60 WILMETTE LIFE May 10, 1929 Sports and Other Wilmet. a rd News te Recreation Bo. ,. Aero Club Members to Fly Plane in Chicago Tourney Coincident with the announcement of the fin~l meeting of the \\' ilmette Aero club, May 2J, is the announcement that three of the club members who have done outstanding work throughout the year have been chosen to represent the club in the All-Chicago Model Airplane tourney, which wiJI be held May 19 and May 26. The outdoor duration flights wi1t take place May 19 at Washington park and the indoor duration flights ~fay 26 at the 132nd Infantry Armory. Rockwell and :\f adison streets. Billy Mooney will fly his "~fystery Tractor" plane in alJ classes where it is eligible for competition, Jack Davis, who won the local duration flight contest for Wilmette, wi11 compete in the R. 0. G. division, and Harrison Storms will also place his R. 0. G. plane in the competition. All three boys have been regular attendants at the club meetings and have built their planes under the supervision of Kenneth Brubaker, Aero club instructor. Glen \V. Gathercoal of the \Vilmette Playground and Recreation board staff is director of the organization. throughout the year, were ordered by the school authorities yesterday. The pins . are a mark of distin. c tion since the posture tests, which are conducted under the personal supervision of Daniel M. Dayis, director of recreation, are rigid and anly children who can march for six or eight minutes. execute difficult commands in formal gymnastic work, and stand at ease correctly for several minutes. are entitled to wear it. The same routine is followed at each monthly examination of the pupils, except that the time limit ;s increased and the commands are more complicated, and students who are able to pass the tests must certainly be accustomed to maintaining correct posture outside of gymnasium classes. Pupils in the fifth. sixth, sc\·enth, and eighth grades are eligible for pins. father and mother," Mrs. emphasized particularly, adding that the work has certainly been made more pleasant since the beginning of the recreation work here. Some of· the results of the survey already receiYed at the national Recreation board office are being pub.l ished and have been sent to the local boa·rd. They furnish interesting data on the problem that has been met in other cities. ~ortham creant's Must Register Now . I o r Participation in Summer Leagues Onlv one week of registration is left, Danie-l ~f. Davis, director of recreation, is warning members of teams who wish to compete in summer athletic leagues conducted by the \Vilmette Playground and Recreation board. The registration time has been extended from ~fay 1 to May 15 and that date is the last day in which a team mav enroll in any league. Schedules wilt" be made out after May 15, and no teams will be admitted aft er they are published. .\ll summer activities start May 20 and will be continued for twelve or fourteen weeks. Eleven teams have already signed up for playground ball and twelve for horseshoes. Eight teams will compete in the women's playground leagu~ which also opens its season May 20. Teams already registered in IJiayground ball are: Terminal Athletic club, English Lutheran, Ridge Electric, Ridge Confectionery, Baptist Junior Athletic Club, ~~en's Gym clas", Schultz and Xord, Bleser Bowli!lg Academy, \Yilmette Ice, Presbyterian. Teams competing in the Horseshoe league will be: Terminal Athletic cluh, first and second teams; St. John's; I. 0. 0. F., first and second team ; Ridge Confectionery; Ridge Electric; Presbyterian and Congregational. The following teams have registered for the women's playground ball league: Horsefeathers, Roughnecks, Ponies, O'Kays, \Vildcats, Women's Gymnasium class, XYZ's and an AU Star team. All adult activities will be conducted on the Village Green this summer and the following schedule will be !n effect: Playground ball - Monday, Wednesday and Friday · evenings; horseshoes-Tuesday and Thursday evenings-aU men ; and playground ball for women, Tuesday evening. Oak Park Diamond Stars Whitewash New Trier 3 to 0 By Winslow Wright 1\ew Trier's baseball team encountered a setback Saturday morning at the Oak Park diamond when the west siders. hacked up by the fine hurling of Bernard, shoYed the Indian Hill nine into a 3 to 0 defeat. Although Thompson of New Trier pitched a fairly good game. allowing only seven hits and striking out nine, the boys \n·rcn 't behind him with the batting punch that wins ball games. For the first six innings both teams played airtight ball, making few errors although neither team did much with the stick when at the plate. At the start of the se,·enth inning the game gave the appearance of going into extra innings for up to that tirne each team had but three hits chalked to its credit and none of these had heen bunched into any one inning. But in the seventh things broke for Oak Park. for with a man on third Thompson balked before pitching to the Oak Park batter and this automatically sent a run home. " ' ith this run to pep them up, the home team smashed three more hits which resulted in a 3 to 0 victory. The lineup is as follows: NE\V TBIER AB Saxton, !':. ~. :l Borncamp, <'. 2 H. Thompson, c. f. =~ Russell, 1\ f. :3 \V. Thompson, p. 2 Smith, lb. ~ Paulson, 3b. ~ 1\Iunn, 2b. ~ R C. of C. Baseball Teams to Encounter Park Ridge Sunday The \Vilmctte Chamber of Commerce baseball aggregation. led by "Doc" Renno;t~ ~ . manager, will invade Park Ridge Sunday afternoon with a strong front, to open the season. The game will start at 3 o'clock. The boys, who are playing together for the fourth straight year, expect to begin the season with a victory. but it will mean some tall hustling as the home team will present a strong lineup. Added strength to our outfit in the person of Bat Robinson, catcher, formerly with the University of Illi nois and Chicago Blues, has made the outlook for a successful season appear rather bright. The 1929 outfit will have to win eighty percent of the games to match a season's record of 19 won and 6 lost, established last year. There will be a couple of changes in the \Vilmette box-score. Besides Robinson behind the bat, "Mony" Rudolph ·will be in at shortstop. He "'·as formerly with Glencoe. The team will meet at the Howard pla~·2TOund at I :30 Sunday afternoon and rooters are invited to accompany them on the trip to Park Ridge. The local opener will probably be staged . Sunday, May 19. Rus Bergherm Now Looms as Purple Tennis Regular Russell Bergherm. star center on the basketabll team and fullback on the football team, is making a name for himself as a regular on North\\'estern university's tennis team, thereiH· marking himself as one of the most versatile athletes in college circles. · Many college athletes have · won honors as three soort men but their activities are usualiy confined to football, basketba11 1 baseball, or track. Seldom has the fullback on the grid eleven essayed as a star on the tennis team. But Bcrgherm has bridged the gap between · the two highly unrelated sports and has starred in both. Recently two picked grid teams staged the annual spring practice game on the same day that the tennis team played Michigan. Bergherm participated in the latter ~nd then hurried out to don his football togs and take part in the football contest. Coach Dick Hanley plans to use Bergherm as first string full back next fall and from the wav he went in spring practice he should make a highly creditable showing. He is 6 feet 2 inches taJJ and weighs around 175 pounds. His speed, shiftiness and ability to pass makes up for his lack of weight. It is these same qualities that stand him is ~ood stead as a tennis player. In the recent dual meet against th~ University of Chicago's strong team which has George Lott as its big threat. Bergherm was the onlv Northwestern player to win his ma-tch. Bergherm hails from BiiJings, Mont.. where has was a star player on all the athletic teams of his high school. He was a member of the Billings team which won the state basketbatJ rhampion hip and which participated in Stagg's National meet in Chicago. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 H p 1 7 1 1 1 5 0 \VoJter·, I. f. 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 A 0 3 0 ~ 2 0 0 2 30 Boys Are Candidates for Wilmette Track Team Candidates for the grade school to ·thirty boys, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announces. The three \Vilmette teams, peewees, heavyweights, and lightweights, will meet the Evanston and Kenilworth teams at the annual Xorth Shore Grammar School Track meet May 18 at Dyche stadium, Evanston. The entrants for the various events in each class will be determined early in the week and the track squad announced later. 0 track teams have been narrowed down 8 Recreation Work Cuts . Juvenile Delinquency " ~f y work with delinquent children has been cut more than in half since the Wilmette Playground and Recrea·tion board has been organized in the village to take care of the after school hours of the children. I cannot praise too highly the work that is being done nor overestimate its value in helping me solve the problems of juvenile misdemeanors. I think it ~ is the most constructive organization in the village." The above statement was made by Mrs. Lillian D. Northam, truant officer and social service worker, in answer to a query concerning the value of organized recreation in the matter of juvenile delinquency, and wilt be sent to the New York office of the Playground and Recreation Board of America as a part of a survey being conducted by that body. "My cases now hardly come under the head of juvenile delinquency and certainly not under the heading of crime and viciousness. I haven't had a single lase in the last three years that had to be taken to the Juvenite court in Chicago. Practically one hundred percent of them are mischievous pranks, outgrowing from too much and misdirected energy. Not many of them have had to have more strenuous treatment than one call on the mis- OAK PARK Fuller, r. f . Vaillancourt, Lovett, 3b. Huskey, c. Taylor, I. f. Rubin, s. 1-1. Cronwell, 2b. Johnson, lb. Bernard, p. Kelly, s. ~- (', f. 24 .-\B 2 a .., 1 3 4 H 18 p 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 A 0 0 4 7 2 :~ 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 3 0 ·o 1 1 24 3 7 21 9 Walks: 2 by Thomp n, 0 by Bernard. Left on bal'e · New Trier, 5; Oak Park 4 Wild pitch : Thomp~on. ' · Two base hits: \V. Thompson, Vaillancourt. The Wilmette Playground and Balk : Thompson. Recreation board· closed its third year E~rors: Rubin, Borncamp, Smith. Hit~ off Thompson, 7; off Bernard, 4. of activity on May 1 and, according to Stnke outs: Thompson, 9 ; Bernard, 6. Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, Playground . Board Ends Third Year of Activity 35 7 School Children to Receive Posture Awards Posture pins for 357 Wilmette public school children, signifying that they have passed successfully monthly examinations and maintained correct walking, standing, and · sitting positions the year has 'seen the attendance at the board's activities greatly exceed that of last year. The annual report of the organization is being prepared The Suburban League Boys' council and full data on the year's work will of which New Trier High school is ~ be ready for publication soon, Mr. !llember, met at the Central Y. M. C. A. Davis added. m Chicago last Saturday and elected Frank Lounsburg of Oak Park presiVolleyball Teams Play dent. Curtis Shockey of Proviso High school was chosen secretary-treasurer. for Championship Monday The vice-president will be elected from The Roughnecks and Horsefeathers, the junior representatives in the or- women's volleyball teams, will play the ganization next - fall. Alan Hoagland championship game of the Playground of Winnetka is the retiring president. and Recreation board's league Monday It was decided to hold the annual Sub- evening at the Howard gymnasium. urban league conference and dinner The teams were supposed to have at Morton High school in Cicero next played last Monday but the gymnasium year. was not available. Suburban League Council Elects 1929-30 Officers