z WILMETTE LIFE May 10, 1929 20 Homes 20 Homes 20 Homes 20 Homes ZO Homes to I eYery SO homes in New Trier that subscribe for the "home ne\\'S--magazines" there ate onl\ 20 tl1at are not subscribers. I , FoR For st1cl1 LleciLled preference there are, of cot1rse, ,~ery good .reasons. And the sum of all tl1ese reasons n1ay be expressed in tl1e , statement tl1at· The ho1ne netrs . n1t.lgL1~ine is nn indispensable publication in ~rt?r:· trcll . re~ttlated Neiv Trier Home! In \\"'IL~1ETTE it's WILMETTE LIFE \\"'N ETKA TA~LK-\Vinnetka GLENCOE NE\\TS- Glencoe ..