WILMETTE LIFE May 3,. 1929 Comment on Current Bpoks HAND BOOK OF GREEK MYTHOLOGY. By H. J. Rose. E. P. Dutton and Co. Mr. Rose avoids giving merely a disjointed mass of detail by the rational grouping of his subject matter, and the brief summary of current interpre· · 1 d' h' · h' d' tat10ns, mc u mg JS own, m 1s 1scussions of the dieties and myths. The myths are taken up in what they may be called their chronological order: creation myths; the older gods, Heaven and Earth, Kronos and Rhea, and all the Titians and Giants. These are followed by the majestic figures of Zeus and his brothers, and the goddesses, referred to as the "Queen of Heaven," There follows ·a discussion of the younger gods, of the Saga, and the Marchen. The book is not only a useful survey of the gods and myths, but a guide .post to accepted methods of interpretation in a field which is still awaiting the psychologist. JOHNNY APPLESEED AND OTHER POEMS. By Vachel Lindsay. The MacMillan Company. The publisher's of this book list their selection of Vachel Lindsay's poems among their clas ics for children from ten to twelve, but it is really suitable for children of all ages. His presentation of his subjects whether fabulous or comical, i inten se ly real; he gives. the child pictures in three dimensions. His poems are full of the rush of buffalos stamp~ding, motors burning up the highways, cakewalks. riding about on dragons: the~· are bright with the sound and color of green festoons and red balloons, yellm\· grass, and orange trees that grow in sand as white as glass, ebnoy palaces inlaid with gold Telephone lot rout Boolu Wilmette J700 Cavender's ·House Edwin Arlington Robimon Macmillan Company ..... $:1.00 Death on Scurvy Street Ben Ames Williama Dutton ........... : . .. $:1.00 These Are My Jewels 1\ Modern Version L. B. Campbell Nonon ............... $2.00 Queen Louise of Prussia Ttanalated from the German by Ruth Putnam Putnam ............... $:1.50 Evolution of Art Ruth de Rochemont Macmillan ............. $6.oo The Heart of Hawthorne's Journals Edited by Newton Aruin Houghton, Mifflin ....... $J.oo The Art of Life From the Works of Haveleock Ellis Selected and arranged by Mt1. S. Herbert Houghton, Mifflin ....... $:1.00 Lord Peter Views the Body Payson wrben eye8 Does exposure to sun, wind and dust make your eyes bloodshot and cause a burning sensation? Then you should use Murine! A few drops of this harmless lotion speedily ends the burning feeling and soon clears up the bloodshot condition. Always apply Murine after motoring or outdoor sports to soothe and beautify your eyes. And also after sewing, reading or office work to relieve eye strain. Write the Murine Co., 9 E. Ohio St., Chicago, for free books on eye beauty and eye .care. Do rot by L. Say en ~ Clarke, Ltd . . . . . $:1.00 burn dissected their lives in a poem which becomes a profoundly honest and moving interpretation of American life. His Deep irony, broad tolerance and . and ivory and elephant bone. The vivid understanding of, the joys and beok- is profusely illustrated, though frustrations of average humans, atillustrations seem superflous for poems tain eternal significance through the vigor and swiftness of the verse and that are pi~tures in their own right. the originality and power of the narrative by which they are conveyed. E TH CONJURE WOMAN. By Charles W. Chestnutt. H~ughton, Mifflin. THE WAY THE WORLD IS GOING. By H. G. Wells. Doubleday, Doran, Mr. Chestnutt's volume is a collecand Co. tion of stories, strung upon a slender thread which are rich in negro folk The bulk of these articles may be lore, and in which the ancient uncle focur.;ed around three central luminous,. julius tells _ the s~ories. Uncle Julius points. New light is shed, ~rst ?n has a tale for every occasion, and \Veils' conception of art, parttculanly always with a hidden motive. Either the art of fiction; on his doubts conthrough circumstances or natural abili- cerning democracy; on his understan~t ty the Southern negro is one of the ing of civilization in England an m cleverest wranglers in the world, adept America · with special reference to the at all the arts of flattery, cajolery, and relations' between the two countries. entertainment that will help him to at- There are further developments of tain his own ends. This fact is admir- familiar and more general themes. ably brought out in all the tales that That man both ·soul and body, is !;till go to make up "The Conjure Woman," "in the n;aking." That our period is which justifies its title by the part an age of swift transition and life will playe,9 in plantation affairs by a mis- soon be verv different, if we allow any tress of all the tricks of witchcraft. more .insenate wars or preparations for The stories are told in excellent dia- them. We must seek peace and purlect, with all the natural flavor of the sue it. Wells' faith is now in the unspoiled speech of the negro. · younger generation, in those who up~ hold the Kuomintang, Fasdsm, or even OYNASTY. By Clarence Budington. the Soviets. Their causes may be wrong, their zeal is profoundly right, Kelland. Harpers. and it makes little difference if they This is a novel of stature, well-con- choose the wrong cause. There is no ceived, and strongly told. The hero doubt concerning Wells' sincerity. The of "Dynasty" is on Hyram Bond, a question is concerning its reception and giant leader in the world of com11.1erce. our will to take the long road. "We He cares nothing for profits to him- too live and pa! .;s," concludes \Veils, self, and only rarely d~s ..he yield to "reflecting for a mom~nt, and in the the lure of fame. His only desire is measure of our capacity, the light and to build higher, wider, ever more im- wonder of the eternal." · posing structures-and they are desires of the creative worker. The character of Hyram Bond is admirablv set forth. THE SNAKE PIT. By Sigrid Undset. He is a real man. He is th.e glorificaAlfred A. Knopf. tion of the g-reatest strategists in the The novel is essentially a saga in form: war of big business. We see the· prog-ress of commercial development ;n and treatment and is a narrative of the United States from the early eigh- events that in their vividness might teen eighties to the present day. have happened yesterday, told in a "Dynasty" is clear, persuasive econo- clear and fluent prose. It displays to mic history as well as a good narr_ ative. the full Sigrid Undset't.; powers, the There are chances for its b~ing a real first volume, with its sunshine and success. It has sropf', vigor, and di- adolescent love, fluent, easy scenes that rectness. It is impressive as a chronicle melt one into another, the wild youthful slaying, the banishment of Olav and of commerce rome of age. hi·.; return as a hard-bitten warrior; then the gray, ominous atmosphere of THE FATE OF THE JURY. . By tragedy that overhangs the re_ st of the Edgar Lee Masters. D. Appleton and series. It has the primar~ virtue of Company. teJJing a story well and absorbingly, Mr. Masters, whom critics have call- and it rings astoundingly true. Siged the "most modern of living poets," rid Undset has ·somehow recreated a has taken the seven jurors who sat <tt,rk epoch and · given us an under111 judgement in "Doomesday Book" and standing of it. As God Made Them Gamaliel Bradford Houghton, Mifflin ....... S3.50 The Fierce Dispute Helen H oouen Santmyer Houghton, . Mifflin ·...... $2.50 The Seven Torches of Character &uil King Doubltday, Doran ....... $:1.00 ORTH SHORE N LINE CLEAN r-oo amok~ soot or elnden ··· summer travelers prefer this all· electric route to Chicago or Mllwaakee. Electrification insures a clean, restful ride · · · · enhancaaa the alluring beautJ ol·the eountryalde. BOOKS lu.t lnaide th. Weat StrHt Entrtmce Dt~rJia