March 29, 1929 WILMETTE ·. LIFE 9 Horsefeathers! .~.4nd They're Champs ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart, 206 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, with their three daughters, Charlotte, Marion, and Elizabeth left last Saturday for Ashe~ll~ N. Q to spend a week They are staying at the Biltmore Country club and will pass . their time playing golf and tennis. FINAL GYM CLASSES The last meeting of the women'5 gymnasium class at Stolp gymnasium on Tuesday evenings was held last week. The two women's classes at the Howard gymnasium on Tuesday and Thursday evenings have been extended to May 1. LANDSCAPE YOUR HOME Let us indicate to you what can be done to beautify your grounds. For your awn we have Creeping Bent, Blue Grass, ' vergreen and Shady Spot mixtures; also· reeping Bent Stolens. How us to call and furnish skttcb show' ing how a few trees. shrubs and seeds , : plus our experience and skill can beautify ?~ your grounds. L. J. TBALNAMM ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPING Lawn Rejuvenating- Tree Surgery- Maintenance- Gardening PHOTO BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER 23 I I LAKE AVE. WILMETTE PHONE WILMETTE 561 Here we have none other than Wilmette's champion Woman'·3 basketball aggregation, entitled "Horsefeathers." They annexed the title in the final · rounds of the Woman's cage league 3ponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. Reading from left to right: Rosaline Mills, Gladys F eh len, Peggy Betts, Elizabeth Nelson, Alma Jones , Roberta M uther, Betty Ryerson, and Gertrude Koerper. 1 VICE-GOVERNOR OF CLASS Miss Phebe Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth has been chosen .. vice-governor of her class this year at the Art institute. This is the first year that the class has had any -organization. It held what it tt:rmed an "election riot" in the form of a dance one evening last week and decided upon the officers. Miss Jane E. Owen has returned from Whiting Hall, Knox college, where she is a junior, to spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel F. Owen, 725 Green wood avenue. -o- Fine Silk Crepe de Chine UNDERWEAR Extraordinary Values are in this special showIng of crepe de chine chemis~s, step-in panties and bloomers. Mrs. Merritt H. Dement, 337 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, entertained several of her friends at luncheon and bridge Wednesday. ----------------- BIG REMODELING SHOE SALE NOW GOING . ON Our entire stock of high grade shoes for men, women and children including our. Easter shipments now being sacrificed during our remodeling sale. If you want good shoes at a very low price this is your opportunity. Priced $2.25 and $3.50 Gowns at $3.95 and $5.00 ·Extra Special One lot of Kayser Silk Gloves, discontinued numbers. Values to $2.00. It will pay you to stock up for your future needs at these prices. Bring the entire family. Sale Price $1.19 SCHREIBER'S SBOE SBOP 801 RIDGE ROAD, WILMETTE OPEN EVERY EVENING Worthen~ Carrico 1148 WILMETTE AVE. - Co. - PH. 588-589 iiillllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllttllllllilllllllltiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIiC