32 WILMETTE LIFE November 29, 19.29 tUVNTAlN 5QVAR[ [VANSTQN Tailored Negligees of Smart Print Crepe $7.95 A business woman would adore to slip into one of these-at home or in a Pullman. Block-printed borders in rich, vivid colors effectively combined: some with dots in contrasting colors: some, again, printed all over. Al.m.ost any becoming color-including bnlltant reds, rose, blue, odd ·shades of green, beige, and combinations· of these. I .ord's-Second Floor new .,~ t Linen Luncheon Sets .... better--than-ordinary values And they're all bet , rE Second Floor. Ele tric dolls smile at you fro clever with their fi ge1 upon 1lundreds of . ew people to serve y~~! $4.95 Smooth crash and silky damask-in solid colors, plain or patterned. 54-inch clothssix napkins. Green, gold, blue and orchid . A little purchase that we were glad to get for you. just at gift-buying time. L ord' sFirst fl oor PR Little Girls' Sweaters $3.50 ~J'hat's thr sort of gift a mother won't mind having duplicated. We suggest these because they're inexpensive .. ~ and don't look it. Horizontal stripes, small figures in contrast ing colors and stitches, girdle stripes, and plain colors with big blnck patterns. A wide Yaricty of designs at this one low price. I ord · ~ ( ' hi!dr,·r!·~ SJ'np..:__Srco nd Floor \Ve require hvo con1petent women to sell in our Book Department .. . .} ~