Prmul Fllthers atul Ambitious Sons Dine, Visit Together , They get together at New Trier High school, the occasion being the annu at banquet given by the Tri-Ship club of the school. Father and Son toasts were given by John Hick~ of Kenilworth and his son, Hunter Hick s, who is quarterback r11 the football team. The banquet marked the for~al opening of the new Tri-Ship clubroom in the Leslie F . Gates gymnasium. Or. \Villiam McGovern of the political science department of Northwestern Umverstty was a ·s peaker, tallcing on "To Lhas~a in Disguise." After the banquet the boy" anrl " Dads" visited in the clubroom. (Photo by Staff Photographer) Miu Ethel Wray WiD D---, 1 · oeanue ay F' h I . W nued h f miss ~t e 1 .o1s ray, aug ter o llr. and Mrs. James G. Wray, of Glen ... Ami', May JJ , to Stanley D. Grace, son coe, will be married on Saturday eve- 8 ·..J_ M "11 -~ of ~[rs. 1 John H . Grace oi Oak Park _ . will take place at the bride'_ home. Owing to the recent rleath of "Miss ~lis~ \Vra v \\·ill have as her only ' \'. . e:::ran d mot h er, 'f h n.d e ma1'd , -h er Sister, . 'I . Cl ara v rays :" rs. F . [.. \\"1 1.~ Iss . 1 ' . . . . · 1tam~. _the wedrlmg v-..dl he ve r y q~tet, Grace. \Vray: Her small_ mece and , and ":'11. be onlY_ attend:d by relatwes t"_"'o n1ece.s or the groom will be Aower and mttmate fnend s. fhe ceremony . grrl", while a nephew of ~fr. Grace wi!l act a s pa_ g e. Do~ald Kynaston oi Mtlwaukee wtll sene ~fr. Grace a I best Th man. b 'd d . k h . e rt e an groom wt 11 rna e t e1r home temporarily in Oak Park. I The Wray family lived in Wilmett e for many years. ·