November 15, 1929 . WILMETTE ~,emp~ j,',habitais cette chambre," from VOICe LIFE Edward Johnson in superb Performance · A r IIS · I R "I / tn · ect a By ·Rutheda L. Pretzel Edward Johnson gave a superb performance for patrons of the \Vinnetka Music club Artist-Recital series last Monday evening at New Trier High · school. Few opera stars have the "fed" of the concert stage so well as Mr. Johnson. If we thought him a great artist in opera, we must acclaim him an even greater artist· in concert. He is as much at home on the recital platform as in a drawing room, and he gives out the same effect of intimacy as if he were singing for a group of friends at a time when the spirit caught hold of him and lifted him on wing~ of ecstatic music. The audience was with Mr. Johnson the moment he stepped in front of the grand piano, for everyone instantly lihd the distinguished gentleman who gave out an air of being such good friends with everybody. His program was an ,tdmirahle one, full of variety of mood and color, yet never cheapened by till' hearts-and-flowers type of song some singers think they must include to "p)ay down" to an audience. \Vhcrdorc one person, at least, is extremely grateful. It \vould seem that Mr. J ohn!->on has every requirement for the great artist- thc musicianship, voice and vocal technique t_o sing ~ny song cffectiv~ly, coupled wtth an mnnensely charmmg personality. He has no mannerisms that clctract, but a delightful way of twirling his hand and turning smilingly to\\'ards his accompanist at the conclusion of a :-;ong. from "La Boheme"; and "Depuis long- pouring itself out in tones of' pure gold .. There were the quiet, sustained melodtes of a Dorset folk song, "Linden Lea," ·and Novello's beautiful "A Page's Road Song," which hl' sang with smoothness and grace.. In more subdued mood he offrrl'cl a poetic interpretation of two Debussy songs, "Les Cloches," and "Green," and contrasted them with the tragic mood of Rachmaninoff's "Un Fragment d' A 1f red de Mussct. " There was .. the.. dramat!c. i ull yoice quality in Pen s Invocatwn to Orpheus," and th.en as a reque:-t hl' sang "V L'sti Ia G1t1bha" from "fl Pagliacco" in which he rose to amazing· heig-htr.;. \Vhether he sang with full voice or not. his tones were always rich and glorious. Mr. Johnson was Ye ry g<.·n~rc>us. givin~ as · many encores as the audience demanded. and when "A Piper." by Head. won ~spc~i;!IIY appr\1\·a.l. he . obliged by singing tt agam. An arttst o t the highest rank. Excellent Accompaniment th~ tmpassJOned fire of the lover his Lou~se, h~ had the romantic mood and FRENCH CHOCOLATE AND FRENCH VANILLA Full Ouart Briclc There Is a Hydrox Agency Near Your Home Blair Xeale gan: 1Ir. Jnhn:-;otl e:-:cdlent accompaninwnh. playi11g ,,·ith ch.:an and agile tlngcr s. Hr gaw a g-roup of solos. a Bach B \fin(Jr Can>tte. Dehu. sy's '.'~foonlight." a Strauss-'1':1Usig "ValsL' Caprice." and an encnn:. ,. ~r a\· Xight." h~· Palmgr~n . He camr in fo-r \\'arm and rnthu:;iastic applause. ~Ls did ~fr . John . on. Htnrncr. this critic felt his sn l~1 . suffered hl'GlU~t· nf his prec~sion and htghly dt\'elopect finger techmqttl', the Yery points that make him so ,·aluable an . accompanist. - -·- -- - - TALK ON PREPAREDNESS :Maj or George R. Harbaugh t>f \Vilmettc spoke at the hmrheon of the \VilVoice of "Pure Gold" One would like to mention e,·ery stmg mettc Optimist club Tuesday oi this he sang, if only space permitted. In l\·eek. ~fajor Tlarhaug-h\ !'-tlhject was ·two opera arias, "Che Gelida ~Ianina," ·'Kationat · Defm sc." J NEW deluxe GOLDEN STAT·E liMITED TO CALIFORNIA Like a trip through l:gypt in an Alpine setting Confused Thinking goes with confused impressions of the senses. ·To Think clearly you must See _clearly. 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