, 192Q News of the North Shore Clubs I Club Is Opening R. C. Rolvaag to Be Club Speaker Formally Nov. 23 ~~~-B_u_s_y_~~ith~C-Iu_b_P_a_g_ea_n_r_P_~_n_s~~~1 Program to Consist of Modernistic Fantastic Pageant, Reception, and Dancing "lklicw It or 1\ot" is the intriguingtitk nf a pageant \rhos\.' a11thnr. :\1rs. J:tmcs Bmrill oi \\' ilnwttc. has \\)"i ttcn it ior prc:-;cmation at the \\'uman\ cluh \\'ilml'tte in celebration uf ottl' of th l' gala l'\'L'Ilt" in its hi:-tury, the hottse\\':trming, \\'hich, ~atmday en.·ning. :\o\'l'lllhn 2~. iormally opens the healltiiul cluh hnme to the llll'mhers, their l'St'orts, and those to whnm im·itatinns h:t\'l' hccn . . ent. A reception and dancing \\:ill iolln\\' the p;q..:e:ult's productiun . From the authc·r c·ne kam:-. th:tt "Belien~ It or Not" is a modernistic fanlet'."· \'tT}' iuturisuc 111 ch;tr:trtn \\'hich inrnrpnratt·s four l')l i:-.odes ()j till' !ti.;t~~n· "i the cluh. · J·:pi:-n<lc One CoiiCl'nt:- it:-di with cJIIe 11i tht· first meetings of the club in 1891 \rhirh \\'ill include the rl'ading-s c·i the minutl's ui the fir:.t cltth ,·neeting . l'articipating in thi s episode will he :.nmt' Pi thc charter nlt'mhers. ~~ r:-. Ed\\'ard Scheidrnhl'lm is in charge oi <lrr,ltlge nwnt s for the entire < :pisode. Episode Two will depict the up ' niug oi the f1rst cluhhou~e. and the high point in thi!-1 epi . :·de will he a speech hy Dr. D11nald ~1. Callie !lf I 115 1-:Im\\·cutd avellttt' concerning the hi story of the ~· i\· ing <·i the land (Ill which the cluh no\\' -.,and:-, hy .\1 rs. L111 si ngh , and the tinan ri;tl ~!lpport pruridl'<l· ll\· the lak F'itz l~andulph and ~~ r... . R;u idolph . Fpisode Three is in the hand:- 11i the pro~ram chairman of the cluh, \1 rs. E<l nwncl ~f. Simonds, and \\·ill illu .;tra te the pre..;ent cluh, the cluh of 192(J. Fpi sodt' Four, which Afr~ . :\l(llllcl Cuhurn is planning and developing , will depict tht· Colden juhiltT of tht· cluh in c , ,· Woman's Club Offerin· g Day of Unusual Interest With Three Speakers. Violinist The regular pro~·ram to be gtven h~· the \\.o man's club o f Wilmette nex t \Vednf'sclay is to be one of the fin est of the year inasmuch as there will he three s))cakers for the day, nd a note d \· iolini ~t. Mrs. John B. Boddie ( right) and :\irs. Edmond ~1. Simonds ( left) are two members of the \\roman's Club of \\"ilmett e actively at w~)rk dc,·eloping arrangements for "Believe It or Not,'.' the pageant which will be gi\·en Saturday evening, November 23, at the club housewarming. Mrs. Boddie is general director of the entire pageant, and Mrs. Simonds. who is program chairman of the club, is aiding with th e program for the pageant a nd t!'\ iu entire charge nf it s Third Episode. Evening Garden Club Pianist Gives Program to See Conservatory at Meeting of Auxiliary. The E\·c ning Garden club of \\'il mette is t o visit the \.arfil'lcl Park conscnatory 1-f on day eV<·ning. The :;e '"i:-;hing to go will meet at the !\orth \\.este rn station in \Vilmette at 7:30 o'clock. Anyone de iron s oi g oing and \\·ho does not ha,·c a car. may ph"tle ~Ir s. C. D. E\\'er, \Vilmettc 2014. A tnost delightful e,·ening \Ya ~ spent at the \\'oman's c1uh last 'J'uesda.'· · ~Irs. ~farguerite Calkins Taylor expbined in a very clear and intere st ing \\'ay the dilliculti~.:s in painting Hc) ·.,·er picture :-;. She said it was almn:;t a~ dilticult as painting a pnr trait . )e.;se Lo\\'e Smith's pictnre s werl' most in ten.·sting, pointing out the he aut ic:, o f the milk weed and Qut·t·n A nne'-; lace. Xot the least of the eYening's pka~urc was the \'iewing· of the lO\'t' h· picture~ on the \ralls of the cluhhotto..,e painter! by \Vinfrc<l \\'il:-;on and ~Ltr guerite l'alkins Taylor. 'J'I!ursda~· n·ening. ~mTmhcr 7. tht: lir:.;t regular meeti11g uf the Junior \\'r11na n's cluh ni \\'ilmette was held in the nc\\' clubhouse. The larg-e number 11f gue:-.b present. inclurling ~[ rs. llanev :\. Hu sli, president ui the \\·oman' s cluJ), se,·era I o i th e past presidents. and 1llL'111hf..' rs of 1he present hoard of the \\'oman\ cluh. cc·ntrihuted gn·a tly t11 the fes tiYity oi the occas ion. Follc)\riflg the dinner thl'rl' \\·as ;1 verv :-!tort business session. a iter \\·hirlt the meeting \ras adjomnt·d tll tht· lnunge f(lr the prPgram. \ 'i rg·inia l. J\:napp, piani st, oi E\·ansl~·n. \\'as tlw gue. t artist oi the C'\\. ' ning . Shl' pla ytd :-e\'erctl tit till hers, a me mg them heing tlw pictori·tl and amusing "Hamhmg" suitl' hy ?\ ieman and "The Beauti iul Blue Danube" (thl.' Strauss arrangemen~) hy Scltulz-E,·lrr. Miss Knapp r ncnrt·d "ith the Chopin -:\octure Opus (,2, ~CI. 1. 10-t 1. \\'e;l\·ing themsdn·:-. throughout the i clllr episodes as a connecting hackground an· modl'rnistic, futuri stic features iort·ra~ting .N2!). which will he presl'nted hy memhers of thr Junior auxiliarr oi the rluh under the leadership oi ~I iss 1~~.: !1ccca Fitch, pwgram chairman ui tht· au:-;ilian·. ( 'untr.ihut itJ g ! 11 tlw atmosphrr~ lli fantastical charm will ht: the 'J'heramin thl' new mu:-.ictl instrument that i~ play('d f rot II a d i:- ta ncl' and untouched hy the hand s oi the musician . Thi s. a l~u . . . . ian im·ent ion. i~ being- loaned fnr the orca~ inn hv I. \'on and· H l'a )y and a 11 l':'qH'rt \\ill play .it during- tht: .l'\'~?ning . :\11 dancers in the pag-e7t nt arc being trained h\' F...:rdinand ~faione and tilt' futmi . . tic. <lancing \\'(J \'Cn intc> the pageant \\'ill he present('d by hi ' pupils. Gor don Ruck \\'ill })lay for the dancing· awl To See Fashion Show \\'ill play accompaniment for tht· 'L'Ilt'ra The Junior auxilian of the \\'omtnin . ~~ r:'. J nhn B. noddie i..; general din·c- an's club of \Vilmette ~,· ill hold the sec . nnd regular meeting of this month on tm oi the entire pageant. Thursda.' · · enning. !\m·ember ::?1. Reservations for the dinner (which \\·i!l Art Classes Plan Tea he sened at 6 :30) are to be telephoned The classes of Frank C. PeHaud of to ~fiss Florence Branson by Tuesda\· Havinia, whos<: current exhihit of evening, Novmber 19. ~[iss Jes ie painting-s i . . at the Chicago \.allerit'S. \\·l·st of \\'innetka is arranging for the arc having a tea Tuesda\·, ~0\·emher fashion show that will he given as 19. in the ga11eries, 220 :\Torth Michi- part of the eYcning's program. gan avenue, Chicago. A cordial \\·clrome i · ext~nded to all. The hoste:;sc.; SISTERHOOD MEETING for the tea are ~1 rs . Peter Johansen, The Junior sisterhood oi the ~nrth Mrs. F. Willi, ~fr:-.. E. Dick. Mrs . Shore Congregation Israel \\'ill hold a E. S. Laxman, Mrs. Howard Kornhlith, nweting Sunday at 2:30 u'clc)ck, at thr Mrs. Gustave E . Hos<:nau, ~~ rs. ~ . temple, which is situated at \·ernon and Rullard, Mrs. Elmer Schaft.·r, ~r r:; . Lincoln .aYetHtes, Glencot:. The rc.gular Rernice Ozmun, ~f rs . Paul .\c\rY. ~1 r .; . \\'ork \nil he continued and a pnw·ram Edward Brion, and Miss I. .Kt.·e.hu . ~"> will he givm. . At the morning meetin l!, which will he an open one. Frederick C. Clerk. superintendent of New Trier Hi ~h school. will talk at 10 :30 o'clock on tl,e subject of "Svstem.; of Education in Europe ." ~f r . . Clerk spe nt a number of months · in Europe recently stll(h·ing- the school sys t ms. so is well flualilic<l to talk on his subject . ~1r . Clerk is an important memhcr of the prngram in that all \Vilmett e citizeqs take great pride in their Township High school. Since his ·appointment at !\;e'"' Trier some six or eight ye:lrs a(Yo the superintendent has mad e his in stitution outstanding among secondary schools. Visitors from all parts nf the Cnited States come to studv its organization and operation. ln -£act, the school is said to be considered the finest public high ~c hool in the Middle \Yest. It is turning out a superior t\'))e of student who is taking a place of leadership in all the univer sit ie s, and a place of prominence in busines s anrl socieh·. 1 \ t .12 o'clock Mrs. H . J. Der nehl. a tP I' Illher of the \\'oman's club, and ch-·irman of the Wilmette Girl Scout ~1·)\"Cillent, \\'ill di scuss the "\\' ilmette Girl Scout Committee," and th e aims and nrinciplrs of Girl Scouting. as well as plan~ for girl building-of love. loyalty, and hone:.;ty. and of the work in general of the organization. l.und1enn wi11 br sen·ed at 1 o'clock. The music program wilt he presentc' d at 2 o'clock by Mrs. C. H. Ternber!!, violinist. . · The main speaker of the aft('rJHh"~ll \\'ill he R. C. Rolvaag, prominent American author, \\'ho will talk on the suhject of "The Vikings of the ~fiddle \·Ve st." :\of r. R oh-aag. it wilt. he remcm herecl. is the author of "Giants in ·thf' F~rth.' ' "Peder Victorious," ancl other..;, \qth a new book to come out thi s ve1r ~r r. Ro1vaag \\'rites of the carh· Sciwdinavian se ttlers in the northwestern part of the L'nited States. Explain Part in Nursery . · School Work at Luncheon ~f rs . Herman Fahry of Evanston was ho: tess to a group of mothers of the .:\ational Kindergarten and Elementary Colleg-e children's school at her home on Monday. This was a better acquaintance lunch. eon. in two ways. It gave an opportmllt.v to know each other better ancl to better understand the work of the college at Hull House in the Mary Crane 1'\ursery school. Miss Nina Kenagy, director of th~ 1f ary Crane Nursery school, discussed the needs of the school. Miss Chra Belle Baker and Mrs. Florence S. Capron of the College faculty told of the aims of the Mary Crane Nursery School league which is an Evanston ?nd. IH?rth shore organization cooperat111'~ wtth the cotlege in the supp9rt of thts Nurserv school which contributes largely to ·the welfare of families in the Hull House district. Mrs. Edward Timmerman, Mrs. Mrs. James Grantham, and Mrs. Samuel Pryce assisted Mrs. Fabry as hostesses on Monday. Noted Poet on Program Zet;t Phi Eta alumnae chapter ancl the acti,·e chapter at the '\'ortlnre ~· tcrn uni,·crsity school of speech will sponsor the appearance of Edna St. Vinc~nt 'Milia\· on \:\'ednesday evening-. 1· ehruar_ \" 12, at the Haven school in Evanston. ~fis . Millay. America's foremost woman poet. author of "The l'ing-'s Henchman" and "The Birch in the Snow," is a superb reader of her own poems and to secure her is an e\·ent. Ex-Service Group Notes The committee on friendly cooner:1tion with the ex-service men of the \Voman's cluh of Wilmette held its regular month1)· meeting last ~1 onday with ~f rs. S. F. Moist, 110-t Sheridan road. Monday, Novemher 18. the committee wilt have a little party for the men in their unit, 31 E. and hang the new curtains which ha\·c heen made during the summer.