42 WILMETTE LIFE April 26. 1929 Ttltpbont fo~ Your Book· Wilmette J700 A Miscellaneous List of BOOKS Dr. Artz Robert H ichens Cosmopolitan .......... $2.50 Mid-Channel · Ludwig Lewiaohn Harper f1 Brothers ....... S 3. 5o The Outermost House Henry Be&ton Doubleday, Doran ....... SJ.oo Selected Poems Aline Kilmer .Doubleday, Doran ·...... $ 1. 5o The Burning Fountain Eleanor Carroll Chilton John Day ............. $2.50 Letters of the Empress Frederick Edited by The Rt. Hon. Sir Frtderick Ponsonby. G. C. B.-G. C. V. 0. Macmillan ............. $8.50 Skippy Percy Crosby Putnam ............... $2.50 and her rescue by Pierre, Pierre's fight with Cleve, his dismissal from the camp, and his triumphant return. Peggy Truman is one of the breeziest, most lovable of heroines and the story The following are some of the new up of progress i~ various fields-medi- is as refreshing as the clea~, crisp air books published by the Century Co. : cine, psychology, music, the movies, as of the woods in which the scenes are THE BUFFER. By Alice Hegan Rice. well as literature. There is an amus- laid. THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP SEA. ing discussion of the N uvvle and the By Elizabeth Jordan. Novel. The Nuvyle delighted. Mr. Those interested in poetry or the THE HOHENZOLLERNS. By Herb- Ford's grand-aunt Eliza, who made the . evolution of modern poetry will find ert Eulenberg. famous saying: "Sooner than be idle the following books of verse interTHE · BRAND OF THE SEA. By I'd take a book to read." The Nuvvle esting: Knud Andersen. is produced. mainly by people "intent THE CRY OF TIME. By Hazel Hall. I DISCOVER GREECE. By' Harry on proving they are gentlemen or on New York. E. P. Dutton and Co. A. Franck. tmproving the ungentle world." The WILD GARDEN. By Bliss Carmen. THE LAST HOME OF MYSTERY. Nuvvlist has little of the detachmen,t Dodd, Mead, and Co. By E. Alexander Powell. and aloofness of the NoveJio3t, who knows "that the story is the thing, and THIS MAN'S ARMY. ] ohn Allen Wyeth. Harold Vinal. THE PATHWAY. By Henry Wil- the story, and that there is then the THE GOLDEN ROOM. By Wilfred story, and nothing else that matters in liamson. E. P. Dutton and Co. Gibson. The Macmiltan Co. the world." The book is rambling, This i·.; a novel of the English coun- but it rambles in the right direction, HOBNAILS in EDEN. By Robert tryside, breathing in every chapter that and Haven Schauffler. Dodd, Mead, and nobody minds "collecting a few love of the ploughland and down, of burrs by the way." Co. thorntrees anc' plovers and meadowNOAH'S DOVE. By Laura Benet. mice, that is ~.-~anted so deep in the Doubleday, Doran, and Co. Richard Halliburton, the youthful Englishman. Mr. \Villiamson shows Poetry will take the field as the glimpses of a Paradise · that might be author of two be3t selling travel books,_ subject of intercollegiate rivalry when "The Royal Road to Romance" and if only men would follow nature. His representatives of · Williams, . Amhero, Maddi·son, has made his own in- the Glorious Adventure," r~cently re- herst, \Nesleyan, Vassar, and Mount turned from ten months spent in Centerpretation of the me ssage of the Holyoke meet in Middletown on May Truth, which he helieves to have been tral and South America, adventuring 11, to offer original composition3 in along the trails of Cortez, Balboa, and manifested in Christ; sin is artificial; verse. if we \\'Ould he natural all would be Pizarro. He is now on one of his The contest is sponsored by Mount well. There is no place in England extremely popular lecture tours. He Holyoke, and a prize of $100 ha3 been visited all the Latin-American counfor Maddison, who believes that the Church has lost all the truth in its tries, climbed the great volcanoes, donated for the best poem. Each competing college will have s ~· mhoh through sheer stupidity, that Popocatepetl and Orizaba in Mexico. the Virgin birth of Christ must be at- In Peru he climbed the Andes. At one contestant, chosen from the underThe compositions, tained by every soul, and most import- Buenos Aires he bought a monkey graduate body. ant of all, that one must follow nature and a hand -organ and earned his way either single or collected poems, must always. For its beauty and its piercing 2,000 mile·3 overland to Rio de Janeiro. be read, not less than nine or more ideas this is a book to be read by all Before leaving he tried to return the than fifteen minutes being alloted to monkey to the jungle but the little the reading. means. fellow followed him back to the city CCTHE FRENCH FRANC, 1914-1928. THE ENGLISH NOVEL. By Ford and Halliburton was forced to take the monkey with him. On the voyage By Eleanor Lansing Dulles. MacmilMaddox Ford. Lippincott. tH?rth the monkey died of cold and it, This t'3 the first volume of the "One wtth the hand-organ, was buried at sea. lan. The erratic career of the French Hour Series," which is to be a summing He will tell about many other adyenfranc is recounted in a new and ~ur.es he had in his new book now being authoritative study by Miss Dulles, wnttcn. who describes the difficulties that were involved in supporting the franc durPETER GOOD FOR NOTHING. ing the war, the reparation struggle, the Ruhr ip its bearing on the franc, By Darragh Aldrich. Macmillan. . To Pet~r Harrington's logging camp the political conflicts within France, the wild speculative attacks of 1914, 111 the Mtnnesota woods comes Pierre Bonarien, a French-Canadian woods- the panic of 1926, and the final act of stabilization in 1928, and she anman who is a natural leader and a alyzes all this factual material in the most likable fellow. Why does he call light of recent developments tn monehimself "Peter Good for Nothing" and tary theory. why is Cleve, the nephew of the l~mber king, so determined to run him out of camp? The incidents of Peggy Tru- CHRISTIAN · SCIENCE SUBJECT man's winter at the camp make an "Probation After Death" will be the exciting story-Cleve'·3 strange man- subject at the services in the First agement of the company store his un- Church of Christ. Scientist, in Wilmette fair treatment of the cam'p crew, Sunday morning, April 28, at 11 o'clock. Peggy's disappearance into the woods Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. Comment on Current Books· Eves that have The Gardener's Colour Book Mr1. France· King and John Fothergill Knopf ..·......·...... SJ.oo "IT" The Three Couriers A Tale of Secret Service in the Balkans. Compton Mackenzie Doubleday, Doran ....... $2.00 "IT" . . . that subtle something which attracts others . . . usually lies in the eyes. Don't be discouraged if your own eyes ar~ dull, lifeless and unattractive. A few drops of harmless Murine will brighten them up and cause them to radiate .,IT." Thousands upon thousands of clever women use Murine daily and thus keep their eyes always clear, bright and alluring. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs but 6oc. Try it! . . You Can't Print That George Seldea Payson 8 Clarke. Ltd...... $4.00 BOOKS J u·t I n·ide th1 Welt Davi· Street Entrance l/RIJVL f.ORyouR EYEs